Chapter 216: Boys' Side

Giliath demands your power stones! Let's try getting over 500!


Meanwhile, as the girls started to pick out what dress to wear for the dance tonight, across the hall on the other side, a similar situation could currently be seen taking place.

Among a group of five and a couple other maids standing near the door on standby, a violet haired boy currently donning his Phoenix robe could be seen.

This was a first for Naoto, seeing as he really hadn't been together with a group of guys yet that he could call his friends. Though at best, people like Prince Cedric are currently only acquaintances of his.

Still, in the room present was Naoto, Prince Olivert, Prince Cedric, Mueller, and Kurt. Both the Chancellor and the Emperor went on ahead and into Esmelas Garden already to welcome in the noble guests that arrived. Like the girls, they too did not have much time remaining to dress for tonight's dance. There were a couple maids present to quickly help them get fitted.

But before they started to pick out outfits before them, which mostly consisted of various different colors of tuxedos and dress pants, I decided to open the conversation with a question, which drew the guys' interest my way.

"I might be fine going to the dance with my robe already, but seeing as we are all here, what do you guys think?", I asked, looking toward the four other guys beside me.

"Aha, while it is common for nobles like yours truly to bear the insignia of the house they are a part of, do you really want those nobles to know such a thing tonight? Think back on what the Chancellor said, Naoto my boy. He was addressing your pairing with dear Alfin as Liberl's prince, not of your house heritage.", Prince Olivert responded as he smiled, causing Prince Cedric to blink at him.

"Are you really part of the Great Houses, Your Highness? Brother had talked about it before, but I still find it hard to believe.", Prince Cedric said as he looked back my way. Mueller nodded his head at him.

"It would make sense for this to not be known to everyone. Where we currently stand, we have more information that is known while it is not privy to others. It was House Phoenix's ancestor's wishes as I recall, for not wanting to pass any of their heritage down through our records. They wanted to be wiped off of history, so it is not known to many folks.

Seeing how our Vander House is currently in service of the Arnors, you should learn of this as well during your stay here, Kurt. This will be part of your studies, apart from training your swordsmanship with Father.", Mueller said, looking back at Kurt while confirming Prince Cedric's suspicion.

"So there really was a fifth house...But if it was wiped off our records, why do you know such a thing, Brother?", Kurt asked with interest.

"That is because I am currently in service of His Highness Prince Olivert right now, despite me currently on leave from the military. we gain access to information that is otherwise classified, so what you hear now should stay in this room for now. If there comes a time where you serve Prince Cedric, you will be eligible to access this information too.", Mueller said, explaining his end. The benefits of being direct bodyguards to the royal members of the Arnor bloodline. The Vander house has been in service of the Arnors for decades, and they sure do have benefits that others do not.

'I am actually curious to see if this will come to pass...I'm essentially taking over Prince Cedric's role later on, so if he doesn't get affected by the Curse, he might not have to suffer all of the Duke's shenanigans. That means Kurt may actually have a chance of serving Prince Cedric for once. He grew power hungry during it, thinking Kurt's services weren't required. So it'll be nice to see if this can change...', I inwardly thought to myself, wondering how things will play out from here.

"I guess I'll be finding my spare time being spent in the palace from the looks of it then.", Kurt said, also wondering. Both Kurt and I will be spending quite a bit of time at the dojo, and if it's anything like his father, he may even take us out on excursions of his, like how he will show up training Rean and the others in the Eisengard Mountain Range.

"It will be a fun time indeed, but back to our point on the matter, it would be best for you to put that robe away for the event tonight, Naoto. Got a color you fancy? We are all going to change into these tuxedos.", Prince Olivert said with a smile.

"Hmm...", I said, seeing the guys look back my way, only for me to change my gaze to the clothes currently on display. They were neatly lined up tuxedos with matching dress pants. All sorts of colors were presented to suit one's liking. 

"I think I'll go with a vermillion red suit. Alfin will probably dress in crimson, regardless of what dress she will wear. I feel it would be very fitting if I were to match colors with the princess, don't you think?", I said, walking up to the vermillion red tux before me, and started to grab it while looking at Prince Olivert.

" 'Tis would befit the royal duo in my eyes. Our palace is full of vermillion splendor. I can already feel the passion waiting to be held by a daring hand. Oh, if only I had my lute with me~", Prince Olivert said with a playful tone. Yet the moment he said that, a look of anger appeared in Mueller's eyes.

"Oh no, if you go get that thing, I will personally make your life tonight a living Gehenna. We mustn't get distracted with that incessant tuning of yours.", Mueller said, responded as he shook his head while seeing Prince Olivert behave like this. Even Prince Cedric couldn't help but smile seeing his older brother's banter.

"Heh, but brother is right on one thing, Your Highness. You two will be the eyes of many tonight. I've heard father even sent out invitations to some reporters for tonight's dance. You should know what that means, right?", Prince Cedric said, squinting his eyes a bit as he looked my way. Seeing his gaze, I nodded my head at him while holding the vermillion tux.

"Yes. I am sure no doubt will Chancellor Osborne play tonight's tune to a tee. I am just unsure whether he will declare our engagement at the start, or when there is enough fervor from the dancing nobles.", I said, wondering how things will go. I could see in father's eyes that he had some plan going on inside of his head. He's been busy with drafting the Non-Aggression Pact that Liberl, Erebonia and Calvard come to eventually sign as a trifecta contract. One would not inflict harm to another unless they breach the pact. It is to bring some form of peace for the few years to come. 

Which meant that once that draft is finalized, he will be paying his visit to Liberl to meet with the queen, my Grandmother. I do want to be present if possible during that. It was one of the door events during Phantasma, with Prince Olivert making a surprise visit. It would be nice to show him around the castle if he still plans to make a visit then.

"Are you suggesting tonight's event will go public?", Kurt asked, wondering as he heard us talk.

"That definitely seems the most plausible outcome of tonight. We will need you in tip top shape to not bring us shame tonight, Your Highness.", Prince Cedric answered, nodding his head to Kurt's question as he looked my way with a playful grin.

"Haha, I'll see what I can do. I just hope the princess won't mind what we pick out.", I said, scratching my cheek.

"Oh dear Alfin will probably like whatever you end up picking, even if you don't choose the vermillion suit. Let us not tarry any longer, for tonight a dance awaits us. You two will help us with the fitting.", Prince Olivert said, looking at the two maids who were silent.

Seeing Prince Olivert address the two maids, they quickly shook their heads in agreement and began to do their work, and started to measure our sizes.

It didn't take long for us to get all fitted into our tuxedos for tonight's dance. By the time we got out, the door the girls went into was open, and we didn't see anyone inside of it. It was likely they had went ahead of us. After thanking the maids, the five of us, who were now dressed up, began to walk to where Esmelas Garden was located, which was the room often used to host events on behalf of Erebonia's Emperor.