I'm not scared of death

"I swear, I didn't flirt on him, he was the one who started drowning at me first."

"Oh wow, interesting, so Gavin started crushing on you and not me? Why? Why amber? Why did he liked you and not me? I went to his office months ago and he asked his nephew to kick me out! But why didn't he kicked you out? Huh?"

Rubbing her hands together, Amber cried, "I don't know, I seriously have no idea about that"

"You should have focused on your musical career thing but no, you decided to find troubles that are bigger than your belly! Why do–

"Hey stand still with your hands up" a loud voice from the black helicopter said.

Protecting her eyes from the helicopter's light. Stacey narrowed her eyes at Amber. "You called the police force, didn't you?"

Vigorously nodding her head, "no no I didn't, how will I do that when you took my phone"

"Shut up! You–

"No you shut up Stacey Batesville" Gavin said.

"Amber" Ingrid said hopefully.

Rodrigo, Diego, Collins, Ivonne, Rhett, Elliot, Tyson and Derek, dashed in alongside with some Police men.

"Put your weapon down now" a police officer said.

Letting out a mockery chuckle, Stacey grabbed Amber's hand, tightening her grip on her hand. "You people think am a fool or I am scared of death? Huh?"

"Stacey! Let my wife go now or else–

"Or else what? Huh? I thought you were dead! I shot you and watched you pass out but here you are, still standing strong and ranting!"

Frowning deeper and deeper, Gavin narrowed his eyes, "Stacey you thought I was dead, huh? You shote and took Amber away, didn't you? You–

"Enough!" Stacey shouted angrily, "I don't want to hear any other word from anybody!" Turning towards the police officers down ant the ones in the helicopter, she added, "Not even from Police! Or else am gonna throw her from the cliff and that'll be the end of her!"

Widening her eyes, Ingrid Vigorously shook her head, "no no please don't throw my daughter from the cliff. Please have a little pity for her condition, pleas–

"Shut up! I don't care about pity or sympathy!"

"Stacey!" Ivonne shouted angrily and vigorously warn her, "let her go now! Am not playing pranks so–

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up, loser!" Stacey shouted and let out a mockery laugh, "Oh you wanna save your ass now, huh?"

"Smelling monkey, let go of amber now or you're gonna be so dead!" Rhett shouted.

"I said shut up! Nobody speak when Stacey is still talking! Don't you guys get it?"

"For goodness sake please let my daughter go, if you have any issue or problem with the Warren's family, you can deal with that yourself but please first set my daughter free" Rodrigo said.

Vigorously nodding her head, "no! Hell no! She has to die with the pregnancy! She must die, not until she dies, my problem won't be solved!"

"Stacey! How does my wife connect to your problem, huh? She is innocent, can't you see?"

"Gavin! I was the one who should be on her post and not her! I should be the one married to you! I should be the one carrying your babies and not her! But she snatched my luck away from me!"

"Stacey I already told you that you can have him all by yourself, as long as you want but just let me go" Amber cried.