Chapter 211: A Reason To Celebrate

Giliath demands your power stones! Let's try to get over 500!


Some meters away from Dreichels Plaza, in one of the other nearby districts.

On one of the rooftops of one of the taller buildings. Two blurry figures quickly descended downward, arriving on the rooftop. Their feet were quiet, trying not to cause too much noise as the night as well underway. If one had a close look, both of these figures appeared to be men, one slim while the other was quite bulky.

The slim figure had quite an unruly set of hair, but was wearing a rather stylish black jacket and appeared rather built, much like the bulky man beside him. Thanks to his slim frame though, his muscles were much more compact. Quite the opposite to what a normal bodybuilder would appear as. He also wore a set of violet spec-type glasses over his eyes.

"So this is where our little princess is currently off to eh?", The first man said, only to take a glance at Valfame Palace in the distance. Hearing that, the much larger bulky man nodded his head. This second man was wearing a similar outfit to the first man, being that of a stylish black jacket. The jacket stuck to his chest which made his bulky muscles very visible. and also wore similar spec-style glasses as the first man did.

"So it would seem. It looks like Fie is already regrouped with Phoenix. I was informed the two are currently attending the event tonight in the palace."

"Tch. Lucky them. Bein' able to strout about with those fancy dancy nobles. There's a dance happenin' tonight yeah?", The first man said, only to have a rather unique dialect to his tone. It seemed this dialect came from the east, but the tall man was already used to it, considering they've been working together for the last couple years.

It hasn't been long since the first man joined the second man, but he already quickly rose through the ranks, and became a Captain. He was of course Xeno, with the bulky man being Leonidas, two Captains of the Zephyr Jaegers.

"Yes. This type of event is probably hard on Fie. But Phoenix is there so we don't have to worry. I doubt they will have time to regroup with us though.", Leonidas said, nodding his head at Xeno's words.

"Looks like it. I also hear Fie's gonna be wearin' a dress tonight. Now that would be sight to see. But there's no way those nobles would let us crash the party now, would they?", A third voice said, only to have a third figure drop down beside them.

"So you decided to show up eh Boss?", Xeno said, welcoming Zephyr's boss onto the rooftop, which was of course Rutger.

After the event at Nemeth Island to where Naoto dueled Rutger one on one, Naoto's journey eventually led him to becoming a Jaeger of Zephyr where he trained with Fie for a while. That eventually led to the Northern Jaeger war, but Naoto did not come across Rutger at the time, seeing as his squad with Fie collaborated with the Northern Jaegers. Rutger's group stayed back to protect Haliask from Nidhoggr and the Red Constellation, so the two's group never crossed paths.

That meant Naoto hadn't seen Rutger since his year or so time spent training with Zephyr, to which he quickly rose to the rank of a Captain himself. Rutger couldn't help but grow curious to see how Naoto was doing lately.

"Sure did. Might as well see what Erebonia's capital has to offer lately. Been a while since I've last visited this place. You weren't with us at the time though, Xeno.", Rutger said, looking at Xeno.

"So I've heard. Last I heard you two were in this place about ten years ago?", Xeno asked with interest in his eyes.

"Pretty much. Even crossed paths with Phoenix when he was just a tiny brat then. I am quite curious to see how he is doing now. At least it's enough for me to know that Fie's been doin' well under Phoenix's care.", Rutger answered, nodding his head.

"Haha, but it would be a sight for sore eyes to see the little princess in a dress. Man, now you're makin' me want to sneak in, Boss.", Xeno replied with a laugh, looking back at Valfame Palace in the distance.

"Well, I ain't stoppin' you, Xeno. But it would be your own problem if you get caught. You up for hittin' the slots with me, Leo?", Rutger asked Leonidas.

"Sure. Even Jaegers like us can have some fun when there isn't much happening right now. Though with how things are turning out right now, our next interest probably lies in Crossbell, doesn't it?", Leonidas asked.

"You referrin' to that up and rising mafia group there, right? What'd they call themselves again?", Rutger asked.

"Revache, Boss. The work they've been doin' has been enticin' enough for Killing Bear to leave Zephyr to join up with them, but I've been hearing lately Revache's current boss has been up to no good.", Xeno explained. Hearing that, Leonidas shook his head.

"It truly is a shame that Killing Bear decided to leave Zephyr, but it's not like we've not lost much. Phoenix's work as a Captain has been doing a fine job since we've won that North Ambria contract. Though for the next contract that we bid over, I wonder if Phoenix will be interested in partaking in it?", Leonidas wondered to himself.

"Who knows. It does seem that the mafia ain't the only ones trying to cause a ruckus in Crossbell right now at least. That tradin' company has also been creating quite a stir. If the two decide to duke it out, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to hire a Jaeger group. We've nothin' much goin' on right now, so if there's a contract to be had, let's try to win it.", Rutger said, revealing a playful grin.

"But Boss, didn't you already spend most of our funds from the North Ambria contract? We've been hittin' the red a few times.", Xeno said, scratching his cheek.

Hearing that, Rutger smiled and placed his arm over Xeno's shoulder.

"Which is why you'll join us at the slots instead, right, Xeno?", Rutger responded with a playful grin.

"But I wanted to see the little princess in a dress...", Xeno tried to retort, only to see the serious glare in Rutger's eyes.

"Haha. You know when the Boss is like this, you can't refuse him. And considering Phoenix's background, there will likely be another chance in the future, so don't sell yourself short now, Xeno.", Leonidas said as he looked at Xeno.

"Bummer. Guess we got to get our priorities straight.", Xeno said, shrugging his shoulders as he felt defeated by Rutger's words.

'Haha. We'll see if we can get Phoenix and Fie to hang out with us after that event of theirs is over. The new year's comin' so gotta have some fun, right?", Rutger responded with a smile, only to start looking at the other districts to find a local casino to chill in. It was true, the new year was worthy of celebration, regardless of where one came from. And this one was particularly special, considering that it would be the start of the next century.

Once the year S1200 took place, it would only be another year or two before the sky games kicked off. But even with the canon story soon to start, that didn't stop other people from enjoying a bit of fun here and there.

"C'mon boys. First round of drinks on me.", Rutger said, urging Xeno and Leonidas to follow him.

"With what mira to spend?", Xeno retorted, only to roll his eyes at Rutger.

"We'll figure it out. That's the life of us Jaegers, anyways. Live the life and get paid while slapping some faces along the way.", Rutger grinned, only to crouch his legs down, proceeding to jump off the rooftop with ease.

Seeing their leader vanish into the night, Xeno only shrugged his shoulders again, and quickly took off after Rutger. Seeing the two now gone, Leonidas found himself alone on the rooftop. Yet he began to continue speaking, acting as if another person was nearby.

"And you best stay out of harm's way as well, assassin. We of Zephyr are currently not bound by a contract, and are not planning to get into anyone's business during our stay here. It would be quite unfortunate if we end up crossing swords.", Leonidas said, despite being by himself right now. In the next moment, he too jumped off the roof, leaving behind the darkness of the night.

Yet only in the next moment or two, the space began to distort on the rooftop, only to reveal a very cloaked figure, who was indeed the same cloaked figure that was with Kilika's party just moments ago. Leonidas was out of sight now, so the figure assumed it was safe to come out. This particular figure has a nifty ability to make themselves illusory, just like a certain Campanella, but they can kind their presence completely, almost as if they've entered another dimension altogether.

"To think members of Zephyr would be lurking about here in the capital...", Yin began to utter softly. "Are they really here just to enjoy the coming of the new year?", Yin questioned, only to eventually turn their gaze toward the vermillion palace in the distance. "And it would seem Zephyr has a connection to the palace too...", Yin continued to utter, finding themselves alone on the rooftop.

"Still, Master doesn't have long to live, but maybe I'm pushing myself too hard already, trying to find a replacement...", Yin continued to say. "Maybe I should take Zephyr's words for once, and relax myself? It is the new year, but it would be ideal to celebrate this back in Calvard...", Yin continued to say, wondering what to do.

Only a moment or two passed in silence before a resolute look appeared in Yin's eyes as the observed the palace in the distance. With a quick twist of their body, the heavy cloak suddenly vanished, revealing their person entirely.

Underneath the cloak appeared to be a rather busty girl who still seems to be growing and wouldn't be long until she reached her teens. Naoto had come across this girl once before, and that was back in Liberl during the queen's birthday celebration. Her indigo hair seemed to have thickened up since she was last seen, but one would be surprised if they saw this person, considering she was still a child, around eleven to twelve years of age.

But a child not to be underestimated by any means, seeing as she is acting on Yin's behalf right now with what little life he has remaining.

This girl was Rixia Mao, the finalist who fought against Sherryl in the finals of the martial arts tournament during the queen's celebration.

Seeing Rixia now in casual wear, she decided that it would be best to enjoy the current festivities as others would to celebrate the new year, even if it was quite far from home...