The whip

"Dad I didn't rape anyone, I didn't do it, why don't you still get it? Am not a bad guy neither am I notorious, you guys should please let me be" Jaxon shouted and annoyingly walked towards the stairs.

Pulling him back, Bradley landed a hot slap on his face. "You think because you're my son then you can go out there to take advantage of someone else's daughter? Huh?"

Holding his face firmly, Jaxon shouted, "who are you to slap me? Because you're my father you think you can lay your filthy hands on me? How dare you slap me you 53 year old Gump!"

Obstructing his way, Sara stood at jaxon's front when she saw Bradley unbuckling his belt, ready to hit Jaxon.

"Were you actually talking to me? Are you the type of son who fights with his father? Are you the type of son who measure heights with his father? Huh?" Bradley shouted angrily.

Stepping backwards, "Dad don't hit me with that, am no longer 5" Jaxon murmured.

"Bradley please let him be, he said he's not responsible for that lady's pregnancy so why are you still accusing him of a crime he never committed?" Sara said.

"Now if you don't shut up, you're gonna be the first person I'll hit. Am not goin to watch– pointing at Jaxon who was still hiding behind Sara, he added, "this wayward 27 year old man put my name in danger" Bradley shouted.

"Bradley my son is not wayward, he is n–  Bradley, Bradley, stop, he's not a baby, don't hit him!" Sara shouted when Bradley attacked Jaxon who was now roaming round the couches.

"Dad, dad, dad let me be, let me be, am warning you, I don't want to attack you before someone will say I killed an old man" Jaxon shouted, still roaming around in the sitting room.

Trying to whip him but he keeps dodging the belts. "You want to fight me, huh? Jaxon so you've started measuring heights with me, isn't it? You want to attack me" Bradley shouted.

"Bradley please stop all this madness, are you goin–  aaaaaaaaaaaah! Sara screamed when Bradley gave her a whipped of the belt.

"Now when I say quiet you'll keep quiet!" Bradley shouted.

"Dad how dare you hit my mother? How dar–  oh shit! What the hell!" Holding his back, Jaxon winced when Bradley whipped him hard with the belt.

"You people think because am quiet, then you can turn my name and family into a playground? Do you know how long it took me to establish a name for myself? Do you people know how long it took me to become who I am now? What I spent my youthful age to establish you people want to ruin it in minutes!" Bradley shouted.

"You hit me an–

Cutting Sara off, Bradley shouted, "And I'll hit you again and again and again and again and a thousand times if you still open your filthy mouth to talk" turning towards Jaxon who was still holding his back from the pain, he added, "and you, aren't you gonna fight with me? Won't you fight with your father?"