Chapter 111: The Demon of Thors

Giliath demands your power stones!


To my surprise, I saw a person I was not expecting to make such an appearance this early on standing to the opposite side of Sherryl with her large sword drawn. It wasn't her exact Demonic Blade she wielded in the games, but it was a close size to it.

Unbeknownst to many, Rixia belonged to one of the secret organizations of assassins, much like how Ennea and that Enforcer III, Lucrezia belonged to the Order of the Moonlight Horse. To add a note to that, both Ennea and Lucrezia told me they weren't the only ones to flee from that organization. They were joined by a couple others, one who had unfortunately left by the time we were brought on board.

Sharon Kreuger, EX-Enforcer IX, the Severing Chains. One, if not the best maid out there in the Trailsverse. Right now, Sharon is likely serving the Reinford Group back in Roer. Along with my planned trip to Crossbell and second trip back Heimdallr, should I pay Roer a visit? Even though my home was on its outskirts right between it and Trista, I had never personally gone inside of Roer yet. The closest I have gotten was Schwarz Drache Barrier.

As for that other person of interest, he was unfortunately not present on board the Glorious during our stay, but he was quite an interesting fellow. If I recall correctly, wasn't that guy supposed to be in the Calvard arc of the story? It was a shame my reincarnation happened prior to that, but I'm still looking forward to meeting the guy. Especially since he's an Anguis. The 4th Pillar, Ellroy Harwood, the Oathbreaker.

In regards to Rixia though, she has probably yet to become this generation of Yin, the lineage passed down through her organization. The organization Rixia belonged to worked quite differently than other assassin organizations. It only filled one at a time, and that was the position of Yin, passed down through generation after generation. Its method of passing down one's title was...gruesome, to say the least. Yin has been around for ages, and each one resulted in killing their former. It was different for Rixia though, allowing her former to pass on without any bloodshed.

At this present time, Rixia has likely not become Yin yet, considering she still appeared to be eight to nine years old. A year older than Sherryl who appeared seven to eight. Thinking that, it seems Sherryl took the initiative to talk to Rixia, so I decided to continue looking at the two.

"So you came all the way from Calvard, huh?", Sherryl asked, tapping her two metal gauntlets together. She then took a certain stance, which caused Rixia to blink at her.

"I've seen your matches to this point. You really do know Taito...You don't seem Calvardian though. And that's right. You can call me Rixia.", Rixia said as she effortlessly raised her large sword over her body.

"Hehe, I'm actually Crossbellan. Right now I'm studying under Master Zin. We've been travelling both between Liberl and Calvard this last year. You may be older than me but I won't go easy on you.", Sherryl said, creating a loud clank of metal. Afterward, her battle aura was released, which revealed a surprising gentle green glow, faintly covering her body.

"It's quite absurd to think someone as young as you would already know how to activate your battle qi. But that also shows how effective your Teacher is. I won't go easy on you even with such a display of talent.", Rixia said, unleashing her own battle qi, wrapping her body in a blueish-purple glow.

"It's not like I'm the most talented fighter out there though. If anything, Big Brother's Fiancé is much more terrifying in both terms of strength and talent. Right now, she should be accumulating merit within Erebonia's military, I think...?", Sherryl said, tilting her head a bit.

"Hmm, for someone as yourself to praise such a person, I wouldn't mind meeting them for a battle myself.", Rixia responded with a smile.

However, the moment these two exchanged these words among the roaring crowd, a single person suddenly spat out a mouthful of air. Of course that person was me.

"Cough, cough...", I spat out after hearing Sherryl say that. As I did, the people beside me turned and looked my way. Kloe's eyes revealed a look of interest while Alfin revealed a playful smile. Angelica just stared at me, blinking her eyes.

"My my, now this is a rather interesting revelation. You didn't say you already had a Fiancé, Naoto. Please do share.", Princess Alfin said as she clapped her hands.

"This is the first time I've heard of this as well, Brother.", Kloe said with interest.

"There's no way just anyone could propose to you like that, considering where your current status lays.", Angelica responded.

"You are right about that. It's not like I forgot either. Due a certain circumstance, it has been put on hold. Until a specific condition is met, to say the least.", I answered, only to look back at Angelica "In fact, you may know her, Angie. You are going to enroll at Thors in a couple years, right?", I asked.

"Sure am. After I finish traveling and my training with Master Kilika here, just like any other member of the Great Houses would. Thors is one of the most prestigious schools you can enter, unless you are looking to dive into science or technology. And now that I think about it, you'll be enrolling there too, right, Naoto?", Angelica asked

"That's the plan. You may be a year older but I'll be looking to transfer into the same year you'll be going, Angie. I currently plan to study here a bit first in Liberl though.", I answered her.

"Awesome. Then we'll be schoolmates.", Angelina replied happily.

"I take it this person you're referring to is a an alumnus at Thors then?", Kilika asked with interest.

"She is. It's a shame I wasn't able to witness it in person, but if I recall correctly, the student body started to call her the Demon of Thors?", I answered, tilting my head a bit.

And yet the moment I uttered the name "The Demon of Thors", Angelica spat out a mouthful of air while Princess Alfin's eyes turned wide a bit.

"Y-You're not joking about that, are you, Naoto?", Angelica said with a stutter. "That demon actually sent you a proposal?", Angelica continued to ask.

"Haha, she sure did. It's been a good while though.", I replied happily. However, at this time, we heard a sudden voice call out to us.

"Oh my, I didn't think I'd hear someone talking about me all the way out here.", A sudden voice called out to us. Some of us became confused, but the moment I heard this voice, my eyes turned wide for a brief moment. After that, it immediately turned turned into a sigh, only to place my hand on my head.

Unexpectedly, a shadow swiftly approached our way. Before we could do anything my vision went black. At the same time, I felt two warm hands wrap over my eyes.

"...Guess who?", The voice said both containing a stern tone but gentle at the same time.

"...I almost forgot you like to show up out of nowhere, don't you, Aurelia?", I said letting out a sigh.

As I did, even Kilika's eyes turned wide a bit.

"I couldn't even hear her approach us...", Kilika uttered to herself.

"Haha, you were just a little squirt since we met last, but it indeed has been a while. You're acquainted with a rather interesting crowd, aren't you?", The figure behind me said, only to reveal a very beautiful woman with sleek silver hair right behind me. She appeared to be in her early twenties. She observed the rest of who was beside me. She blinked at Princess Alfin for a moment as well.

"So you're here too huh?", Aurelia said as she introduced herself to us.

"Teehee, whatever do you mean by that? Right now we're just on a little date~", Princess Alfin said with a teasing tone. As she did, Angelica was wide eyed, blinking when Aurelia decided to sit directly behind me and next to Emma.

"No way...", Angelica uttered as she looked at Aurelia. Seeing Angelica lean forward a bit, Aurelia was able to see her.

"You're Lord Rogner's daughter, aren't you?", Aurelia asked with interest as she observed Angelica. Angelica nodded.

"That's right, Miss Aurelia. I didn't think I'd see that demon of Thors today, and in Liberl no less.", Angelica responded.

"Haha, I did make quite a name a few years back. Right now I'm currently on a paid leave, so I decided to see what Liberl was like since the war. I wasn't expecting to find you guys here during the Queen's celebration. I can't help but wonder who you are specifically,", Aurelia said, shifting her eyes toward Kloe.

"Right now, I'm just Kloe.", Kloe responded with a smile. "It is nice to meet you though.", Kloe continued to say.

"You really are that Fiancé of Naoto's?", Angelica decided to ask with interest.

"You told them?", Aurelia asked as she looked down my way.

"Haha, it was sort of...brought up. I didn't deny it though.", I replied revealing a small grin.

"Good. That isn't something that you need to deny. How much has Naoto told you guys so far?", Aurelia decided to ask.

"Only that there's a condition to be met. But Naoto, aren't you already--?", Estelle tried to ask as she finally broke free from Joshua's grasp. However, the moment Estelle tried to ask that, Joshua quickly covered her mouth again, only to spark an angry look from her eyes. Seeing this caused us to chuckle.

"Indeed, there is one. Since you have yet to say it then I will. Naoto here needs to best me in a duel. That is the condition that I have set.", Aurelia replied happily, only to cause a wave of surprise to reach everyone's eyes.

At the same time, Angelica started to shake her head back and forth, revealing a defeated look.

"I almost feel sorry for you now.", Angelica couldn't help but retort after Aurelia said that.

"Why should I be? I have grown quite considerably in the years you haven't seen me, Aurelia. But I'm sure you have as well.", I answered.

"I definitely have. I look forward to both of us displaying our might.", Aurelia also answered with a nod.

"That is something I do wish to address with you actually. So I'll be frank here. You remember the phenomenon we experienced back in Heimdallr then, right Aurelia?", I asked Aurelia.

"How could I not forget? It's one of the most memorable experiences I hold dear. But now that I think about it, didn't you say that it was unfinished?". Aurelia asked as she nodded her head.

"It is. Within this next year or so, I plan to continue diving into that. Would you be interested in joining for round two?", I decided to ask.

Aurelia immediately confirmed with a quick nod.

"Absolutely. We only fought that one weird creature last time, but I'm looking forward to encountering more.", Aurelia responded in acknowledgement.

"...You wouldn't happen to be referring to that strange glowing circle that suddenly appeared several years ago in Erebonia's capital city in Dreichel's Plaza, would you?", Kilika suddenly asked with interest. "It's been sparking interest not only to Erebonia but to Calvard as well, a strange phenomena like that, only to stop operating, as if it was waiting for someone to call out to it.", Kilika continued to say.

"Of course I am. After all, it was us who caused that circle to appear. Well, mostly Aurelia and I. The other participants are currently not present here.", I explained, revealing a grin only to cause shock to appear in Zin, Kilika, Angelica and Princess Alfin's eyes.

"So that was the case after all...", Kilika uttered. "Do you have the means to turn it back on then, I presume?", Kilika decided to ask.

"Sure do. You won't turn this down, right, Aurelia?", I answered.

"Definitely not. Just say the word and I'll squeeze some time to join.", Aurelia said with another nod.

"Hmm...", Kilika uttered to herself, only to turn quiet for a moment. Seeing this attracted our interest, before she continued to speak. "Would you mind if I partook in this then? It sounded like you had a group last time, so this should be doable, yes?", Kilika decided to ask, which caused me to blink at her for a good moment.

"Quick to think about that, huh? But I don't mind if you join us, Kilika. We had a group of four last time but I don't think there is a limit.", I explained.

"A group of four eh? Mind if I join in too?", Zin decided to ask. "If it's going to be a fight, I'd like to take up on a challenge, haha!", Zin replied with a laugh.

"...Aren't you training Sherryl right now, Zin?", I asked while I blinked my eyes.

"Well, of course I am. We've been travelling from Liberl to Calvard this last year, earning practical combat experience. I can pass on a message saying we'll be unavailable for a short period of time. You can look after Sherryl, right, Angelica?", Zin asked as he looked at Angelica.

"No problem. Just leave it to me.", Angelica responded happily as she pumped one of her arms upward.

"Haha, mind if I fill in that last spot then? Master ain't 'round for now, but I can fill in her shoes, yeah?", A voice suddenly called out to us, only to reveal two figures approaching us from the entrance to the VIP stands. He had a rather thick accent and the moment I spotted his green hair, my eyes received another shock. Next to this green haired guy was a younger girl, more toward around Angelica's age and had long red hair. But the striking appearance they had was a priest's robe and a squire's outfit.

"Kevin? Is that really you?", I said, calling out to the green haired guy. As for the girl, she stayed silent.

" 'Sup, Naoto? It's been a hot minute, but Ries and me been itchin' to try out some of Liberl's delicacies. We've got some spare time on our hands now.", The green haired guy said, only to place his hands behind his head in a casual manner. Compared to the last time we met, this guy seemed to be around seventeen years old now.

"Uh-uh. And I thought you were ditching your duties in supporting Bishop Reval to come watch the martial arts competition today.", Ries said with a deadpan look in her eyes.

"Oof, ya really know where to where to strike at the heart, dont'cha, Ries?", The green haired guy named Kevin said, only to have his cheek twitch a bit.

"Haha, either way it is nice to see you two again--?", I tried to welcome Kevin and Ries. However, all of us suddenly heard a loud clang of striking metal, following a loud bang coming down from the middle of the arena. We also heard a pained yell reaching our ears right after.

"Ahh!", Rixia's voice suddenly yelled out in pain, only to have a swift figure get blasted all the way to the right of the arena, quickly drawing our attention back. As Rixia was sent flying, blood splattered into the air and onto the grass as she flew...

"Looks like the finals have begun already.", Kevin said, seeing the final match now underway.

We quickly nodded our heads, and Kevin and Ries decided to sit down next to us on the right. With a look of anticipation in my eyes of what's to come, we looked onward and downward to watch Sherryl's match against Rixia unfold.

Before we knew it, time began to speed up as we continued to see two swift figures dance around in the battlefield below, causing loud clashes of striking metal to resound in our eyes one after another...


Enjoy a longer chapter :)

Giliath demands your power stones!