Chapter 178: Bracer Guild

Giliath demands your power stones!


"You don't mind if I take a second to do this, right?", I said, looking back at Butler Klaus. He simply shook his head and smiled.

"Of course not. Please go ahead. I'll hold onto this. At your ready, I shall take you to see Master.", Butler Klaus said bowing again. Seeing the Arseid butler do that, Toval looked back my way as I approached him.

"Who did you say you were again?", Toval asked as his eyes showed doubt.

"Come now.", I said, ignoring Toval's question. Laura only stared at the two of us while we made our way toward the Bracer Guild.

'Did Klaus really just address this guy as His Excellency...?', Laura uttered softly, wondering to herself.

Yet as Laura thought that, Klaus only smiled while Toval shrugged his shoulders as he followed the violet haired boy into the Bracer Guild.

A moment later, the door reopened. The figure still inside only blinked his eyes as he wasn't expecting the door to be opened so soon. Before this person could go through his remaining stack of papers for the day as he was the active receptionist, he immediately saw a familiar blonde haired man. Seeing Toval return to the Guild so quickly, the receptionist who Toval addressed as Miles could only shake his head.

"Please tell me you didn't forget what the monster request you picked up just now was, right Toval--?", Miles tried to say, only to realize that there was a violet haired boy dressed in a cloak next to him.

" 'Fraid not. This kiddo here said he wants to use the guild phone.", Toval said as I stood by him, getting a good look at Miles. He was one of the better known receptionists of the Guild, much like Aina. And if I recall correctly, he too spent some time in Alster while Toval was probably doing his quests there while working with Ein.

"Yo.", I simply said, raising my hand, only to wave it a bit at Miles to greet him. Hearing Toval say that, Miles looked back my way as I greeted him.

"A phone call? You do realize its only connected to secured lines, right?", Miles said, looking back at Toval as he squinted his eyes at him.

"That's the plan.", I simply smiled. Yet as I said that, the three of us heard a fourth voice reach out, seemingly coming from inside of my cloak.

"Phew. Is it time to come out again?", Tamamo's voice said, only for Miles and Toval to see a small head pop. Before the two could do anything, Tamamo did a swift motion and jumped out, only to land on the desk Miles was still at. She stretched her body as she did.

"The hell?", Toval said, now seeing a silvery-white six tailed fox now in front of him while Miles looked at Tamamo in surprise.

"This...isn't a monster, is it?", Miles asked in doubt as he stared at the fox. The moment Tamamo heard the word 'monster', though, she immediately scoffed at Miles.

"Hmph. Don't you dare classify me the same as those brutes. I am no monster.", Tamamo replied, letting out a yawn as she stretched her body out on the desk.

"So it's a talking fox then. Not the craziest shit I've seen.", Toval said, quickly coming to a conclusion that he didn't want to know about it, shrugging his shoulders as he did. That's one of the reasons why I liked Toval so much. His attitude was very easygoing, and he was able to easily acquaint himself with several other Bracers as a result of his attitude.

"Right...I keep forgetting you've been working with those church folk before becoming a Bracer here.", Miles said, letting out a sigh as he shook his head. Yet I ignored that remark of his and proceeded directly behind the counter, walking right to where the phone was.

"H-Hey! I didn't say it was okay for you to use it!", Miles immediately recovered his earlier surprise, only to see me now use the phone. After pressing some dials on it, it began to ring. I signaled Miles with my hand, telling him it was fine as I now held the phone over one of my ears. I wanted to call another branch, so using the phone here made sense.

And since Miles was close by, he was distracted again by a voice that soon began to speak into the phone that was now over my ear.

"This is the Grancel Branch line, Elnan speaking.", Elnan's voice suddenly spoke into my ear which caused surprise to reach Miles's eyes.

'That's Elnan's voice...', Miles said, only to have his eyes become more serious as he continued to look my way.

"Yo, Elnan. It sure has been a while, hasn't it?", I said into the phone. Yet the moment my voice was heard from the other end I heard the line go dead for a good moment. Since this was over the phone, I couldn't see the reaction on the other side since I was here in Legram, but it definitely would have been nice to see it.

"...This voice doesn't belong who I think it does, does it?", Elnan took a moment to ask after a short period of silence.

"What do you think?", I said. I couldn't help but grin as I heard a long stretched out sigh after Elnan heard my voice twice.

"Do you seriously understand just how big a mess you have caused us, Your Highness!? And why are you calling from another Bracer Branch?", Elnan immediately retorted me as I heard Elnan shout into the phone.

'Did Elnan just call this kid His Highness...?', Miles uttered, revealing a frown as he observed me again.

"Well, that's exactly why I made this call. Shera should be there, right?", I continued to say, ignoring Elnan's shouting.

"Hah...", Elnan replied, letting out a drawn sigh hearing me act like nothing had happened since a week ago. Well, judging from Elnan's reaction like this it did seem something has happened since I "vanished" from St. Ursula. Perhaps the Bracer Guild took the brunt of it as I am not sure how much Grancel Castle was able to talk about it.

Another moment passed before a different voice began to speak. I could immediately recognize Shera's voice after hearing it.

"Is that really you, Naoto?", Shera's voice asked in doubt as well.

'The Silver Streak?', Toval uttered to himself as he stayed quiet.

"Sure is. I do apologize if I caused that debacle earlier. I did want to reach out to you guys.", I said, scratching my cheek a bit. I heard Shera giggle after hearing me say that.

"Hehe, boy was it pretty chaotic. Thankfully Her Majesty was able to quell some of the damage you caused. It didn't spread far either. Most of the people here have gone unnoticed of the change.", Shera said as she giggled.

"Well that's good. Aside from reaching out to you guys I wanted to let you guys know not to try and find me.", I continued to say.

"You do realize we can trace the call considering you're calling from a Guild Branch, right...?", Shera immediately retorted me.

"Which is why I won't worry about it. Just note I plan to stay here a while. Grandmother and the others know already so don't stress over it, alright?", I said to Shera.

"Haha, we'll try not to. You just made a certain receptionist here pile up a lot more work than he has already.", Shera continued to say. Yet as she said that, I couldn't help but look back to where Miles was, and saw a similar stack of papers piled on one side of his desk.

Well, I concluded with what I wanted to say, so I decided to send the phone back Miles's way. He paused for a moment before he took the phone.

"Is this really the Silver Streak?", Miles continued to say.

"Oh my, I haven't heard that voice in a while. Is that you, Miles?", Shera said with interest. "And hearing your voice like this, I can pretty much take a guess where His Highness is now, even if we don't have to trace it.", Shera continued to say. Surprise streaked across Miles's eyes as he heard that.

"Then this kid really is part of Grancel's royal family...?", Miles said, doubtfully.

"Which is why you'll make it your upmost priority to ensure his safety while he's there with you, 'kay?", Shera said in a teasing tone, before cutting the line off.

"H-Hey!", Miles retorted into the phone, but only heard a dead line ring in his ears.

"Well, it sounds like you did what you wanted to do, kiddo. I didn't think you were acquainted with the Silver Streak.", Toval said, looking my way.

"Mmm. I'd say that went rather smoothly. For now, it looks like I'll be in your guys' care.", I said, only to approach the desk. I reached my hands down, and picked Tamamo up.

"Oh...", Tamamo uttered softly, before she snuggled into my chest with a smile.

"I can already feel this is going to turn into a mess regardless...", Miles said, only to shake his head again after hearing that whole exchange with the Grancel Branch.

Hearing that, I was able to at least get acquainted with Miles and Toval after things have settled down a bit. After letting the Bracer Guild back at Grancel know that I am fine as well, that was one less worry that I had to deal with. And now, it was time to look forward to what I had come here for.

Thankfully that exchange didn't last too long, and I was able to spot Laura and her butler still outside, patiently waiting for us after I bid farewell to the two Bracers.

It was time to meet a certain head figure of a well known school of swordsmanship here in south Erebonia.