Chapter 105: Divergent Laws

Meanwhile, as a certain twin tailed brown haired girl pulled around a violet haired boy's arm with an excited face to explore Grancel City together with a violet haired girl and black haired boy in tow...

Unknown Space?

"Phew. Being in that place took me much longer than I had originally anticipated. Still, gotta thank His Highness for granting me such a reward. It's a shame he isn't like me though.", An informal yet lazy voice suddenly struck this unknown space. After this lazy voice spread throughout the area, back on the center holographic-like platform, a rather fiery circle suddenly appeared, lighting up the room. However, compared to last time, this fiery circle had much a much thicker blaze and more blue and black flames compared to his previous red and black flames. It didn't take long before a figure appeared, sporting a rather colorful blue and red set of hair.

"My my, and here I thought you had left us for good. Still, I must say that you look quite strong. now, Number One.", A second figure said, only to reveal a rather effeminate voice, but who appeared beside him was a green haired boy who didn't seem to age one bit since he was last seen. He did not appear via his magic circle like the first figure did, as he was already in this unknown space prior to the first figure's arrival.

"Oh yeah? How about I let you taste some of these new flames that I have?", The first figure said, retorting to the green haired boy. As he did, a small burst of flames burst forth from one of his hands.

"What, and ruin this beautiful face I've strived ever so hard to perfect?", The green haired boy retorted back, revealing a grin.

"This place isn't a place for fighting, you two.", A third voice decided to speak out. From another corner, a shadow soon appeared before the first two. It was a man of sorts who had just turned twenty-one. What stood out about this man was his full head of silver hair and the long white coat currently draped over his body. Seeing this man arrive, the first figure brought a smile to his face.

"Well if it isn't the Bladelord himself. How have ya been since THAT?", The first figure said, revealing a grin.

"I'd rather not talk about it, but it's been well. It looks like you finally exited your seclusion, McBurn. You seem as dangerous as ever.", The silver haired man said.

"What can I say? You know, I'd love to test it in combat against ya, but I'm afraid we have another topic to discuss, don't we? That's why the two of us were brought here in the first place.", The first figure said, who the silver haired man called McBurn. This was indeed none other than Enforcer I, the Blazing Demon. Beside him was Enforcer 0, Campanella the Fool, and Enforcer II, Leonhardt the Bladelord.

"At least you know when to use that brain of yours, even if the majority of what you do is lazing around.", Campanella also retorted as he shrugged his shoulders. "You are right though. Both you and Number Two were brought here for a very special occasion. It's good that your seclusion has ended, Number One.", Campanella continued to say. After he said that, both Loewe and McBurn saw Campanella snap his fingers.

Right after Campanella did that, the seven dimmed pillars surrounding this dark space began to suddenly shimmer in a faint light. One turned on in rapid succession

All seven lit up. Further beyond, the main platform also lit up. On it stood an illusory figure of that same ethereal beauty of a silver haired maiden that stood beside the Steel Maiden ever so long ago.

In truth, this figure was the Grandmaster herself, the true leader of Ouroboros. And some even speculate she's the Goddess Aidios herself, or at least a reincarnation of her, just as Roselia is the reincarnation of a Holy Beast, the Burning Sphinx.

Seeing everyone arrive like this, Campanella folded his arms while McBurn and Loewe walked inward a bit, arriving side by side. McBurn even whistled seeing all the pillars light up, only follow with what appeared to be screens of sorts with phantom images to appear above them. These were the current pillars of Ouroboros, The Seven Anguis.

"Damn, we got a full house today huh?", McBurn said with a respectful tone as he whistled.

"That does seem to be the case, so there is definitely something going on.", Loewe also said respectfully.

At this time, an ethereal voice spoke out to them, which came from the main platform further up.

"I welcome you two, the Blazing Demon and the Bladelord to the Celestial Globe for our event that we have planned today. It seems your training was quite beneficial this time around as well, Blazing Demon."

"It was, Grandmaster. So what do we have going on today?", McBurn said with both a respectful yet informal tone. In actuality both McBurn and the Grandmaster didn't see each other eye to eye, but he was still allowed to speak informally to her unlike the others.

"It is an honor to grace us with your presence, Grandmaster.", Loewe also said.

At this time, it was one of the seven pillars to speak out, revealing that of an aged man. It was the sixth pillar to be exact.

"Hoho. To think today would be the day to where we see the result of existences forged from the Divergent Laws themselves. If I wasn't already preoccupied in my Gordias class research, I would have loved to witness this in person." The sixth pillar said, full of interest.

"It's not like this is the first time though when the Grandmaster graciously blessed me with this staff of mine.", Another pillar suddenly said, only to have the third pillar light up with a more familiar voice.

"...", This time, the second pillar lit up, only to reveal a rather younger shadowy figure compared to the other two. She seemed to be a girl at the least.

"My, my my. And here I thought you were still being scolded by that Grandmother of yours. You were able to make it after all, Azure Abyss.", Campanella said, revealing a smile as he saw the second pillar light up, but kept quiet.

"Tch, it's not like I wanted to be here. I knew I shouldn't have come.", The second pillar said, retorting Campanella.

"But that does mean you are on OUR side now, no?", Campanella said, revealing a smile

"I really want to punch that face of yours, you never-ending freak.", The second pillar responded, letting out a complaint.

"We should keep focused at the task at hand. Do not forget we are in the presence of the Grandmaster.", Another voice said, only to have the seventh pillar light up, revealing a shadowy figure of a beautiful woman.

"Haha, what's wrong with letting the younger crowd duke it out a little? I'd love to see a fight between our newest Anguis against the Fool.", This time, a scruffy voice said, only to have the fourth pillar light up. This shadowy figure appeared to be that of a middle aged man with some rather crazy hair.

"It's not all about fighting, Oathbreaker. If it's going to happen, make sure you do it of your own time.", The first pillar lit up, only to reveal another aged voice but this voice was very polite compared to the rest. His voice seemed to be old enough to rival that of the sixth pillar.

"I guess that makes me the last one then?", The last voice said, only to have the fifth pillar light up. This shadowy figure seemed to be a middle aged man of sorts.

Seeing the bickering calm down, the ethereal beauty saw all pillars lit up, and continued to speak.

"I thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this. Similar to the Blazing Demon, I too have finished with what I have been preoccupied with. As the sixth pillar said, the topic of today are Divergent Laws. Blazing Demon, Bladelord, please have a look.", The Grandmaster said.

All of a sudden, a rift started to crack in space in front of them, three rifts to be exact, all right by each other. This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The hell?", McBurn couldn't help but curse after seeing these rifts form out of seemingly nowhere. These cracks only occurred for a brief moment, before everyone started to see three objects appear out of them. As these three objects came into existence as if seemingly from nothing, they slowly floated down toward McBurn and Loewe.

"...Weapons?", Loewe couldn't but ask seeing three weapons form before their very eyes.

"Indeed. It was why I have stayed quiet for a brief respite. It took some energy, but this is due to the accomplishments both you as Enforcer II and you as Enforcer I have achieved since the start of our Gospel Plan.", The Grandmaster said, explaining the situation.

"So in the end, we have been rewarded for our actions, huh? I like that. I didn't think I would get another bonus ever since we beat that "Dungeon" of His Highness's.", McBurn said with interest.

"You are right about that, Blazing Demon. Liberl's Prince does appear to have a certain control over phase spaces, much like how I operate the Celestial Globe here. To additionally reward you two, you can see a third weapon is present.", Grandmaster responded.

"That is clear, Grandmaster. There are two swords, and one bow?", Loewe said, gaining attention toward the object on the right. It was pitch black as if it was made out of obsidian, but it contained energy thick enough to exude both icy and fiery bits of mana. It was in a constant swirl around the bow, as if it was ready to scorch the soul and freeze it.

"That's correct. The weapon on the left is called Angbar, which I have presented to you Blazing Demon. The middle weapon is called Kernviter, which I have presented to you, Bladelord. As for the third weapon, it is called Verbrannteis, which will hereby be presented to Liberl's Crown Prince.", The Grandmaster explained, naming the three weapons before them.

"Hoh?", McBurn said as he uttered in amazement, gazing at the three weapons before him.

"Well well, so you have decided to reward His Highness after all, Grandmaster? I guess it is only right to do so, considering the benefits we have received since that excursion. I can also assume we now have his full cooperation?", Campanella asked after his gaze landed on the obsidian bow.

"I have only just received a direct notification from him.", The Grandmaster said, gently nodding her head. "To add to that, Blazing Demon, you will personally go deliver Verbrannteis to Liberl's Crown Prince. It would be best to do so before the Gospel Plan comes to fruition.", The Grandmaster continued to say.

The moment the Grandmaster said that, McBurn clicked his tongue.

"Man, such a pain.", McBurn said, clicking his tongue a bit. While he may seem annoyed, he did not reject the Grandmaster and proceeded to pick up both Angbar and Verbrannteis. As for Loewe, he proceeded to go pick up Kernviter, and thanked the Grandmaster with another bow.

However at the same time, the second pillar lit up by just a speck, and uttered to herself.

"So you really are, Naoto...", The second pillar said as she uttered to herself...


Since Naoto mains a rapier and already has Radiant Starlight, his second weapon will be a bow O:

Verbrannteis is a compound word meaning scorched ice in German. (There are two Es, but I took one of them out).

Giliath demands your power stones!

Enjoy an Ouroboros chapter first, and an Estelle bonding event will follow!

Timeskip soon~