Sour yogurt

"Smoking away her sorrow, isn't it? When you know that you're the one responsible for what she has become, are you aware of that? You taught her how to live a bad life and now you–

"Get away from me! I hate you and I wish you weren't my father! Let me do what I want!" Stacey shouted.

"It's alright dear, don't listen to your father, he is a useless man and he only cared about himself and nothing else but am right here, okay?" Kimberly consoled her.

Nodding her head, Stacey sniffed her nose and said, "okay"

Placing his hands on his hips, Dave widen his eyes and mouth in shock when he heard what Kimberly said.


Derek's apartment

"Leave my son's house you harlot! Get out!" Jasmine dragged Miranda down the stairs along with her luggage.

"Aaaah! Mom please, please, don't kick me out" Miranda cried.

Pushing her to the door, Miranda fell down flat, jasmine tossed her luggage towards her.

Vigorously pointing a finger at her, jasmine shouted, "leave my son alone, there's no way on earth am going to watch my son get married to a retired prostitute like you! Or you think you can fool me? You're dating my son for his fame and wealth! You want to lavish his money and run away, huh? So that you can cling to another, isn't it? You cheap whore! Get out!"

Crawling on her knees, Miranda rubbed her hands together, begging jasmine for mercy with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mom I swear to God, am now a changed person, am no longer the prostitute you specify me to be. Am not dating Derek for his money" placing her hands on her chest, she added, "I....I truly love Derek with the whole of my heart and I promise to be a good wife to him–

Poking five fingers at her, gesturing Miranda to keep quiet, jasmine shouted, "Hey! Don't you dare call yourself my son's wife! You two are not yet married and I don't know when or how he engaged you to be his fiancee but all I know is that you're not going to marry my son Derek! There's no way am going to be a mother in-law to an harlot"

"Oh God, Mom please believe me, am no longer a sex worker, am now a new and changed person, please believe–  aaaah! Aaaah! Aaaah! Miranda shouted when jasmine pounced on her and started beating her up.

"You still have the guts to say you're a changed person? Who cares about new personality? Who?"

"Aaaah! My head! My face! Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Am gonna collapse!" Miranda shouted.

"Yes collapse that's what I want so that you can leave my son alone! Infact die, I think there's still enough space for you in the cemetery and montuary."


Amber's apartment


"Mom? The soup is ready" Diego said while stirring the pot of chicken soup.

"Is it? Ingrid dashed into the kitchen. Taking the stirring spoon from Diego, she added, "are you sure it's ready?"

Crossing his hands in his front, Diego chuckled, "you can have a try of my delicious soup and tell me if it's sweet or not"

"Hmm, hope so, you are not a perfect Chef so how sure are you–  taking a sip from the spoon of chicken soup, Ingrid gave Diego an awkward look.

Grinning from ear to ear, Diego inquired, "so how is it? Cool, right?"

"Eww, it's tastes like sour yogurt without taste"