Chapter 52: Magic Knight: Ashurei (III)

Time skippy next chapter (:

Don't forget those power stones!


Only a surprised Pikachu face could be seen all over my face right now, but I kept these feelings inward as I continued to meditate during these few minutes. No doubt will Roselia, Aurelia and Ein look similar to this. I'm getting deja-vu vibes of just starting playing Reverie all over again, since in that game, you basically start at Level 100 after the prologue.

But the most impressive thing was definitely my Radiant Starlight. This thing is pretty cracked, isn't it?

The first thing to point out that it is a growth type weapon, meaning it grows as I level up. The Trailsverse typically don't have these types of weapons, so the Gamer System probably readjusted the weapon at some point, or it was just that special. It probably got passed down through the generations, with my late mother being its previous user while I am now its current wielder.

It even had its own skills. That first skill of the two skills was especially cracked, Piercing Light, was it?

I have yet to see a skill where one stat gets added into another for more damage. Perhaps my mother was a strong user of the arts in the past? This skill lets my ATS get added into STR before I strike out, and that is a very common behavior of those so-called magic swordsmen often seen in other fantasy worlds.

And Piercing Light is just the beginning. I do wonder, if I work on training my Magic, will I be able to directly imbue magic into my rapier later on? I wasn't really planning on going the magic swordsman route, but with mother passing this rapier down to me, it would hurt my conscience not to give it a try. And would you look at that, there stood a trial right before my eyes to where I could test this, aha!

As for how I will learn the rapier...

I know father has that hundred-form military combat he prizes but that is part of the Erebonia Military. This combat defines the very ideal Erebonian soldier. While I have full intention of learning it, to which he had already started giving me the basics, I want to dive in a more specialized learning environment for the Rapier.

I have already picked out an ideal teacher. All I need to do is express my interest. And what's even better he will have no reason to oppose this request.

The Sword Fox.

This name is not as prevalent as others are in the present time, but that is likely due to his current age, as he is quite old. It was a rather forgotten name too, but those who know the Sword Fox knew him for his renowned strength. Many even considered the Sword Fox to be a demon in disguise.

But for who this person actually was, it was Phillip Runall, the active butler to that infamous Duke Dunan. It was such a shame he now serves in such a position. So I hope to liven his role, even if its just by a little bit. I wonder, does Duke Dunan even know how fearsome his butler used to be? And now, it is essentially Cassius or Morgan who took over his position in the Liberl Army.

With that aside, I wanted to look at one more thing in status screen of mine. I did see Piercing Light bring in a critical hit chance. I did notice the Gamer system removed a couple stats and combined some to make it more fluid. I do know some Gamer systems keep these stats, but could you imagine having a 100% critical chance for each strike you do?

So therein lies my wonder. Piercing Light chance to crit is 35%. I do see the LUC skill remain, and I learned this stat cannot be raised normally. I wanted to see if the points I earn from my daily training quest is able to be used here. So with a thought of my mind, I decided to use 1 of my 383 points.

[Ding! Player Naoto has used one of his available stat points. LUC increased by 1.]

Seeing this appear, I started to inwardly grin. So it looks like I can use stats I learn from level ups and daily quests like that, eh? I do know I gained 15 stat points to use from doing that Agnagarn quest as well, but those were directly added into my main stats. Unless it gets added to the available stat point pool, I don't think I'll be able to raise my LUC and such. Since I arrived in Zemuria to now, I did the daily training quest 365 times. Level 1 granted me 3 points to use, while me reaching Level 6 gave me an additional 15 points to spend., that is why I currently have 383 available points.

Well, 382 now since I've used 1 point of that into LUC. With that thought, I didn't hesitate any longer and used these remaining 382 points, dumping them into LUC.

[Ding! 382 available stat points have been used. LUC has risen to 383. Available points: 0.]

Such music to my ears. I was originally planning to save these points, but seeing how I can develop my normal stats, using these points will be for LUC, INT and the likes. And if I unlock any other hidden stats that can't be normally raised. The grind is never ending as they say.

And that was the last thing I wanted to check for now. As such, I ended my quick "meditation" session, and opened my eyes again. Standing up, I gripped my Radiant Starlight, trying to get a good feel for it.

"Hmm...did it go like this?", I uttered to myself. As I I stood up and started to shift my feet into a certain stance, Roselia and Ein saw me, and ended their small talk. As for Aurelia, she also ended her session, and stood up not too far away from me. However, her eyes were immediately attracted toward the stance I was trying out.

My right leg went a ninety degree turn, going all the way back, while my left moved forward. I held my Radiant Starlight in my left hand, which was a bit awkward since I am typically a right-handed person. But the Sword Fox actually fought using the Rapier in his left hand. I then pointed my three and a half foot long inch blade about thirty degrees high, straight out. To finish the form, I gently placed my fingers to about the middle of the blade with my right hand, allowing the blade to rest on it.

"That form...I thought you said you haven't learned this weapon yet?", Aurelia questioned.

"You are right, I haven't learned much of the way of the sword yet. I am just mimicking something I happened to stumble across my visit to Liberl two years ago.", I said, telling a little white lie. The truth was I knew this knowledge from the Games. I heard Roselia let out a snort but she stayed quiet.

"The same visit we met each other?", Ein asked.

"So that's how you two met previously.", Aurelia also added.

"Haha. Well, it looks like you guys are ready. I still haven't seen the three dolls move yet. This might allow us to strike preemptively.", I said, giving a suggestion to the three.

"That could work, but shouldn't we figure out our formation, first?", Aurelia sked.

I know in the games, striking preemptively granted additional press turns before the enemies could move, and these three Magic Knights were still laying there, motionlessly. We could very well enable that, letting us all strike at once to start the battle. As for our formation...

"Hmm, Aurelia be the vanguard while I can support he vanguard. Ein, how do you feel about being placed in the middle?", I asked Ein.

"I don't mind. My sword has quite the range to it, plus I can fire arrows and arts at these dolls as well.", Ein answered, causing me to nod my head.

"Then Master, will you support our rearguard?", I asked Roselia.

"Umu. I don't plan on doing anything but if the situation calls for it, I can stay at the back and use my magic.", Roselia answered confidently.

"I will fire off the first shot then.", I answered, letting my mana roam freely. It was a shame I left my combat orbment back home, so I could only use the couple of skills my rapier currently has, since Roselia has not taught me any combat spells yet.

As such, I tried to direct my mana, letting it roam freely. It was a blueish aura, and once I saw it, it slowly moved toward my rapier. It didn't create any noise and was quite calm. I removed my right hand and pointed my rapier out even further.

"Piercing Light.", I said, showing my first move. My mana answered accordingly, and with a Shhngg, a sound of clashing metal struck our ears, only to get temporarily blinded by a white light that quickly shot out of the tip of the blade. In but a few seconds, Piercing Light struck the the middle of the three Magic Knights.


A big red bold text appeared for a split moment above the middle one. Without a doubt that was a critical hit. I had already taken off about 9% health just from one strike. It was unfortunate I did not have my combat orbment, as crafts and arts can receive additional damage multipliers from the wide variety of quartz there are in Zemuria.

Immediately after, the empty sockets which contained dull orbs started to glow a bright red, quickly turning on. Not only that, they started to move, and even spoke out to us.

[Intruders detected. Now switching to elimination mode. Protect the Proving Grounds from the intruders.]

Hearing that, i couldn't help but get excited but also feel a small shiver go down my spine. As for Aurelia, she revealed a big grin.

"Now this is what I'm talking about.", Aurelia said, only to brandish her weapon. With a yell, she activated her Battle Aura, and also started to let a streak of purple lightning go around her sword, and dashed toward the three Magic Knights.

The battle was now underway! At the same time, I also started to look at the stats of the three Ashurei!

Magic Knight Ashurei (E)

Lv100 (Adjusted)

HP: 75000

STR: 3500

DEF: 3000

ATS: 2700

ADF: 2500

SPD: 150

Element Efficacy

Earth: 0%

Water: 0%

Wind: 0%

Fire: 150%

Time: 0%

Space: 0%

Mirage: 0%

Status Efficacy

Poison: 0%

Burn: 50%

Deathblow: 0%

Seal: 0%

Freeze: 0%

Nightmare: 0%

Mute: 0%

Petrify: 0%

Blind: 0%

Faint: 0%

Sleep: 0%

Confuse: 0%

Stat down: 25%


Small tidbit section:

Element & Status Efficacy works differently in Trailsverse.

You basically roll two dice. The first dice rolls

the player's %. If it procs, it then rolls the second dice,

which is the % resistance of the enemy. If the res fails,

the status successfully lands. So even if you have a 100% to proc from your end,

if you see enemy has a 50% res in one status, it is still a coin flip.

If you see it set to 0%, that means the enemy will always block the status.

Likewise, if you see it set to 100% and you land your coin flip, it will always land the status.

For Element Efficacy, if you see it above 100%, that means you do more damage than usual. If its set to 150% that is basically 1.5x weak to Fire Dmg.
