Chapter 98: Epilogue

One year later.

Before I knew it, a whole year had passed after making my declaration to the Jaeger King on that fateful day. Besides him, none of the current members expected me to ask to join a Jaeger corp, let alone ask to join Zephyr.

Fie showed a lot of excitement in her eyes the moment I said that. Even though we had only only had fun for a few days before this passing year, Fie quickly grew attached to me as she did to the rest of the Zephyr members and the others.

It wasn't like they could refute it either. Rutger was the sole leader of Zephyr. All decisions were made by him.

They didn't deny the current strength that I wielded either. Each one saw my duel with Rutger. None of them were against me from officially becoming a member of Zephyr.

Even though their side didn't deny it, my group was a lot more shocked than they were. In fact, Lechter was the one who voiced his opinion the most while Rufus was the one who didn't say anything. It took them a good moment to accept that this is what I had planned prior to the events taking place down at the DG Cult.

One thing for sure though was that Zephyr was so laid back that one would hardly think they're hired and trained killers. For being one of the most prominent corps in Western Zemuria, each figure no doubt had blood on their hands, minus Fie of course. But they behaved like anyone would do while on vacation. They drank, they ate, they had fun, whether it was playing on the beach or partaking in other resort activities.

It didn't take long to get acquainted with the other members of Zephyr.

Something to point out though was they only had three main Commanders. Behemoth, Firebird, and Killing Bear. It was lacking its fourth commander, Trap Master Xeno.

In fact, Xeno was nowhere to be seen in among Zephyr's current members.

That was because he didn't actually join Zephyr until this year, S1196. Seeing him not come yet the event had probably not taken place. The assassin organization he used to belong to would launch

an attack on Zephyr, only to fail and have his whole organization wiped out by Rutger. From there, Rutger would see Xeno's potential and bring him into Zephyr.

It was a shame I hadn't met Xeno yet, as he was one of the characters I liked among Zephyr. So I'm guessing this event will take place after I arrive back home.

That's right, I was officially coming back home, after a four year absence. Back to my home in Liberl. Giliath was having his fun as chancellor in Valflame Palace but I still had my second home here in Liberl's castle. Grandmother and the others currently have no idea I'm heading right to where they are right now, so they'll be in for a surprise, haha!

But I digress. A full year has passed since we spent our vacation on Nemeth Island, so why don't I sum things up of what happened during that time?

Well, the first thing was that we spent the new year on Nemeth Island, together with Zephyr. Many, many drinks were had. Rufus even had a bout with Killing Bear, and that was a sight to see. Lechter tried to squeeze some in despite being a teen, and after one drink he passed right out, so he missed out on all the fun.

For those who were younger though, we had non-alcoholic drinks.

But being a man of culture, this meant that I spent most of my time with Fie, Tio, Sherryl, Ennea, and Emma, letting us deepen our bonds. Everyone's favorability meter rose by a good chunk during the new year.

As for Van, even he tried to get wasted. For being out on the streets at such an early age, he probably has had a drink or two by now, so it wasn't likely his first drink. He did not pass out like Lechter did.

The pitiful ones though were all the staff trying to house our rowdy group. They could feel the hidden pressure that Jaegers had so they couldn't deny their requests at all. Especially that someone like Rutger was currently on their premise.

It was really a blast to spend that time with them.

After the new year came, Roselia personally contacted me that the forbidden spell was successful.

She told me that Isola went to the Osgiliath Basin more north from Languedoc Canyon, only to discover a new Spirit Shrine, the White Shrine. Discovering a new shrine like this further drew Roselia's interest, but Isola used it to draw the Black Alberich. Isola was successful and their fight ensued. Both ended up perishing, with the Black Alberich successfully taking over Franz Reinford, and Isola perishing.

Before Isola's soul left to say hello to Aidios, the spell was enacted, and Roselia successfully stored her soul in her personal container, one similar to that which currently holds Kasia's soul.

Roselia's mana was thus depleted, and Tamamo would help recuperate her mana. We now had two souls stored away, and I was not planning to "resurrect" them until I dove into the Black Workshop. That is where the homunculus technology currently lay and at this present point, I do not know how far they had progressed on that, considering Millium won't be born for another three more years.

That's right, I am planning to create a homunculus body for both Kasia and Isola. And just those two wouldn't be the end of it. I already had my next target, who was rather quite pivotal to certain main character in Crossbell.

Guy Bannings.

You can kind of see where I'm going with this right? This spell Roselia and I have will be used to save pivotal characters who had direct interactions with the storyline, while not pertaining to the main cast of characters.

Kasia was Rean's mother. Isola was Emma's mother. Guy Banning is still alive and is Lloyd Banning's brother. His death won't happen for another two years, as Guy personally partook in the DG Cult Extermination along with Arios. From there after a couple years, a certain incident would take place, causing Arios and Guy to clash, and result in Guy's unexpected death.

There was still a full four years until then. Roselia had plenty of time to recover her mana

during that period.

And on that side note that will take place in S1201. The sky saga won't begin until S1202 while cold steel won't start until S1204. The next big event to take place is the DG Cult Extermination, which is in S1198.

I had fun developing bonds with those of Erebonia, and now it was time to sit back and experience life closer to home. That meant Kloe, Estelle, and more around Liberl.

From S1196 to S1200, I would stay in Liberl, and also go out and move around with Zephyr.

Afterword, when S1201 come and I turn fifteen, I will likely enter high society, as well as attend Jenis Royal Academy along with Kloe for two years. From there, I will submit a transfer and enter Thors Military Academy at age seventeen. Rean would also attend Thors when he turns seventeen, but he is one year younger than me. So that meant I will be an upperclassman and be in cahoots with Crow and the like.

That was a bit of a tangent, wasn't it?

Anyways, I had most of my remaining time planned before the canon story starts, and I'm already looking forward to seeing the main cast in action.

As for what happened the rest of the time spent on Nemeth Island though...

Operation Party Crash went without a hitch, we thoroughly annihilated Paradise. Annihilating Paradise wasn't supposed to happen for another year at best, but I guess my influence was enough for us to proceed.

And I do mean us. Not just me, and not just Ouroboros. Even Zephyr joined in on the fun, and not as enemies either. They assisted us after their contract was "forcibly" ended by Rutger. Campanella did his magic and showed Rutger the truth behind Paradise, and he wanted Fie nowhere near that shit pile.

So Rutger concluded the best way was a three pronged offensive, striking not only the main lodge, but also the Gnosis facility that was hidden away along with it. Many heads were rolled that day, and I too had my first blood taken then. Rutger was pleased with how I didn't bat an eye when I killed for the first time.

Which leads us to the present day.

I bet you are wondering what happened after, right?

Thinking that, a sound of a pen scribbling on a piece of paper could be heard in a bedroom of sorts. It was a pretty standard bedroom and a faint sound of air flow could be heard wafting throughout. I could be seen sitting at its desk, writing away in the diary I like to personally keep of what has happened since I was brought into Zemuria.

After finishing writing my thoughts, I slowly closed my diary, and revealed a satisfied smile, leaning back into my chair. I took this moment to stretch my arms a bit.

"Mmm...", I said, letting out a sigh of relief while I stretched my arms. "I probably should hit the hay pretty soon. It's hard to tell when it's night up while being up here.", I uttered to myself. At this moment, a faint creak of my door could be heard as it opened slightly.

"...Big Brother?", A voice asked which carried a hint of tiredness. It didn't take long before a purple haired girl a couple years younger than me to pop her head into my room.

"Well if it isn't Renny. Can't sleep?", I asked, seeing this girl arrive in my room. Hearing me address her like that, she pouted her cheeks.

"Didn't I tell you to start calling me Renne, Big Brother?", The purple haired girl retorted.

"Yes, yes. I faintly remember you saying that.", I replied with a playful smile.

"Geez, I don't like it when you tease me like that.", The purple haired girl replied with a hint of embarrassment.

"Haha, my bad. I take it you can't sleep?", I decided to ask.

"Yeah. Can I sleep with you tonight?", The girl asked me.

"Of course you can. I was about to go to bed myself.", I answered with a nod. Hearing that, the violet haired girl shifted her eyes to my desk, only to spot my diary.

"Writing in your diary again, Big Brother?", The girl asked with interest.

"Yup. A lot has happened since we've found you, so I like to write down what I experience.", I said, explaining a bit.

"is that so? Will you share it with me some time?", The girl asked.

"Perhaps one day. But for now, let's go to bed. You'll be able to have more fun with Loewe and the others in the morning.", I said, which caused the girl to smile.

"Yeah! Good night, Big Brother!", The girl replied happily before both of us retreated to my bed. The girl got in first while I got in second, only to drape the covers over her. Despite that, The girl still shivered for a good moment, before a peaceful smile appeared on her face, falling into


I soon fell asleep not long after that...


Due to the sensitivity of Paradise, the operation itself happened off screen. Thank you for your understanding.

Giliath demands your power stones!