Chapter 66: Liberl

Giliath demands your power stones!

Feels like it's been a while since we've been in Liberl. Maybe just a game or two. Maybe.

I'm still getting military ranks down. It's easy for Cassius at least cause his rank stays the same until he retires. He doesn't become a general until the end of cold steel arc.


Once Arianrhod quieted down, she became silent, only to stare at the Faceless who was currently acting as Professor Alba. Seeing Arianrhod not budge anymore, McBurn let out another sigh.

"Yawn...Guess I'll go see if that monster is still around that looked a bit interesting. We only need to stay around here for a couple days too yeah?", McBurn asked Arianrhod.

"That's right. Today marks April 20th of the Septian Calendar, and were given a period of three days. I am impressed by His Highness for him to give a similar timeframe. The nobles have already started to act against His Majesty, it's going to turn quick and fierce real quick. So don't tarry for too long, McBurn.", Arianrhod answered McBurn, which caused him to look at her. He wasn't expecting such a long answer from Arianrhod.

"Got it. What about you pipsqueak?", McBurn asked Vita. Compared to him, Vita was still exceptionally young, so he ended up addressing her like that. In fact, not much was known about McBurn's real age. Just that he started wandering around Zemuria around forty to fifty years ago. The reason why he thought Naoto may be mixed wasn't that far off, in fact. He just simply appeared in Zemuria one day. He is as alien as Naoto is, just through two different concepts. A transference compared to a full reincarnation.

Not that Vita didn't mind that coming from McBurn, she just let out a smile as she pet Tamamo's head a bit.

"Do you mind if tag along with you, McBurn? Grianos and Tamamo need to learn how to hunt. Grianos has already started his training but I doubt Tamamo has, outside of our village.", Vita answered.

"Sure sure, just know I won't be watching over you.", McBurn said, stretching his arms a bit. As he did, a fiery red circle appeared beneath him.

"I know, I am very well capable of taking care of myself.", Vita simply answered, only to look down at Tamamo. "It's time to play Tama, are you ready?", Vita asked Tamamo, which caused her ears to perk up.

"Kyuuu!", Tamamo replied happily, only to jump out of her arms. Tamamo directly landed on one of Vita's shoulders. As Tamamo did, Vita brought out her staff. After that, Vita already saw start jumping from one tall pine tree to the next, quickly vanishing from sight. Yet Vita's eyes was able to track him, and she too quickly departed from sight, leaving Hamel behind. Only Arianrhod was now left alone.

She took this time to sit down cross-legged on the same branch she was standing on. Seeing the Faceless now enter further deep into Hamel and introducing himself to the children and parents alike, Arianrhod slowly shook her head, letting out a sigh of disappointment.

"It really is a shame you are not the one I have been looking for, Your Highness...", Arianrhod said, uttering to herself. She became quiet afterward, enjoying the soft breeze of the wind. Time began to pass before her eyes...


Liberl, Grancel Castle, April 20th, S1192.

Deep within Liberl, it currently was not quite as peaceful as Hamel was currently was right now. Grancel Castle could be seen bustling about, but with several soldiers wearing green. They were part of Liberl's imperial army. More soldiers could be seen than normal, and their patrol times around the city was set a higher frequency. Some appeared to be frightful while others had anger in their eyes.

As for Grancel Castle, it too could be seen in a busy manner. Within one of the drawing rooms off to the left side of the first floor, several high ranking officials of Liberl's Royal Guard could be seen standing with a serious look in their eyes. As for the ones who were seated at the long oval wood table, at the helm was General Morgan. To his right was none other than Cassius Bright. Besides him was Captain Richard and recently promoted First Lieutenant Julia Schwarz, and several others. However, they were currently not wearing happy faces as they looked at the giant strategic map laid out before them.

However, at this time a figure swiftly approached the drawing room. A look of exhaustion but also one of hope could currently be seen in their eyes. They looked relatively older compared to the last time Naoto was here, but it was none other than the head maid, Hilda.

"Please forgive my intrusion, but Her Majesty has finally woken up!", Hilda declared, which caused General Morgan, Colonel Bright and the likes to come to a sudden halt in their current strategy meeting.

"That is most excellent. When we received that report a couple days ago, even I could hardly believe it. But to think Her Majesty would suddenly collapse after hearing it...", Cassius uttered, recalling what had transpired a couple days ago.

As for General Morgan, he swept his gaze across the room. As he did, looks of excitement appeared in their eyes. Even Julia started to tear up a bit, after hearing Her Majesty is safe again, since as of now, she's had several interactions with her, despite being just a First Lieutenant.

"I will take Colonel Bright and go see Her Majesty at once. Please continue the strategy meeting, Captain Richard.", General Morgan commanded. "With the latest intel we've gotten, Erebonia is finally deciding to launch an attack after a period of peace. We don't where they will strike, but if we can actively counterattack, it will reduce the losses we will suffer.", General Morgan explained, causing the captain to nod.

"Of course, General. Please see to Her Majesty. The wellbeing of the royal family is priority above all else.", Captain Richard acknowledged, giving a salute.

With that said, General Morgan and and Cassius stood up from their chairs, and left the room, following the head maid Hilda. They quickly walked up the curved steps to the second floor, only to exit onto the terrace outside.

They could feel a soft breeze in the air right now. However, that peaceful feeling remained tense, if they were to look up at the horizon for what was to come at them. But right now the only thing on their mind was to see the Queen.

Hilda took the two through the grand terrace on the upper level,, only to greet the couple of maids standing in front of the queen's private quarters.

Once General Morgan and Cassius arrived in the Queen's room, they came to a sudden halt. Their gaze immediately went to the bed, only to see a figure slightly elevated on a pillow, and could now be seen awake.

However, the figure in the bed wasn't alone. The two could see a little girl of sorts, who seemed to no older than six years of age. She had pretty violet hair and was quite bright in color, almost matching that of Naoto's hair. And well, it was the exact same color as his. Her hair was starting to grow out a little bit, but not to the length of the wig she would wear on formal occasions in the future.

This little girl was wearing a frilly white-purple dress right now. If there was one difference from the time Naoto met her five years ago was the little silver tiara crown now resting on her head with an aquamarine gemstone embedded at its center.

"Grandmother...", the little girl uttered with a hint of sorrow in her voice. If one looked closely at her eyes, it was clear they were a bit red, likely from crying earlier. She was no longer the toddler five years ago and was now a few feet tall. Her arms could now stretch over the bed a bit, and was currently holding onto the Queen.

Seeing this brought both sorrow and happiness to the Queen who was now awake, revealing a rare smile seeing the princess resting beside her.

"Oh little Klaudia, what ever will I do with you? Welcome, General Morgan, Colonel Bright.", Queen Alicia II spoke, seeing the two arrive with Hilda. "Thank you for bringing them, Hilda.", Queen Alicia II said, thanking Hilda.

"It is no problem, Your Majesty. All of the maids and I give our sincerest gratitude for you to be healthy again.", Hilda smiled saying that. She then looked at the princess and spoke to her. "Come now, Your Highness. You mustn't disturb Her Majesty any longer. She is about to have a discussion with General Morgan and Colonel Bright.", Hilda said, truing to urge Princess Klaudia from the bed.

"No! I am just as guilty for all of this to happen. I had a feeling something like this would happen ever since I received "that"...", the girl responded to Hilda, which caused those in the room to blink at her. Before anyone could say anything else, Princess Klaudia continued to speak.

"Brother Naoto I am sorry to go against your words, since something has indeed happened. I should have shown this to Grandmother in the first place...", Princess Klaudia uttered to herself.

"Klaudia?", Queen Alicia II tried to ask her, and yet her eyes were drawn to Klaudia once again. All Klaudia did was reach one of her hands into her dress, only to pull out a parchment of sorts. It appeared to be a letter Klaudia kept hidden inside of her dress.