The knights were astounded and focused on Ivan taking notes. The gave the priest a letter they wrote and asked him to sent it to the captain of the holy knights. The priest left telling the caretakers that Ivan was just practicing his swordsmanship. The knights stayed and helped out around the orphanage bring food and teaching the children on there free time Ivan taught them some things and in return the knights taught Ivan about this new world.
" so in this world there Is something called (magic) most people are born with magic but you can get and raise your magical abilities by something called (trials) fire, earth, wind, water, holy, and darkness for fire you need to stay in temperature between 100m -200m . Earth you need to live in a forested area. wind you need to live in a windy place. Water you need to swim for half the day. Holy you need to skip two or more meals a day. Darkness you need to live in a dark area. I was hoping there would be a healing magic and I was sorta right holy magic is the power to use the gods power which has a healing skill and which is good because I would be pretty pissed to die by bleeding out … again anyway it seems that the skills in my old world are sorta the same just a different name" Ivan thought while swinging his sword.
A couple weeks passed and the holy knights captain showed up at the orphanage " I got a letter from some knights helping at the orphanage saying there was a child of great skill " he doubted in his head walking up to the door and knocked " just a moment" one of the caretakers yelled, the captain stood outside kicking the dirt 2 minutes later the door opened "oh uh sir zenith what are you doing here" the caretaker said embarrassed for making a holy captain wait " uh yes I was sent a letter from two knights helping out here saying there was a child of great skill" the captain said awkwardly " ah the knights they have been very helpful, I think their in the back training with Ivan the child you were talking about" the caretaker said with a sigh of relief " Mmmm well I'll go see and get out of your hair" the captain said walking towards the back. The caretaker smiled and closed the door. When he got to the back he saw a knight and Ivan locking their swords they struggled for a couple of minutes then they shoved each other away Ivan took no time and combined to legendary skills "sword mirage" and "ionic thrust" and knocked the sword out of the knight's hand.
The captain had a uncontrollable smile from excitement for seeing a 15-year-old be so skilled " hey kid where you learn to fight like that" the captain came walking from the side of the building "well it is probably a bad idea to tell them where I actually learned from" Ivan thought " I think the name would be beginner's luck or born skill something like that" Ivan said sitting down " well I would usually ask more but I saw your skill, and I'm known for rewarding the skilled so what is one thing you want" the captain said getting some paper to write down his request "Mmmm one thing is there a school for teaching magic if so make sure it's a good one" Ivan said getting up and giving back the knight his sword and sat back down "Mmmm that's a good one here's the thing I can get you into one but its in the capital which is a three day walk on top of that its for nobles mostly and another thing its out for the next years best skilled students" he said tapping the Quill for on the paper "well you're a high rank so can't you give a good word" Ivan said twirling a piece of grass in his fingers " technically yes but that solves one out of the three what I can do is offer you a place in the barracks and job opportunities as a place to stay till the school starts again and a way to get paid and we'll teach the basics" the captain said pulling out another piece of paper writing on it a list of things to give to the guild that can fill its requirements " I guess that will do but what kinds of jobs" Ivan asked. "well a person of your skill is good for a lot of things but for now you'll help teach trainees till you get a proper education" the captain said still writing "well I guess that's better than nothing well we got a deal" Ivan said getting up to shake his hand.