Chapter 194: Vander Dojo

Busiest hell week of the year for me is over, decided to wait till Sunday to resume posting chapters.

Giliath demands your power stones! Let's try getting over 500!


Some time later, sounds of shuffling feet struck the Amberl Tower.

Quickly but surely making their way toward the top. The moment Renne and Lorence reached the top of the tower, they expected sunlight to hit them, but it appeared the atmosphere was twisted and distorted around them, acting like a giant barrier.

The two could see large blasts of an unknown source of energy, likely to be mana, coming from the center of the roof they have arrived to. There were no bells like the three bells Crossbell had, It was just dense energy being released, no noise or chimes whatsoever. 

Yet the moment the two arrived, they revealed visible frowns over their lips.

"Well this is just unsavory, even to my tastes.", Lorence said, revealing a frown. It was obvious to him that the two were no longer alone.

Once Renne secured her footing, she couldn't help turn quiet. What greeted them were two figures on top of the roof. One appeared to be human, while the other was quite giant, extending several meters into the air. It was quite giant compared to the human-looking figure standing beside it, showing no emotion, just hollow eyes filled with dread. As for Renne though, she remained oddly quiet, and could feel her  emotions leaving her small body.

"How dare you make a copy of Pater-Mater...", Renne replied, letting the emotion in her eyes turn dull. Her eyelids turned a bit flaccid. Seeing this sudden change in Renne as her expression was apparent to him, he couldn't help but look toward her.

"Renne?",  Lorence asked, looking at her with a hint of worry in his eyes. He wasn't doubting her strength, but more of what was going through her mind right now, seeing a hollow Pater-Mater now standing in front of them. It wasn't alone either. Even Lorence's mind started to squirm a bit, despite remaining serious thanks to the dual blade wielding person now in front of him. It was none other than a hollow Joshua, surrounded in a pale grey aura and a dead look in his eyes. Just an empty shell of a person he used to see as his own brother. 

Yet before Lorence could do anything, he saw Renne's eyes turn serious, only to raise her hand up in the air.

"...You aren't trying what I think you're going to do, are you?", Lorence asked, seeing Renne do this. Yet Renne ignored Lorence and spoke out, continuing to stare at the hollow Pater-Mater.

"The Shining Ring dared to show me a fake Pater-Mater. I'll show it who the real one is. Come to me, Pater-Mater!", Renne spoke out, only for Lorence to see Renne's hand now in the air. It took a brief moment, but Lorence saw the space around them begin to distort. His gaze was attracted by the large spatial distortion that suddenly appeared. Its size was very similar, perhaps exact to how the hollow Pater-Mater was. 

"Spatial teleportation?", Lorence said, musing to himself seeing a very large and purple doll akin to a mecha appear. Well, it was indeed a mech, one of the first of its kind of the Gordias class system that the Sixth Anguis specialized in making. It wouldn't even hard to say that Pater-Mater was his first successful creation. Other large mechanized dolls would come down the line, but Renne is undoubtfully its pilot. Pater-Mater wasn't like the Divine Knights, to where they were made outside of this worlds laws. Pater-Mater was the first of its kind subjected by humans.

And it just so happened that a little girl who seemed no older than eight or nine years old had the connection to pilot such a creation. 

It was quite a scary thought, to say the least.

But right now the only thing in Renne's mind was to take down the fake Pater-Mater in front of her. Seeing her unresponsive, Lorence could only sigh as Renne did a leap onto Pater-Mater's hand. Lorence was initially surprised the Shining Ring let Renne do such an action, considering they were currently sealed inside the tower, but seeing Renne not listening to him, he could only brandish Kernviter, and initiate combat alongside her...

Meanwhile, as Renne and Lorence were well underway in combat atop the Amberl Tower, some moments had passed back in Parm. Blackened tire marks could be seen on the grass nearby its gates, and a car could no longer be seen there. The commotion had died down.

But back inside the town of Parm, closer toward the back to where the mayor's house was stood a large three story building. A large wooden placard read Vander Training Hall stood placed over the door. A symbol of a particular greatsword stood even higher. It was a very similar to the greatsword symbol of the Arseid Dojo, but this place taught a different style of swordsmanship. Instead of the Arseid Style, this place was home to the Vander Style. If the Radiant Blademaster was considered the second strongest on Zemuria, then it wouldn't be farfetched to say that the Thunder God was currently the number one swordsman. His entire being was just built different, considering he would challenge a certain Class VII solo in a training exercise in the future. 

This wasn't the main branch of the Vander-Style though. That school resided in the capital of Erebonia, Heimdallr. Aside from offering the main Vander-Style that allowed people to train in large one handed swords or spears, this place offered another specialty. One suited for the more slender frame. Either the naginata, or twin-blades. Naginatas suited girls better to parry larger weapons the guys trained in, but anyone could learn to wield two weapons at the same time here.

Similar to how Joshua carried around two daggers for combat. A certain silvery bluish-white haired boy was training in such a method. 

Unfortunately for Kurt though, who was set to depart for the main branch school in Heimdallr to continue his training, he was stopped by a certain violet haired boy and his entourage. It no longer contained a brown haired girl whose hair was tied in loops as she had parted ways after leaving Legram. But Emma and Fie decided to continue the journey along with him, causing Emma to part ways with Duvalie for now.

But right now, a very annoyed look could be seen on a certain brown haired man currently dressed in a military garb with a sword at his waist. Even an angry mark could be seen on his forehead as he stood inside the dojo, to where the center of the large training area was. The same violet haired boy along with a plum haired girl and a white haired girl could all currently be seen sitting in a seiza position, kneeling down onto their knees while standing in front of Mueller. 

"So, have you three repented for the trouble you have caused?', Mueller said, looking at me specifically. "I was on my way to bring my younger brother to Heimdallr for father to oversee his training, but that's out the window now.", Mueller said, obviously with anger in his eyes as he looked our way. Kurt could be seen standing beside him, showing interest in his eyes. He could see the uniforms we were wearing.

"I don't see why the two of us need to do this as well though...Emma and I are just along for the ride here.", Fie retorted, seeing herself positioned in a kneeling position as were Emma and I.

"Just keep quiet for now, alright Fie?", Emma said, whispering back at Fie. Fie could only shrug her shoulders a bit.

"I don't see an issue with this?", I asked in an aloof manner, looking back at Mueller, whose annoyance only grew after hearing me ask that.

"Now listen here. I don't know how many international laws you are currently breaking, let alone posing as military students...But the foremost question I should ask is, does the Queen even know you're doing this?", Mueller asked, letting out a sigh.

"Grandmother is currently aware of the actions I'm currently taking, yes. She even granted me permission to travel for a while.", I said, shrugging my shoulders as well. Mueller could only look at me with a blank stare in his eyes for a moment, not expecting me to answer with that.

"So you say, but...", Mueller began to say, shaking his head a bit. Seeing his older brother currently letting out a defeated sigh, Kurt couldn't help but look at Mueller.

"I do apologize for interrupting this, brother, but who exactly are these people? You seem acquainted with them, to say the least.", Kurt asked with interest, which distracted Mueller, causing him to go silent for a brief moment. He then looked toward Kurt to answer him.

"Ahh. I should at least introduce you. You may even spend some time together with him, seeing the direction this is going. He's the good friend His Highness Prince Olivert often talks about. You're in the presence of His Highness Naoto von Auslese, current crown prince of Liberl, Kurt.", Mueller said, introducing me to his younger borther.

Yet hearing such an introduction, it seemed Kurt's mind started to short circuit a bit.

"E-Eh?", Kurt said, turning wide-eyed has his eyes quickly glanced back in our direction, to which I couldn't help but reveal a playful grin.


Looks like the next party is gonna be Naoto, Emma, Fie and Kurt for a while. (: