Chapter 72: Fooled

Light blood warning this chapter.

Giliath demands your power stones, let's get back up over 500!


Meanwhile, before our uneventful year passed in the lodge we had just transferred to in Altair, Calvard, a white haired man wearing glasses could be seen in a secluded lab deep within the main DG Cult base.

A few hooded figures could be seen standing guard near the lab which was equipped with several different types of equipment, test tubes, beakers you name it. A couple of children could even be seen strapped to a couple harnesses, currently passed out and eyes closed.

If one looked closely, a form of blue liquid could be seen in several test tubes, waiting to be administered. This lab was closer located to the Cradle than it was to the cell blocks inside this main DG Cult base. The white haired man wasn't wearing his priest attire, but instead a full blown white lab coat. He could be seen humming happily as he mixed away what appeared to be alchemical ingredients.

"Hmm, the first phase of the Gnosis has been going quite well. Especially to those three who are residing in cell block nine. Test subject 69 wss the first to come into that cell, and he has a peculiar resistance to the drug. Test subject 333 doesn't seem to have any outward changes, but neither rejected the Gnosis either. The girl is probably experiencing an internal change, but as to what exactly, it has yet to be determined.", the lab coat man started to say to himself, who revealed to be none other than Joachim, one of the Head Priests of the DG Cult.

"And as for test subject 420, she was one of the quickest to experience a change in adaptability after being administered Gnosis, just one mere dose of it.. That was a pleasant result to witness. It caused Gnosis to advance this far.", Joachim happily said to himself.

Thinking that, after he finished his current mixing, he looked around on one of the metal tables and looked for an empty syringe. Retrieving it, he poured the next batch of Gnosis into it.

"And it's about time to administer the next round.", Joachim said, giving a couple taps to the syringe to make sure it doesn't spill out. Seeing none spill, he smiled before he walked toward the lab's exit back into the dark caves which lead to the cell blocks and the Cradle.

"Go bring me the three children from cell block nine.", Joachim said, asking the few hooded figures who were likely priests under him. "It's time to administer the next round.", Joachim continued to say.

Upon saying that, the three guard priests turned around and looked back at Joachim. It didn't take long before confusion appeared in their eyes. Seeing this also confused Joachim before one of the guard priests spoke up.

"Umm, Head Priest, you just signed off on a transfer to those three children in cell block nine earlier this week. We have just finished taking them out.", one of the guard priests explained. Hearing this, Joachim felt his heart turn nervous before he retorted them.

"I did no such thing.", Joachim retorted berating the guard priests. "Take me to cell block nine at once..", Joachim said, commanding the guard priests.

"As you wish.", the guard priests said, giving a light bow to the Head Priest. The three then took Joachim through the dark caves, crisscrossing multiple paths which lead further away from the Cradle. As Joachim continued to walk to cell block nine, the nervousness in his heart grew, slowly becoming a sinking feeling, but he kept his cool demeanor.

After an hour or two of walking they finally reached cell block nine. He ignored the painful screaming or cries for help from the other children in the other blocks along the way. He was soon greeted by two guard priests standing guard. The two quickly greeted Joachim seeing the Head Priest

"W-We wouldn't know you would be arriving today, Head Priest. What can we do for you?', one of the two guard priests asked.

"Do I need to announce when I will arrive? I am here to check up on cell block nine. The children are ready to be administered the next round.", Joachim said, which only drew confusion from the two guards.

"Umm...", the other guard priest tried to ask Joachim. Hearing that, Joachim started to rub the bridge of his eyes with his finger in annoyance.

"Don't tell me, I said I signed these three children off, didn't I?", Joachim said, letting out a complaint.

"You did. Head Priest. They were just transferred out of here early this week. Since it came directly from you, we did not notify the change.", the guard priest explained the situation. Seeing Joachim grow impatient, one of the two guards proceeded to open the cell.

Sure enough the three children who were here just a few days ago, the violet haired boy, the lilac haired girl and the newest arrival, the bluish-indigo haired girl could no longer be seen. Faint traces of blood still wafted in the cell.

Seeing this, anger marks appeared on Joachim's face.

"FUCK!", Joachim said, letting out a loud curse which vibrated against the dark corridors. He slammed his spare hand against the wall to create a loud bang. Hearing these loud noises caused the nearby children to either turn quiet or start crying. Joachim ignored this, only to raise the syringe he was still carrying high, and slammed it down onto the floor, shattering into several pieces. Crack!

This caused the Gnosis within the syringe to spread out, slowly seeping into the dark stone floor.

He then turned toward one of the guards and approached him. Grabbing part of his robes, he raised him off the ground a little bit.

"Do you have any idea who I was keeping inside this particular cell?", Joachim asked. Seeing him turn serious, the guards remained quiet, which caused Joachim to answer his own question.

"I'll tell you what I've been keeping in this specific cell. The perfect vessel for us to receive Lady KeA. THE perfect vessel. And you are saying I transferred him out!? I could care less about who was with him!", Joachim responded in anger.

"But, Head Priest....', one of the guard priests tried to ask.

"Did I tell you to speak?", Joachim quickly retorted him which shut him up.

"Damn it, this put a bad taste in my mouth. Are you saying this vessel managed to fool me?" Joachim uttered to himself. After saying this, Joachim took a moment to calm his anger.

"Since this was marked as a transfer, surely there is a destination, most likely another lodge. Did you say where it was going?", Joachim asked.

"Of course, Head Priest. We made sure to document it. The children who were residing in this cell were taken to--!?", the first guard priest to answer Joachim, but suddenly felt his throat close up. At the same time, he reached toward a hidden weapon kept within his robe, only to reveal a small dagger. Without warning, the guard swiftly cut his own neck with the dagger, letting lots of blood spur forth. The guard couldn't even cry in agony before he felt his own life was taken away from him.

A lot of the blood ended up getting splattered onto the ground, or onto the other guards. Even Joachim's glasses weren't spared as his vision turned red. Despite that, he felt his heart go dull, but turned toward the remaining guard who was watching the violet haired boy's cell.

"What about you? Did the vessel say where he was going to?", Joachim asked, which caused the second guard priest to shiver.

"Yes, Head Priest. The children who were staying in this cell went to--!?", the second guard priest tried to answer, only feel his throat start to close up as well. Unable to talk, the guard priest reached inside his robe, only to pull out the same dagger. "Mmmph--!?", the guard priest tried to say as if he was saying 'No, not like this!', and proceeded to slice his throat with the dagger, spewing more blood forward and down onto the ground.

Joachim no longer said anything after seeing the result of the two guards stationed at the violet haired boy's cell. He just turned around, only to look back at the three who were stationed at his lab.

"Clean this up. I will go check the orbal cameras.", Joachim said, leaving by himself, wiping away his glasses as he did.

"Yes, Head Priest.", the three acknowledged, leaving to their own devices.

Working his way back to his lab, Joachim quickly spot nearby orbal cameras which were stationed over cell block nine. While out of the way from the outside world, Joachim made sure to set up his own security measures. Fiddling with a camera or two, he finally managed to display cell block nine on a nearby monitor. He started to play back the footage taken from earlier in the week, from the time cell block nine still had its residents.

Everything appeared normal throughout most of the days, except for a brief moment where he saw the two guard priests stop moving altogether. He only saw them move their lips, only to unlock the cell gate. However at this time, he saw a strange movement from the violet haired boy.

The violet haired boy turned his head toward a certain direction, only to look right at the orbal camera that was centered on their cell. Joachim saw as if the violet haired boy was now looking directly at him. He saw his deep crimson eyes with slit-like pupils. The violet haired boy revealed a grin, only to see two large protruding fangs over his frontside. Joachim blinked at this, before he was cut off by the camera feed cutting off.

After the violet haired boy grinned at him, the feed cut off entirely.

Joachim slowly stood up, only to grab one of the nearby orbal cameras.

"FUCK!", Joachim said, letting out a loud curse again, slamming the orbal camera onto the ground, hard. It shattered into several pieces, and the camera became no longer operational.

"Hehehe.", a high pitched voice, which seemed to be that of a girl's, suddenly struck Joachim's lab with a giggle, which caused Joachim to come to a sudden halt...