Chapter 117: Pest Control

Five months later.

Year S1198, May 1st.

Crossbell City.

Crossbell Police Department, First Division.

"So is everyone in favor of these strike teams? We will be launching a three pronged attack. These bastards won't know that we're coming.", An aged man's voice with a striking mustache echoed in what appeared to be a drawing room of sorts. One not used for military affairs per se, but of domestic issues. Today's event was a special occasion though, as several figures could be seen donning serious looks in their eyes while they all looked at a giant orbal monitor that could be seen at the front. On it displayed several maps with several different areas on them.

One similar characteristic these areas shows was that they were all a dug in cave of sorts, sporting a rather peculiar symbol that a normal person would not recognize at all.

"It splits the strengths of our teams quite well, so that may be of benefit to us, should we encounter something we aren't prepared for. I do not have any complaints.", A second voice said, only to push the frames of his glasses up a bit with one of his fingers. He seemed seemed to be twenty one year old man sporting dark green hair while decked out in a two piece royal blue suit. Crossbell's CPD insignia could be seen on it.

"Hmm...", A third voice said, who had short brown hair and a stubby small beard, appearing to be a thirty two year old middle aged man. This voice continued to look at the current attack plan that was currently shown on the giant orbal monitor.

Seeing this third person stay silent, the second person spoke out to him.

"Senior Detective Sergei, did you manage to spot something?", The second man asked. The third man remained silent for another moment after he was asked that, before responding.

"I am not sure. These cultist bastards likely rotate to different bases, since there are so many scattered throughout each one of our countries.", The third man called Sergei responded in doubt.

Sergei then looked toward and saw a violet haired boy seemingly a child around twelve years old among the respectable group, mostly of adult men and women consisting of police officers and government officials alike, who sported very distinct golden eyes. After looking at the boy, he was actually dressed similarly to the dark green haired man, but he sported a two piece black suit. He was not currently wearing his violet golden robe he usually wore.

"Your Highness, you said you that they internally keep track of every member of theirs in a database of sorts, right? The same goes for the abductees?", Sergei asked.

"That's right, Senior Detective Sergei.", The violet haired boy answered, only to look at several documents scattered on the large and long wooden table in the middle of the room. Most of these documents contained a list calling out individuals with their name, birth information, as well as a photo.

"It still amazes me you were able to provide such amount of intel, Your Highness.", The second person said with a respectful tone.

"In a way, we know most of who the cultists actually are, even their higher ups. Which is why we were able to devise such a strategy with Chief Commander Bright here. But it is as Senior Detective Sergei doubts, knowledge isn't everything. So what if we know their count and how they work? For all we know they could very well already be anticipating an attack. If we do divert one hundred percent of our forces, our backside will become vulnerable.", The violet haired boy answered.

"Hmm, that is true. While we do have the cooperation of our armies, mobilizing them will still take time, especially since we need to go out at such length. We can't make too much noise either, but this really isn't a covert operation...", The first man responded, also in doubt now.

"Haha, it sounds like you guys need a diversion then.", A fourth voice responded with an upbeat tone. This voice belonged to a twenty two year old man with thick wavy brown hair and thick eyebrows. Out of the bunch of people here he was one of the most spirited. He also liked wearing casual clothes sporting a brown and white jacket and jeans. Still, the CPD's insignia could be seen on his jacket, meaning this person also belonged to Crossbell's police division. Like the second and third person, he was a detective. In actuality, him and the man called Sergei, along with the next person in tow all belonged to the same squad.

"A diversion, huh? I could see that happening. If we could create a diversion and draw away their attention we could easily strike at the heart of their bases.", A fifth voice said. He too was a police officer, and sported lush navy blue hair. He was the same age as the man with thick brown hair. Unlike the rest though who typically carried a standard issue orbal pistol at their waist, this man had a katana in a sheath.

"Hmm, perhaps its our time to shine then. Wouldn't you agree, Miss Commander of the CGF?", A sixth voice said, revealing a middle aged man with receding brown hair.

"With our current forces, we have more than enough room to cause a diversion. But for you to personally pay a visit to this strategy meeting, it is quite an honor. Considering you're the man standing at the top of the Calvardian Republic.", A middle aged woman around thirty responded. She also had dark blue hair and wore glasses much like the second man did. Unlike the others though, she was wearing a gray military uniform along with a black skirt and leggings.

"Oh please. While I may be Calvard's acting President, everyone's voices are heard since we are a Republic. Still, this was already taken to a vote, and Verne is willing to lend us a few orbal scout ships for this operation. I know if we create too much noise, it will cause a much bigger hassle. I am sorry we can't provide any more support than this.", The fifth man responded, feeling a bit guilty.

Despite that, the violet haired boy smiled back a the man who was currently the President of the Calvardian Republic.

"That is plenty, President Rocksmith. I am just surprised you brought this notion as a bill and it passed with flying colors. I guess people back in Calvard really want these cultists gone?", The violet haired boy responded with a smile.

"They do. Among the bases you have provided to us, Your Highness, it truly is unbelievable how many have deeply rooted themselves in our country. We've been dealing a rise in immigrants lately, but regardless of who our citizens are, they want the kidnapping of our children to be stopped. I'm sure it is the same for you lot as well, right?", President Rocksmith said in more serious tone.

At this time, it was a rather old man who spoke out who had receding white hair. Among the group of people here, he may even be the oldest, but he was still the enacting mayor of Crossbell City, to which was currently hosting this strategy meeting inside the CPD's first division building.

"That's right. They've always seemed to strike before any one of us would take notice. It would always be too late by the time we could seize them. But just seeing how many bases there are in Calvard, there are almost as many here in Crossbell. I can't believe it took us this long to shed light on the DG Cult.", Mayor MacDowell also responded in a serious tone. "But it would of likely taken longer if you didn't provide us this information, Your Highness.", Mayor MacDowell continued to say respectively.

"Well, it may be out of my reach for speaking on behalf of both Calvard and Crossbell, and while the DG Cult hasn't spread its influence much down in Liberl since we're part of the southernmost area of Zemuria, I too want to erase these bastards. It does bring me joy to see so many of us cooperate for a common cause. Once we have finalized our plan, we will begin launching our attack on the DG Cult.", The violet haired boy responded happily. He then looked back toward the brown haired man with a mustache. "You share the same sentiment, don't you Chief Commander Bright?", The violet haired boy continued to ask.

"I think we all do, Your highness.", Cassius responded with a nod, which also caused everyone else in this room to nod their head as well. "And speaking of which, I do not see Her Highness with you today.", Cassius continued to say, seeing Kloe not beside the violet haired boy.

"Haha, she is currently assisting Grandmother in governmental affairs. She has also started to partake in a specialized combat training, so I'm afraid Her Highness currently does not have a lot of spare time on her hands. She told me to leave such matters like this to me. In this situation, my word is the same as Grandmothers.", The violet haired boy answered in a serious tone.

"Your Grandmother...You must be referring Her Majesty?", President Rocksmith asked as glint of light streaked across his eyes.

"That's right. I do hope through this operation that we maintain friendly ties with Calvard.", The violet haired.

"Hoho, well that much is certain, Your Highness. But unlike us where the voice of people can be heard and spread, you have a whole country riding on your shoulders. Are you sure you're fine being here?", President Rocksmith asked with a hint of worry.

"You can rest assured. It's not like I came alone either. My protection is more than less guaranteed while I'm out of country like this.", The violet haired boy responded happily, only to look toward his left. He saw a rather petite figure next to a violet haired boy, but was mostly hidden away wearing both a black camo top and pants. The figure's waist was visible, but no one could see what they looked like thanks to a combat helmet they were wearing. But from the looks of it, from the design of the armor they were wearing, they appeared to be a member of Zephyr.

But one thing to point out was the weapon that was currently beside this figure. It was a giant orbal sniper rifle, taller than the petite figure themselves.

"I didn't think you would be acquainted with Jaegers, Your Highness. I do know they are hired swords so their strength is guaranteed, but I still can't help it with you being here in Crossbell.", Cassius said as he shook his head a bit. However, the violet haired boy only smiled seeing Cassius behave like this.

"Haha, well the one here is actually someone you've met previously, mister commander.", The violet haired boy replied with a laugh.

"Are you sure, Naoto?", The figure responded with a familiar voice, only to belong to that of a female's voice. Yet the moment this voice was spoken, Cassius eyes turned wide a bit while the violet haired boy nodded his head at the figure wearing the helmet.

Taking it off revealed a plum haired girl who seemed no younger than eleven years old. She waved her hair a bit as she took the helmet off.

"...Emma?', Cassius replied, still in doubt.

"I am sorry, Mister Cassius. But it is as you see.", Emma responded, still wearing the armor of a Jaeger. After Emma said that, the violet haired boy turned toward Sonya and President Rocksmith.

"As you see, I am in currently in contact with a certain Jaeger group. Take Emma with you when you provide this operation with air support. If you need Emma here to take a shot, she'll do it.", The violet haired boy responded.

"Understood. But it is still a bit alarming to see such a young child as a Jaeger.", Sonya responded.

"For this person to stand by His Highness, she must have some strength to prove, yes? You needn't worry about it too much, Miss Commander. Welcome aboard.", President Rocksmith responded with a smile, causing Emma to nod her head.

"Then is operation Pest Control a go then? The sooner we can take action, the better. We need to serve these cultist bastards the justice they deserve.", The man in glasses responded.

"Cool your jets, Dudley. It's not like we can move out right this second. But we do know which bases we'll be attacking right, Arios?", Guy said who was still next to Dudley.

"Mmm. You guys have support of the Bracer Guild so once we receive the notice to move out, we'll follow suit.", Arios said, nodding his head.

"Well, I'm not much of a fighter anymore, but if you need someone in the rear, I'll be able to provide support.", Sergei said, also nodding his head.

"Good. We mustn't cause too much disturbance once we launch our attacks. You'll notify everyone once the plan is ready, right, mister commander?", The violet haired boy asked Cassius.

"That's right. We have a good plan of attack now, so we can conclude this meeting--?", Cassius tried to respond. However, the room was suddenly interrupted by a rather stern male voice.

"Haha, it looks like the preparations are going well. Much like you guys, the DG Cult are but pests for us as well. You wouldn't mind if we paid some contribution to this attack plan too, no?", A stern voice said, only to cause everyone in the room to look at the door. A rather tall middle aged man suddenly entered the room along with a woman next to him. She had icy blue hair and was also in a military uniform of sorts. Yet the moment this man entered this room, the violet haired boy's eyes turned wide in surprise, and the man was quick to notice.

"My presence in being here won't cause any trouble now will it, Your Highness?", The man said. He then looked around only to quickly spot Mayor MacDowell and President Rocksmith, only to give a small bow to greet them.

"And you seem to be in good health, Mayor. I give the same sentiment to you, President Rocksmith.", The man continued to say. As the rest were in shock, it was President Rocksmith who responded first, as he seemed more used to this than others were.

"Well well, with such a constant busy schedule, I didn't think you would have enough time to partake in such an event like this, but I guess I was wrong. I don't think the DG Cult has much an influence in your country than we do, but it is still enough concern for you to personally pay a visit to this meeting?", President Rocksmith asked, which caused the man to nod his head.

"That's right. If there is a chance to nip pests in the bud, then I won't hesitate to take that chance and strike to deliver a blow that they won't be able to recover from. It does sound like this meeting is mostly over though. Since an attack plan has already been formulated, there needn't much discussion there, but instead, how about I provide some manpower to help?", The man asked.

"Well...I don't think we would be against that, but you should know we can't create too much disturbance by doing this operation. But with a man of your caliber, you should have already taken that into consideration, so I will assume you will provide the right amount of manpower to support that. Or did I deduce that incorrectly, Chancellor Osborne?", Cassius said, only to look back at the man who just arrived. Hearing that, a smile bloomed on his face.

"No, you understood my intention the first time, acting commander. As for who exactly, I brought one of my right hand people to help you guys out, along with a few squads ready at a beckon. Why don't you come introduce yourself?", Chancellor Osborne asked, only to look at the icy blue haired woman who seemed to be eighteen years old.

"Understood, Your Excellency.", The woman beside him said, only to give everyone in the room a salute as she began to introduce herself.

"Captain Claire Rieveldt of the RMP. Reporting for duty of this operation to eliminate the DG Cult.", Claire said, formally introducing herself.


[Insert picture of Guy Bannings here]

[Insert picture of Alex Dudley here]

[Insert picture of Sergei Lou here]

[Insert picture of Sonya Lou here]

[Insert picture of Arios MacLaine here]

[Insert picture of President Rocksmith here]

[Insert picture of Claire Rieveldt here]

Sonya's still married to Sergei at this time.

Lots of people introduced in this one o:

Giliath demands your power stones!