Chapter 33: Observe

Aurelia in the harem? Or will she make mc her harem?


I'm back to posting!

Don't forget those power stones!


A wave of sadness reached all of us hearing this be spoken from the sole prince of Erebonia, Prince Eugent.

"Who would be brazen enough to attack the leading royalty of our empire?", Aurelia retorted, anger appearing in her eyes.

"It seems it was quite sudden too. The loss of Her Highness is tragic for us all.", Victor also responded as he shook his head.

"I can see why you called all of us here though. We are to act as added security for you, right, Your Highness?', Giliath asked looking at Prince Eugent.

"Indeed. That is partly why I have gathered you all today. The other reason is the bigger picture. We announced to the public my coronation will be held in two months' time. But regretfully thanks to this assassination attempt, Lord Father has pushed it up. It is set to happen before this week is over. That is why I am bringing my son with me. My wife would have also be accompanying us now, but alas...she ended up sacrificing her life to protect Olivert...", Prince Eugent spoke to us with a hint of sadness.

A wave of surprise reached our ears once more, hearing Prince Eugent announce his coronation is now happening sooner than later. Hearing that, I shifted my eyes toward Prince Olivert.

"Is that what you meant by you will become a Prince sooner than later?", I decided to ask him.

"Indeed it is. Father will likely announce me being the crown prince soon after he becomes Erebonia's new emperor. It is also not known to many, but father now has a second son and a first daughter as well. I am curious to meet my new mother-in-law and siblings.", Prince Olivert said, giving me a smile.

"You really shouldn't tell someone you just met confidential details like that, Your Highness.", A third voice said to the figure sitting on the other side of Prince Olivert. His tone appeared angry after hearing that, and a look of anger appeared on his forehead.

"But that is where you are wrong Mueller my boy. Met we have just done, but in a way, all of us in this vehicle are connected in one way or another. I feel I can trust you with this information, young one.", Olivert said as a smile beamed over his face.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I will promise not to tell this to anyone.", I replied back with a smile as well.

"Now listen here, it's not about making promises...", Mueller retorted back to us in anger, only to cause Prince Olivert to laugh again.

Sure enough this was the same Mueller Vander, Matteus Vander's first son. Kurt Vander would be his second son, but in regards to Mueller, he is his first. He is the sole bodyguard who directly serves Prince Olivert. He also appeared to be a young adult, and not his middle aged look in the games. If I recall, he was roughly the same age as Aurelia, so he should be around fifteen now. But I guess he is already acting as Prince Olivert's bodyguard.

"Haha, since you were kind enough to reveal a secret of your own, why don't I do the same?", I decided to play along. If it was Prince Olivert, a pervert he may become in the future, but he was one to keep his secrets. Grandmother and Father already know, so it wouldn't hurt to tell Prince Olivert as well, right? I do have plans to stick by his side in the future, after what I have planned comes to pass.

"Oh? Well you are Giliath's son, so you likely know a thing or two, am I right?", Prince Olivert asked with a grin.

"Heh, Father even started to teach me history before I could even talk fully like this.", I answered.

"That definitely sounds like him. So what is it you want to tell me?", Prince Olivert asked.

"Can I borrow your ear?", I asked back. whisper into it. Hearing that, Olivert leaned toward me, and I began to whisper into his ear.

"Once again, it is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. Should chance strike, when we are alone, you can address me as Your Highness as well. I formally go by Naoto von Auslese.", I whispered into Prince Olivert's ear, introducing myself as a prince to the Liberl throne. In this case, Grandmother and Father already know. I do not know if Grandmother has plans to actually have me inherit her position, or whether she will pass it onto Klaudia as she will do in the games. If I recall, Liberl is mostly ruled by matriarchal Queens. The founder of Liberl was also a female herself.

The moment I whispered my introduction to Prince Olivert, he blinked at me for a good moment.

"No kidding?", Prince Olivert retorted at me in a whisper. "Well, that getup of yours is definitely not normal, but to think you would hail from Liberl, and from the throne...", Prince Olivert uttered in surprise. "It does beg a mystery as you would be with Giliath of all people.".

"A secret between us two, right?", I whispered back at Prince Olivert with a smile.

"But of course, Your Highness.", Prince Olivert whispered back at me with a grin.

Seeing the two of us behave this way, another look of anger appeared on Mueller's face.

"What in blazes are you two whispering about?", Mueller retorted angrily. However, that only caused Prince Olivert to turn his head back toward to Mueller.

"Say Mueller, how much do you know about raising Falcons?", Prince Olivert suddenly asked a random question, which only drew confusion from Mueller.

"...Hah? Falcons? I can never guess what goes on in that head of yours, Your Highness.", Mueller responded back, confused.

"Exactly.", Prince Olivert answered with a smile. As he did, he winked one of his eyes at me. Seeing Prince Olivert do this, I nodded my head.

Good, looks like Prince Olivert will indeed stay quiet about my other identity. It would do well to be by his side in the later years, should I successfully come out of DG Cult. I don't have plans to tell anyone of this, as a certain event should happen which will allow me to enter that place. As for Mueller, he saw me turn quiet, so he could only shake his head.

As he did, I heard the adults to the left continue their talks as the orbal car continued down the main road to Heimdallr. I could see the gigantic red city within the horizon, so I know it won't take long to reach there, so I decided to stay quiet and listen in. Doing such, I heard father continue to speak to Prince Eugent.

"So it is true His Majesty is pushing up the date for Your Highness's coronation. Do the Great Houses know about this?", Giliath asked him.

"Of course they do. I gathered you all for added security while we return to Valflame Palace, and I also sent official notices to the Four Great Houses. Even if this coronation will be held in secret, it still needs to be official. Members of the military, the nobles, and the diet are required to be present.", Prince Eugent explained, which caused Giliath to smile.

"Haha, of course everyone is required to be present to witness Your Highness' step onto the throne. It will usher us into the next era.", Giliath responded happily.

"Hmph, you are always one to mince words, Giliath.", Matteus responded without remorse. "We need to be ever vigilant during this next week. It would be great for ceremony to go unnoticed, but strange things have been happening lately.", Matteus spoke with a hint of worry.

"You mean that beast that showed up on the outskirts of Roer? Speaking of which, I heard it was slain by you, Giliath.", Olaf said as he rubbed his orange beard a bit.

"You mean that gigantic wolf reported in the news?", Aurelia asked excitedly.

"The very same. I do fear of more scenarios happening in the near future. You did well to start gathering us, Your Highness.", Giliath spoke out to Prince Eugent.

"Yeah. I've also heard rumors spreading through the Western Zemuria of an organization hidden in the shadows. I do not know why they are gathering such individuals but I was able to come across a name. They call themselves Ouroboros.", Prince Eugent said as he revealed a frown.

"Ouroboros...A group of individuals pretending to be snakes?", Giliath uttered to himself.

"I don't know. One can fear for the worst but we will be raising security to the maximum level, until this week passes.", Prince Eugent reaffirmed, which caused everyone to nod their heads.

Seeing a break in their conversation, I took this time to speak out to Father.

"I hate to interrupt Father, but I was wondering if I could use "That"?", I spoke out, which caused eyes to shift toward me. This caused me to feel their presences once again but I didn't back back down.

"Hmm?", Giliath asked as he looked my way. It only took him a moment to realize what I was trying to ask of him. "Oh, you are referring to that. This would indeed be a good time to practice it.", Giliath responded with a grin.

"Well isn't this interesting? You did say you have already started to train your son, haven't you, Giliath?", Prince Eugent asked with a look of interest in his eyes. He even was looking at me as he asked that.

"Indeed. I will warn you all that you might feel a bit unpleasant the moment my son uses it. Still, it will be a good lesson for him.", Giliath answered Prince Eugent.

"Very well. You may proceed.", Prince Eugent said, nodding his head at me.

"Yes, Your Highness. If you all may...", I began to say, only to close my eyes.

"This...", Aurelia uttered to herself, shifting her attention my way. That was right, I decided to user Vermillion Eyes here. While I have not reached the level of being able to discern lies from the truth, it has improved rather considerably these couple years I've been using it. The moment I opened my eyes, Aurelia and the others saw a deep vermillion hue appear over my pupils, causing them to become surprised.

As they became surprised, one after another status screens started appearing within my sight as I began to look around the room of these prominent figures. As Aurelia was the one who first drew my attention, I decided to look at her status screen.