Chapter 143: Sparks

If one wants an age comparison, MC and Kloe are now age 13. Angelica is 14. Ennea is 17. Vita is 19.

Giliath demands your power stones!


"Hmm, so this is the one?", A third voice said, only to have a second shadow swoop down shortly after Ennea arrived who brought me into her embrace.

I blinked at this second figure. She also appeared to be a woman of Ennea's age, perhaps even older.

This second woman was quite tall, sporting hair similar to Emma's, but hers was more red, and it was quite long. With her height and stature alone, she was basically a tank.

"That's right. This is Young Master, my savior. I've told you how he rescued me back then, right, Ines?", Ennea said, only to look back at the red haired woman beside her. The moment Ennea answered that, the woman called Ines calmly shook her head as an annoyed look appeared in her eyes.

"Ugh, you wouldn't shut up about it.", Ines replied letting out a groan. Her eyes then wandered over to Ennea, only to look at her two mounds that my face was currently enjoying. "I do wonder if all of that recent growth of yours has gone to only your breasts.", Ines retorted, letting out a complaint. Ennea's breasts were quite large at this point.

Compared to how she was back when we were inside the cult, Ennea almost appeared an entirely different person. She seemed to have grown up quite well.

After Ines retorted that, Ennea blinked. Her eyes then wandered back toward me and revealed a playful smile.

"But Young Master seems to be enjoying them. You like big breasts, don't you, Young Master?", Ennea asked as she blinked at me.

"It's like I'm sinking into two soft and fluffy pillows...", I couldn't help but play along and retort that. When I answered that, Ennea revealed another smile. I mean, Ennea's breasts were presented to me in such a manner, there was no reason not to enjoy it, right?

"See?", Ennea asked as she smiled back at Ines. Ines only shook her head again seeing our responses.

"Hah...", Ines let out a sigh after hearing that. "I fear the day when Duvalie meets this guy. She should stay far away from him.", Ines retorted after hearing Ennea's response. When Ines said that, Ennea let out a giggle.

"Teehee, I can agree with you on that one. Duvalie's heart would go pitter-pat in no time should she meet Young Master like this.", Ennea replied with a playful tone again. When Ennea said that, I blinked again, only taking this time to compose myself, and exited Ennea's embrace, as much as I enjoyed it for this brief moment.

"Duvalie?", I asked with interest as I composed myself, escaping Ennea's hug.

"Our newest sister of the Stahlritter. Master found her talents a year ago and Duvalie's been receiving training from her directly. It's a shame she won't be able to attend this mission though.", Ennea explained to me, only to look back at Ines, and pointed her thumb at her.

"And this is Ines, by the way. She too had joined not too long ago.", Ennea continued to say, introducing Ines to me. Ines simply nodded after Ennea introduced her to me.

"Putting that just now aside, it is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. It appears Ennea was under your care for a time before meeting our Master and joining the Stahlritter.", Ines said, putting her arm across her chest and giving me a formal bow.

"Haha, likewise. It is nice to meet you, Ines. I guess you two will be accompanying me then.", I said, welcoming Ennea and Ines, only to look back at Campanella. "Was this your doing?", I couldn't help but ask, seeing Campanella calmly watch us.

"Who knows.", Campanella simply answered, shrugging his shoulders. "The Stahlritter will assist you this time, Your Highness. It is up to you to complete your mission or not. Remember, only report back if the target is either dead, or with the way you suggested.", Campanella said, only to snap his fingers. After he snapped his fingers, a windy green circle began to appear beneath his feet, and his figure started to phase in and out of existence. almost as if his whole body became an illusion.

Yet before Campanella completely vanished, we saw a playful smile appear on his face before his voice reached out to us.

"But should you do well, Your Highness, even I may decide to reward you~", Campanella said in a teasing voice, despite being there no longer.

I couldn't help but shudder a bit hearing him say that.

"Did Campanella really have to say that last part?", I asked. Ennea giggled as I asked that.

"Teehee, oh the contrary. Campanella trusts you quite a bit, Young Master. He is very much looking forward how you do this mission.", Ennea answered in a respectful tone, causing me to blink at her.

"Campanella really is an enigma, isn't he?", I began to wonder after Ennea said that.

"For now, what shall we do, Your Highness? It is already quite late into the night. We did receive a notice that the Garden of Swords has begun to move already, so we shouldn't tarry too long. But it should at least give us another day or two.", Ines asked me.

"Hmm, it would be weird to bring you two into the castle, but I wonder if she'll be fine with it?", I uttered. Sadly, our conversation was disturbed as I heard Kloe's voice reach out to me shortly after.

"Is everything okay, Brother? You've been outside for a while now.", Kloe's voice said, only for us to hear the veranda open again. Kloe walked onto the veranda, and she blinked her eyes the moment she saw me with Ennea and Ines, especially since the two were dressed in their armor right now. They stood out like a sore thumb.

"Haha, everything's alright, Kloe. There might be a change in plans though.", I said, scratching my cheek a bit. Ennea blinked seeing Kloe. She could tell Kloe appeared very similarly to me.

"Wow, so you do really have a sister, Young Master. She looks just like you. It was quite hard to tell back then.", Ennea responded, seeing Kloe arrive. After Ennea said that, I looked back at Kloe.

"You remember Ennea don't you, Kloe? She was onboard the Glorious back then.", I said.

"I remember. Is that really you?", Kloe asked as she looked at Ennea, not believing that she was the same cloaked figure she saw back then.

"It is. I do apologize if we were intruding on your night. But the Young Master here has received a mission of sorts, and we'll be accompanying him.", Ennea said as she nodded her head.

"It is as Ennea said. We can retreat back into the city for the night should you not want us intruding.", Ines also said.

"Nonsense. A friend of Brother's is a friend of ours. It doesn't sound like you'll be staying for long but you can at least stay the night, unless that business of yours is urgent.", Kloe responded.

"I think we can afford a night.", Ennea answered with a smile.

"Yeah. We'll be heading out in the morning. You may not see us for a good while.", I also said, with a nod of my head.

"Is that so? I can let Grandmother know then.", Kloe said.

"We'll be intruding then.", Ines said, nodding her head.

"Why don't you let this big sister take you and we can catch up on things, Young Master?", Ennea asked with a playful tone, only to wrap her hands around me again, allowing her breasts to press against my back. Seeing Ennea suddenly do this caused me to blink again. I couldn't respond sadly, as we heard another voice reach our ears as the sound of the veranda door opened again.

"Hmph, I was wondering what was taking you guys so long, but to think I would catch something like this. I don't know who you are, but Naoto only has one big sister, and that's me.", Angelica said, only to see the two new arrivals on the veranda. She couldn't help blink her eyes seeing two rather beautiful women beside me. "Still, I didn't think I would get to see two beauties like you two tonight~", Angelica responded in a playful tone as well as she saw Ennea and Ines.

Ennea blinked seeing Angelica arrive, not expecting someone like her to show up in Grancel Castle.

"Who are you?", Ennea couldn't help but ask, being interested in seeing this girl who knew her Young Master.

"Naoto's first girlfriend. What about you, beautiful?", Angelica said, sticking her chest out a bit.

"Naoto's girlfriend...And did you say first?", Ennea suddenly retorted. For a brief moment I thought I heard a visible boom of thunder streak across the inside of Ennea's mind.

Her eyes then shifted into a deadpan look, and she quickly reached out one of her hands. I suddenly felt a sharp pinch of my ear, only to see Ennea forcibly drag me back into the castle.

"It seems we have A LOT to catch up on, Young Master~", Ennea playfully said as the two of us slowly vanished from the other three's sight They could only blink at me as I shrugged my shoulders along the way, only to play along.

Angelica just sighed and followed after. Kloe welcomed Ines as well and we all went back inside.

From that night, they began to wonder what was more surprising to hear, the fact that I received a mission to complete from Ouroboros, or the fact that I started to date someone, only to have revealed the harem plan to Ennea?

Aside from playing with Ennea's shocked face the whole night, the very eventful night quickly passed by before we knew it.


Meanwhile, as a certain boy mulled over meeting one of his friends again back at Grancel Castle, the next morning, a certain duo could be seen back in Grancel City, or more specifically, underneath the city, deep inside one of the sewer blocks.

A third figure acting as the duo's senior could be seen accompanying this certain duo. An anger mark soon appeared on the first girl's face seeing a broken vase she had already passed by countless times, trying to flaunt her staff.

"Okay, are there seriously no more vases to smash? This area is too confusing!", The girl complained.

"Have you even considered using your map, at least once, Estelle?", The boy beside her retorted.

"Haha, the moment Estelle decides to use a map is when I'll retire as a Bracer. Still, must you continue smashing these things, Estelle? I know I brought you two in here for more practice, but it's still property of Grancel. You're troubling His Highness by doing this, Estelle.", Schera said letting out a giggle.

"It's not my fault that mira shows up in these vases. They're just asking to be smashed, you know. I always find it more practical than trying our luck in finding some random dirty treasure chest that may have been looted already.", Estelle retorted Schera, sticking out her growing chest in pride. Schera could only shake her head, placing her fingers over the bridge of her nose.

"I swear what is Cassius teaching you these days, Estelle?", Schera retorted seeing Estelle behave like this.

"Trust me, I've tried, Schera. These days I just tend to play along with Estelle's shenanigans.", Joshua, the boy beside Estelle, responded as he shrugged his shoulders as well. He was careful when he did that though, as he currently held a pair of daggers in his hands.

"See? Everything's alright, so stop worrying!", Estelle also said in response.

"Fine. But the next monsters you guys come across I won't be assisting you. Up for the challenge?", Schera responded as she rested a leather whip in her hand.

"Works for me!", Estelle happily responded.

"It would make a good experience, so I'll agree with that too.", Joshua also said with a nod of his head.

"Good. Then as punishment, you'll lead the way, Estelle. And for the love of Aidios, could you at least use your map this time?", Schera asked in a serious tone, only to have Estelle giggle hearing Schera say that.

With that, the three then dove deeper into Grancel's sewers, hoping to gain more experience in fighting monsters that may be lurking in preparation for their Bracer Exam...


[Insert picture of Ines here]

[Insert picture of Duvalie here]