Two criminals

"Why are you heartless? Tell me what has my mom got to do with you that you went to fight her?"

"Shut up and stop opening your filthy mouth to talk back at me, you sewage dump, you left over refuge bin!" Ivonne shouted.

Vigorously pointing a finger at Ivonne, Gavin warns her, "Mom you better–

"And you keep quiet, I can see that you're no longer in your right sense because s–

"Mom stop it and get out!" Gavin shouted angrily. "What's your problem? Why can't you just let everyone have peace of mind? What's your main problem? The other day you almost kill my woman and now you're attacking her family? What's your main problem? Huh?"

"Gavin are you raising your voice at me? Like seriously are you shouting at me? Because of this condemned element?"

"Am not a condemned element and infact– turning towards Gavin, she added, "Amor am tired, I can't take all this sarcastic gobbledegook, your mom has started attacking my family and I don't want you to start having issues with your Mom just because of me so I think it's high time I leave, so I won't die of oppression" barging out of the garden.

Grabbing her hand, Gavin pulled her back, "were are you going?"

"Am l–

"You are not leaving this mansion and if there's anyone who is leaving, it has to be my mother, you get that?"

Trying to pull her hand away from his grip but he still held her hand firm. "Amor let me go, am tired of all these daily drama, I want peace, I–

"Amber! Now you're gonna listen to me when I speak, when I say you're going nowhere, I mean you're going nowhere and it's final!" Gavin shouted.

"Amor I don't want to be an obstacle between you and your mom, she's your mom and you have to follow her instr–

"Good thing you're here" Ivonne smirk her lips when she saw Stacey walked in. "So where are your luggages and boxes?"

"They are inside the car" turning towards Gavin who was fuming in anger, she curled her lips upwards, "Hi Gavin, aren't you happy to see me here?"

Frowning deeper and deeper, Gavin narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeths, "What do you want? Didn't I warned you to stay out of my territory?"

"Hey calm down, am a peaceful lady and you're gonna like me gradually by gradually"

"Who care about you? Do I have business with you? You better take yourself outta my compound before I throw you out myself"

Placing her hand on Stacey's shoulder, Ivonne chuckled, "Gavin this is your new girlfriend and I guess you're not seeing her for the first time, right?"

Tears rolling down her cheeks, Amber sniffed and try to walk away but Gavin tightened his grip around her hand.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed some numbers, "Rhett, please send some drillers to my mansion, there are two criminals who broke into my mansion. Yes, yes please make it snappy and one more thing, can you help me bring Diego and Mrs Carlos over to my place? Okay thanks, yeah"

Widening her eyes in shock, Ivonne gasped, "Gavin who are the criminals? Who broke into your mansion? And why did you ask Rhett to bring those rachet people into your mansion?"

Shoving the phone into his pocket, "don't worry you'll get to know very soon and not just you alone but also this smelling monkey by your side" Gavin smirk.