Chapter 188: Unlikely

Webnovel app seems to have updated again, ugh.

Still, it is the start of a new week!

Giliath demands your power stones!


"Look at you. You even made some friends even without my person bein' here these last few years. I am sorry I couldn't get in touch with you two though. Teacher said less contact, the better.", Van replied, scratching his cheek a bit while enjoying the hug Elaine gave him.

Yet Elaine took a moment to realize what she had done, and quickly parted ways from him, returning to her normal cold demeanor. Seeing Elaine do this, the cerise hair colored girl, who seemed to be a few years older than Elaine, let out a giggle. This girl was by far the oldest of the group as she had just turned twenty this year.

Right now, Van was fifteen, Elaine fifteen and René sixteen. Yet despite being the youngest of the three, Elaine had quickly showed her prowess by becoming a bracer at such a young age.

She wasn't due to become one until three or four years down the line, but thanks to a certain someone being at her side, the cerise haired girl, this older girl was quick to realize how talented Elaine was when the two first encountered each other during the girl's work as a bracer.

That meant this cerise haired girl was also a bracer. A sheathed sword could be currently seen around Elaine's waist and the other girl's waist.

As for the third girl beside them, she currently sported a lazy look on her eyes, and was currently wearing a hat with eye goggles over it, making her appearance quite stylish like Van.

She was by far the youngest, considering she didn't even look ten years old yet, but this girl and the cerise hair colored girl were already friends and she decided to bring this girl along while she was stationed in Calvard's bracer guild here in Edith.

Van also saw Elaine act like that for a brief moment and let out a chuckle.

"Heh, you never changed either, Elaine.", Van responded after he looked at Elaine's momentary outburst.

"J-Just shut it, will you? But if you were wondering, yes these two are new friends of mine. The girl on the left is Sara Valestein and the girl on the right is Lavian Winslet. Sara's my acting senior right now while we aren't sure what Lavi will do yet. Checking out her prospects.", Elaine explained, introducing the two girls to Van and René.

"'Sup.", Lavi lazily responded after she was introduced by Elaine. Hearing Lavi greet Van and René so nonchalantly like that, Sara could only shake her head and let out a sigh.

"Sorry about Lavi, she's a good girl, but she can be pretty direct sometimes. You can call me Sara. I've been looking out for Elaine for a while now while you were out of the picture. You three seem pretty close.", Sara said, introducing the two of them to the three.

"Likewise. But yeah, the three of us could be considered childhood friends.", Van said, motioning his hand a bit as he responded Sara.

"So that's the situation between you three. Now it makes sense why you reserved a dinner here. I was curious in who was going to show up.", Sara said.

"Still, I'd hardly call our standing as such, considering how that giant mess went back then.", René retorted, pushing his frames of his glasses up a bit.

"Ahh. About that actually. remember those details I gave you before I told you about our meeting spot here? I should bring this up now before I forget.", Van said, which drew the group's interest.

"About what?', Elaine questioned, also showing interest in her eyes. It took a second before René remembered what Van had mentioned to him after learning that he would be arriving here in Riverside from a short call.

"You're referring to that guy, aren't you? You briefly told me how you escaped from there, but it would be best for us to go into further detail on this matter over dinner.", René responded as he nodded his head, remembering the brief call he had with Van prior to arriving here.

"Yeah, we sure can. Anything is better here than having spending time in that shit hole. But I just want to say this now while I have your attention René. That guy reached out to me a while back and told me to start lookin' into Calvard's stock markets. Know anything 'bout that?", Van said, wondering as he asked that.

"Calvard's stock markets...", René uttered softly. He thought to himself for a moment before he shook his head. "I cannot recall anything that comes to mind. Maybe he wants you to invest in something?", René also wondered, unsure of what Van meant.

"Beats me. Got no idea why that guy brought that up. I do agree that we should talk about what I have been doing since then over dinner though.", Van said. As he said that, Elaine couldn't help but look at Van, wondering who it was the two were talking about. Sara and Lavi were confused as well.

"Who is this person, Van? You seem to address him with respect too. How can we not get curious?", Elaine asking showing interest in her eyes.

"I'm in the same boat. Looks like some stuff went down that caused your absence, outside the fact you were wandering around, training.", Sara also mused to herself.

"Time for the deets.", Lavi simply responded as well.

"Haha. I figured. You three don't know the guy and René hasn't met him in person either. While I was in that shit hole I met a group I now consider as friends, but we went our separate ways after we fled from there. But if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even have met Teacher. I could even go as far as to the call the guy my savior. He called himself Naoto. He's a prince, apparently.", Van said, explaining his situation to the people before him.

"A prince...?", Elaine uttered, feeling surprised after learning what had happened to Van, at least if it was just briefly. She knew Van would describe his matter more while they were set to have dinner in a bit, but the moment Van uttered that name, a sound of thunder clapping suddenly struck inside Sara's head, causing her too turn quiet.

Even Lavi turned a bit serous, only to look back at Sara.

"This guy didn't just say what I think he just said, did he?", Lavi suddenly said, gaining a more serious look in her eyes as she turned toward Sara. Seeing Lavi do that, Sara regained her composure, only to let a drawn sigh, before motioning her hand a bit which drew everyone's attention.

"Let me guess. Pretty boy. Violet hair. Golden eyes whose pupils almost seem to be gone most of the time unless one they directly stare into it?", Sara suddenly said, which caused surprise to appear in Van's eyes.

"...Where are you getting at?", Van asked in a more serious tone, not expecting Sara to give him such a description. Yet seeing Van do this, Sara only let out another sigh.

"And here I was wondering why Daddy sent me to Calvard out of all places. I initially had interest in going to Liberl, but he probably knew something I didn't.", Sara said, sighing in defeat as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Seems to be the case. We just happen to know that same guy you just described.", Lavi retorted as she saw the surprise in Van's eyes.

"No shittin'?  I mean it's been a few years since we've met last. Guess while I was trainin' with Teacher he was up to his own business. But that's life I guess.", Van said, scratching his cheek. 

"Heh, well I can agree with you on that part. I feel we can become friends. Elaine here says tonight's dinner is on her.", Sara replied, revealing a grin of her own.

"Yes. It's the least I can do seeing that we have been able to reunite like this. We can catch up while Sara and Lavi gives you their accounts as well. I am a bit curious on this investment matter as well.", Elaine said, nodding her head.

"Works for me. You won't ditch out on this, will you, René?", Van asked as he looked back at him.

"Nah. This is too good to pass up on. School matters can wait. For now, let's go head to our restaurant.", René answered, nodding his head at Van. Seeing him do that, everyone nodded their head and proceeded to enjoy Riverside's view of the river passing through as they made their way down the streets.

Yet unbeknownst to Naoto, a group of unlikely individuals have come across each other, only to develop their own bond of friendship as they began to eat at a nearby restaurant in Riverside.