In the abyss the things that bind and long it lasts, depends on the gods emotion or lust the chains can be broken if a god so chooses. A thousand years have passed sense Ivan was bound to the abyss his rage had a long time to fester. The chains stop time and leave the being in the state they were in when bound a thousand years was enough time for the other gods binds to break. " look everyone's here" the god of lustful love yelled and cheered "no not everyone our leader morphis is gone" the god of cation said worriedly " shut up he's here somewhere" the god of strength smacked the god of cation on the head
"everyone stop we forgot our names lets see lustful love your name will be seduce, strength fort and cation mellow, and I the god of smarts will be glace" she said looking at her newly named companions " hey look" she pointed at the darkness everyone gathered to look "their burn marks" " but what's strong enough to burn darkness" " I don't know but it looks like it leads somewhere" "lets follow it" they followed the burns for days " how long are we going to walked" seduce groaned " just suck it up there's something a head" fort said. They saw the chains of the abyss wrapped around someone "hey how thick are those chains and how many are there" mellow said "relax its probably morphis he was the strongest just help me remove the chain" fort said grabbing a chain " wait fort" glace yelled "what" fort yelled back " I don't think that's morphis just look around the body these body parts are human which was his favorite form" glace said scarred " mmmmm mine to" seduce said sexually liking her lips " stop that not in front of the bloody mess" mellow said looking away " are you trying to say that morphis the god of desires who can change his shape at will into any thing he wants was killed impossible" fort yelled " yes look at what happened do you remember morphis doing this to who he kills he leaves them whole not a bloody mess" glace trembled with fear " look I'll unchain this person while you guys stand afar and if he's dangerous we'll kill him simple" fort sighed trying to comfort glace. " fine" glace said
Fort stayed and the rest moved away fort started to unwarping the chains the area became hot and heavy sending fear through everyone because the abyss is cold place fort got half way unwarping the chains they exploded in flames launching fort to his friends. For the first time in ever the abyss was filled with light in the area Ivan stood in he resumed his carnage of morphis sending blood everywhere some splashed on glace's face which made her faint and the others throw up " who has this much rage to send blood this far" fort said in between breaths " this has to be at least 100 yards away" mellow said shaking " it's 1000 yards away" glace said waking up after seduce healed her "so we're staying away right" seduce said shaking "yes" they said in unison
They heard a roar like was the devil was burning alive demonic shrieks filled the darkness they looked at Ivan he was yelling at one of the abyss's guardians a giant in thick metal armor that looked like a wall of steel " well he's dead lets go before we get caught up" glace said getting up they rest got up and walked with her they heard the screeching in the distance " wait do you hear that" glace stopped and listened " it sounds like something is flying at us "glace was hesitant to look behind her "BOOM" the guardian crashed Infront of them it got up and opened it face plate reading a beam of fire but it was pointed behind them, they looked behind them and saw Ivan sprinting at them which scared them shitless seeing a man of black flames running at them they fell and wept that they we're going to die Ivan jumped over them and tackled the metal giant to the ground. They looked at him and saw him surrounded by molten metal " what do we call this new god" mellow asked scarred " the rageful one" glace said looking at the flames Infront of her everyone nodded in argument looking at the man who killed one of the strongest beings in the world.