Brain stich

"Amor please let him go, he's gonna die!" Amber shouted but she couldn't help it because Elliot was holding her tight so she doesn't join the fight.

Tyson and Derek quickly phoned the police and area commands again, telling them to hasten up.

"Let him die, he doesn't deserve mercy, how dare him lay a finger on the soon to be 'Mrs Warren'?" Elliot shouted angrily.

Amber didn't realize what he was talking about, infact her mind wasn't on what he said. She was panicking and worrying about the tug of war going on in front of her.


Few minutes later the police arrived.

Handcuffing jaxon's hands behind his back, "keep quiet! Because you're a famous rapper doesn't gives you the right to sexually harass a pregnant woman and not just a pregnant woman but Mr Warren's wife!"

"What da fuck, damn she's not even married to him yet and you g–

"Shut up! Or else your words will be used against you in the court of law!" Another Police man said.

The police men took Jaxon into the police van and drove his car after the van.

When the police left, Gavin turned towards Amber and shouted. "Now let me see you sneak outta the house to bail anyone!"

"Damn that guy is so heartless, he almost raped my favorite rockstar even when she's pregnant? What type of guy is that?" Rhett said.

"Dude that guy has no heart" Elliot added.

"He's an alien" Tyson added.

"Amber I think you should get inside, you shouldn't be standing under the sun, it's not healthy for you and the babies" Derek said.

Vigorously nodding her head, "no it's alright, am fine" Amber replied.

"Just get inside is that too much to ask, Mrs Warren?" Gavin shouted.

"No am not going inside, I want to grab some fresh air"

Raising his eyebrows up, Gavin gasped, "oh you wanna grab some fresh air outside under the sun, huh? Or have your mood swings started again?"

Elliot, Rhett, Derek and Tyson burst into laughter at once.

"Gavin I don't have mood swings"

"Of course you do and infact you have hundreds of mood swings roaming inside of you. Now get inside"

"Gavin let me be, I don't feel like going in, I want to go out and take a chill pill"

"You want to go out so that another guy will come chasing after you? I won't allow that. I want you to get into the mansion now! There are Air Conditioners all over the place inside the mansion and if you're talking of going out, I can take you out later but right now get inside"

Crossing her hands in her front, Amber frowned grumpily. "No I'll not"

"Get inside and stop acting like a drama doll" Gavin carried her in his arms and walked towards the mansion.

"Gavin you're an idiot!"

"Yes am an idiot"

"Arrghh you're such an handsome chicken"

"Hmm not bad hey, I like it"


Collins's apartment

Tossing her blue purse on the couch, "where is she? Where's the bitch that got my son arrested? Where's–  clapping her hands when Ivonne walked down the stairs. "Good job Ivy, great job"

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick or something? Does my husband's house looks like a psychiatric hospital to you? You should help yourself to the therapist immediately before your brains stich"