Chapter 172: Movement

Giliath demands your power stones!



Sometime unknown after Naoto had his fight with the One of Swords.

In a particular Phase Space.

The Celestial Globe.

The main meeting spot between the shadow organization that lies beneath the surface of Zemuria, Ouroboros. This space allows members far and wide to join in, no matter where one resided on the continent. The only thing that was required of an Ouroboros member to join this Phase Space was an invitation by those who granted access to this space.

The Fool was one such person, Enforcer No. 0, who could come and go as they pleased. Most of the time, he acted as an observer to the story's events taking place, and would step in when necessary. His latest actions was to observe another new member of Ouroboros, who was a certain crown prince of Liberl. Granted permission by the Grandmaster, The Fool issued his first mission, to which was a success.

Now, should the prince desire to, the Grandmaster has reserved a seat of an Enforcer to him, to which he will bear the moniker of his family past. Not of his Liberl ancestry, but that of what had been wiped off the continent of Zemuria, a famed name once known as the eyes and ears of the Erebonia's Imperial Family.

However, such a decision had not yet been made known to the prince. At this present time, the Phase Space could now be seen occupied again.

It only took a moment or two before The Fool's figure arrived inside the Celestial Globe. It wasn't like others to where it would just be a phantom image behind a screen, his real being entered the phase space. He also saw he wasn't alone.

He saw a couple other Enforcers while a couple other figures aside from them further secluded in the space, who seemed to have their figures obscured in some way. However, the moment The Fool arrived in the room, everyone's interest drew toward him. Apart from those present, another certain blue-red spiky haired man along with a green-haired girl who was much shorter than him also could be seen present. The moment The Fool arrived, the smaller girl smiled.

Yet, he proceeded to ignore the smiling girl, as The Fool's gaze was immediately drawn on the main pedestal that towered over all of the other seats of the Anguis. Only one figure allowed them to stand on this large pedestal, and that was the Grandmaster themselves. A hollowed figure of an otherworldly beautiful woman could be seen observing the few figures before her. Seeing the Grandmaster present, The Fool was quick to bow.

"I thank you all for taking you time to visit this place amongst your busy schedules. I also humbly greet you, Grandmaster.", The Fool said, bowing toward the ethereal beauty whose figure seemed to be going in and out of existence. As to whether she was al illusion, one couldn't tell.

"Mmm.", The Grandmaster simply nodded, welcoming one of her enforcers. "It appears the latest mission was a success. I personally do not bear grudges should you guys start infighting, but if it goes so far as to hinder what's been set, we have no choice but to take action.", The Grandmaster said, which drew everyone's eyes. Hearing that, the green-haired girl nodded her head.

"Well, it seems the Fourth Anguis didn't even bat an eye to the one who caused this mess anyways. They just happened to go a bit outside of their reach, but in the end, it only led to their death.", The green-haired smaller girl said as she seemed to have a casual tone when speaking to the Grandmaster.

"That's great and all, but do we know how His Highness will react to all of this?", The lazy-appearing man beside the green haired girl said, letting out a yawn as he did.

"As much as I would love to see how His Highness would react to The Emperor perishing, it is probably for the best for him to not know the outcome of the mission he had completed. The Factory will continue to produce assassins, even without a current head in place. It's position will most likely be filled by another, but should we pursue that route, it shouldn't be a hard process to take it over. The Fourth did decide to leave it mostly autonomous, so I doubt he will mind.", The Fool said, wondering to himself how the aftermath should be dealt with.

After all, despite the death of The Emperor, a certain assassin and an assassin-in-training are currently still residing in the Factory. It is uncertain as to whether the two have met up in person yet, but the assassin-in-training will likely come across the Three of Swords in no time. Having The Emperor hinder them served little purpose, which is why the green-haired girl decided on such a method. As the Grandmaster had said, certain things are set in stone.

This green-haired girl truly had terrifying powers. After all, she was a re-creation of the alchemists of old whose power was on par, if not even stronger than the seven treasured blessed by the Goddess. As to the specific treasure, it was the one blessed by the mirage element of the Three Higher Elements.

To sum it up, this green-haired girl had the powers of reality-bending. She can also foresee all possible outcomes, and try to change things as she fits to the betterment of man. But she also had another name, and that was the Zero Child, for being the first successful homunculus of the alchemist clan.

Sadly, aside from the Crois family who majorly owned the IBC banks scattered throughout the continent, most alchemists had perished during the Great Collapse, along with the other clans aside from the Hexen Clan and the Gnomes.

The main reason why she had such interest in the present time was that in every line of causality she had traversed, only a certain person remained in this one. He did not exist in any other line.

And at the same time, the green-haired child knew her time was fast approaching. It was unknown as to whether she would have to result in using the powers granted to her. After all, she would only want to decide on such a decision as a last resort. If she tried to reset everything, she didn't know if the interest she currently had would continue to exist, since they did not tread any other line of causality.

Right now, this green-haired girl was afraid of using her powers to such a degree. Yet at the same time, she knew what would come to happen in few years time. She could only sit back and mostly observe the current events similarly to The Fool here. With knowing that, the green-haired girl stayed quiet after The Fool said that, allowing the Grandmaster to change her gaze toward the silver haired man.

"As long as it does not hinder the Gospel Plan that is already set to take place, I do not mind, should you decide to pursue that. However, as for you, has the person of interest made any movement?", The Grandmaster asked the silver-haired man, which was of course, Loewe.

"Yes. I have been in contact with an officer of Liberl's royal army. They have already started to express interest in creating a new division. So it should likely happen in the coming year or two.", Loewe said, nodding his head.

"Good.", The Grandmaster said as she nodded her head as well, only to look back at Campanella. "I take it the Angel of Slaughter has made her way inside of Liberl as well?", The Grandmaster asked The Fool.

"She has. She had expressed keen desire to stay by His Highness's side, but she knows her role too. We have already started to secure the Second Seal for the Gospel Plan. The Angel of Slaughter will keep her designed post at the Tetracyclic Towers.", Campanella answered.

"All is going well then.", The Grandmaster said, seeing that the Gospel Plan was already starting to take shape, only to change her gaze toward the obscured figures. It was three of them to be exact. "It shouldn't be long for the Direwolf, the Bewitching Bell and the Phantom Thief to take action.", The Grandmaster mused, looking back to the three other obscured figures.

"Heh, I'm already itching to get some fighting in. I've grown bored of waiting.", An aged man's voice, revealing to be one of the figures.

"Hehe, I cannot wait to see my dearest again after such a long time.", A girl's voice said, which belonged to a very alluring voice of a woman's. She let out a giggle as she did.

"Now now, we cannot rush art. It won't do us any good without all of us over there at the towers. Otherwise it will be incomplete. If you decide to go in now, I'll strike you down.", An upright, formal voice said. One wouldn't be mistaken that this voice belonged to that of a noble's either.

"Haha. There is still a ways off, but it's good to see that you guys are ready so eager.", The Fool said with a grin. "Still, the Angel of Slaughter has already made her way inside of Liberl, which is a first good step. Once we have secured the towers, only then will you three act.", The Fool continued to say.

"Fine, but I better expect a good fight out of this.", The aged man said, only to shortly vanish from the Celestial Globe shortly after, leaving the other two figures behind.

"Well, don't let it be a shocker if I decide to pay a visit to my little sister sooner than what you have planned, Fool.", The alluring woman said, only to do a small twirl. Shortly after, she also vanished. Seeing the two of them leave, Campanella only shrugged his shoulders, only to look back to the remaining figure, aside from Loewe, the blue-red haired man and the green-haired girl.

"How are things on your end?", The Fool decided to ask the man, who went by the name Phantom Thief.

"Aha, I am very much enjoying my rest locked away in a prison.", The man said, letting out a rather unique laugh as he did. "I am merely biding my time away here in the solace of my own beauty. It's given much time for me to think of my next actions to take. Just say the word when us Enforcers are needed.", The man continued to say. Shortly after, his figure began to distort into an illusion of sorts, and slowly vanished from sight.

Seeing the three of them at this current state, Campanella couldn't help but nod his head in acknowledgement. Seeing them now gone, his interest grew toward the remaining three figures, only to land his gaze on the green-haired girl.

"How have you settled in so far, Lady KeA?", Campanella decided to ask, changing to a more respectful tone as he would for when he addresses the Grandmaster.

"It's been great exploring the facilities you guys have, even if it is just a temporary settlement. I fear my worries are going to happen, so I may not have that much time to spend to continue in observation.", The green-haired girl said, revealing a reluctant tone.

"I take it you've seen how things have turned out then.", Campanella said, musing to himself. He had seen KeA's powers in action, he wondered how far she can take it.

"I sadly cannot privy too much into detail, despite currently being in cooperation. But there will be a time to part, if it is as I feared.", KeA said, feeling a bit saddened after treading the lines she had witnessed thus far.

"Hmm. If it can't be helped, then it can't be helped. You've been helping us keep a pact between those alchemists, As for that other task you've been working on, it sounds like you've managed to retrieve it?", Campanella asked, which caused KeA to smile with a nod of her head. She reached inward, and pulled out a small sphere of sorts, as well as a really old-designed device. It seemed very similar to that of current combat orbments, but its design was very old.

"I did. Thanks to McBurn here, we were able to secure the Second Genesis. If the day happens to where I am no longer here, I fear what would happen to this line.", KeA said, only to walk toward Campanella. "At least with this, even if I am gone, I am sure Naoto will be safer with this around. I did a bit of magic and extracted the Second Genesis's core, and turned it into one of those master quartz that the foundation has been recently been creating.", KeA continued to explain as she was now beside Campanella.

"As for its powers, it should still inhibit what it was created to do. Can you pass it along as we promised?", KeA asked as Campanella reached his hands out.

"Of course, anything as you wish, Lady KeA. His Highness has safely returned from his mission, and is currently having that engineer work on the device he had tasked her to do. I merely need to pass it along. There shouldn't be any issue.", Campanella said with a smile.

"Good.", KeA happily responded. Her gaze shifted back toward the Grandmaster and spoke out to her again. "From the result of that latest mission, I was able to see both insecurity and resolve in Naoto's eyes. As I said earlier, I cannot be privy in detail, but your Gospel Plan will not likely have a hinderance, should it continue along as you've designed it to.", KeA said, trying to ease any worry the Grandmaster had.

"So will continue the schedule.", The Grandmaster said after thinking for a moment. "Are you sure with what you've seen we may not see each other?", The Grandmaster continued to ask.

"I wish I could say. I still thank you for allowing me to visit all kinds of places since I've woken up.", KeA said, shaking her head in doubt.

"It is of no trouble. You may still continue to do so until that destined time, should it come.", The Grandmaster said, which made KeA happy, only to look back toward McBurn. "Make sure no harm comes to the Zero Child.", The Grandmaster said with a more stern voice toward McBurn.

"Yeah yeah, I got you.", McBurn said, only to let out a yawn as he did. He didn't like being a babysitter, but it still allowed him to fight a tiny bit, so it's not like he was against it either.

Shortly after, KeA finished what she had came here to do, so she left, along with McBurn to wherever their next destination was. As for Loewe, he continued to watch on in silence, but was reassured of the mission that was given to him by the Grandmaster, since he was to join the eventual Intelligence Division of Liberl's royal army once it has been formed in the coming year or two.

Campanella also concluded his business with the Grandmaster and departed as well.

Seeing the Gospel Plan currently underway, the last figure who had an obscure image only revealed a grin as they stayed in silence, before bidding farewell to the Grandmaster. It didn't take long for the Grandmaster to end this session, leaving the Celestial Globe now empty.

As to when it would be occupied next, it would come in due time.


[Insert picture of Walter the Direwolf here]

[Insert picture of Luciola the Bewitching Bell here]

[Insert picture of Phantom Thief B here]

Allowing Naoto to have one of the Oct-Genesis should secure a role for him in the Kuro games. I had a further look at the abilities of each, and seeing the Second Genesis's design is to utilize healing arts and control life force, I figured that would make the most sense for him, considering he can change class into a dhampir.

Only two and a half years till the sky games start o.o