Chapter 218: Reaction

"Fueeeh...I don't think I'm really suited for this, Nial-senpai...", A sound of a worried girl's voice sounded deep in the night scenery of the passing streets of Heimdallr. This voice belonged to a girl of sorts with a tired expression, and could currently be seen running, but didn't appear to be alone. A man with a scruffy beard next to her could be seen also running as they reached Dreichels Plaza, seemingly out of breath as if he hadn't exercised in a while.

The moment he heard the worried girl say that, he suddenly stopped his feet, only to turn around and look at her. A look of anger appeared in the man's eyes as he yelled out to her in anger.

"You're the one who got us into this damn mess, Dorothy! You were on track to return to our office in Liberl but how could you confuse two airliners, only to wind up in Erebonia of all places!?", The man retorted in anger. Hearing the man yell that out, the girl also stopped in place after running a few more steps.

"Are you sure this is Liberl, Nial-senpai? It looks really different. Every building is so flashy...", The girl beside the man suddenly asked, only to start observing her surroundings. She seemed to have forgotten where she currently was as well, considering the surprise that could currently be seen in her eyes.

"You...You don't even know where we are, do you, ya dimwit!?", The man retorted again, letting his somewhat rough accent leak through.

"Arerere? Is this not Liberl, Nial-senpai?", The girl asked, tilting her head a bit as confusion streaked across her eyes. In the near distance was a very fancy and vibrant vermillion colored palace, standing tall just like a castle.

"No, it's not! Seriously, just what in Aidios goes on in that head of yours? You don't know how many hoops I had to pull through to catch the immediate next flight here to make sure you were alright.", The man, only to let out a sigh seeing how the pink reddish haired bespectacled girl was currently behaving before him. Thankfully, she appeared unharmed, so that was the least of his worries now. Even the man couldn't help but turn back toward the grandiose palace in the near distance. A statue of a domineering emperor could be seen in the middle of the plaza before them.

"I was beginning to wonder why this scenery looked so strange...This place really isn't Liberl?", The girl asked, still acting confused to the sights before her. This girl appeared to be seventeen years old, with reddish pink hair that curved into two curls beneath her chin. She was an aspiring reporter and it hadn't been long since she recently entered Liberl's News Service. This girl was named Dorothy.

Thanks to some actions of a certain violet haired prince who made his prominent return in Grancel Castle a few years back, that news spread throughout Liberl like a wildfire. It didn't take long to reach this girl's eyes at a younger age, which only ignited her passion for photography even further, seeing how grandiose Grancel Castle was in that photo. The only thing that wasn't in that photo at the time was the Glorious, as it stayed out of range. Still, Dorothy became enamored with how well those photographers had taken photos then, and quickly dove down the path of studying photography herself.

To which after turning seventeen, Dorothy successfully entered Liberl News Service, only to be placed under the man who was now with her, Nial, and two years earlier no less. Dorothy wasn't set to debut until S1202. And unlike Dorothy, Nial is an experienced news writer and has been in service for several years. However, despite being acquainted with so many people, Nial was quick to find faults with Dorothy. Likely because Dorothy was an airhead of airheads.

Unless she was given a specific destination, Dorothy would often find herself in random locations throughout the sky games. Dorothy was currently on her way back to Liberl from an excursion of hers, but thanks to taking a wrong step, Dorothy took an airliner bound for Erebonia, and Heimdallr no less, instead of returning home to Liberl.

Nial, of course, panicked in response the moment he learned of it, and quickly departed Liberl, only to find herself wandering the streets of Heimdallr like a lost cat. In the end, the two's attention were eventually placed toward Dreichels Plaza, as they saw it was currently being frequented by nobles entering the palace. Seeing it was well into the night now with the snow falling onto the ground, Nial could only let out a long sigh, not finding any fault with Dorothy, despite seeing where the two ended up.

"It isn't, Dorothy. We are in Erebonia. Still, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise and it was the will of Aidios that guided you here. There were rumors in our news circle that Erebonia was planning to announce something soon.", Nial said, musing to himself seeing several parked cars on the other end of Dreichels Plaza and several RMP officers strutting about, patrolling the nearby areas.

"You would be correct on that. Would you two perhaps happen to be reporters?", A third voice suddenly called out to them, only to see a couple people approach Nial and Dorothy. They saw a beautiful icy blue haired woman currently in a grey officer's uniform and a grey cap approach the two, along with a couple RMP officers who could be seen patrolling alongside her.

"That's right, Ma'am. Is something truly happening tonight inside Valflame Palace?", Nial asked with growing interest.

"Indeed there is. His Majesty decided to host a ball tonight to celebrate the coming of our next century. Several nobles have been invited to partake in tonight's dance. That isn't all that's happening though. The Chancellor has reached out to several news agencies and invited several reporters for an announcement he's going to make shortly. You two are in luck. While the dancing has already started, there is still enough time before the Chancellor makes his announcement.", The woman said. She was of course Claire, who could still be seen patrolling Dreichels Plaza as the ball was now underway.

"So that invitation Liberl's News Service received wasn't a forgery then. It really was an invitation to bring us out!", Nial couldn't help but exclaim in shock, hearing Claire's words before him. Claire revealed a smile after Nial said that.

"Haha, we did receive some backlash from some of the agencies, wondering if the invitation we sent out was fake, so consider you two lucky enough to make it here. It is quite a big announcement, one that concerns the royal family.", Claire said, assuring Nial that the event happening tonight was real and true.

"Damn, consider yourself lucky then, Dorothy. It isn't too late yet, is it?", Nial asked Claire.

"It isn't. If you would like, I can show you two inside the palace to where the other reporters are. We specifically invited the Crossbell News Service and Liberl's News Service here tonight.", Claire responded.

"So this really is the famous palace that's withstood the echoes of time in Erebonia...", Dorothy suddenly said, acting as if she was in her own little world while marveling at the sight of Valflame Palace. She wanted to use her camera right then and there.

"Have you even been listening to a word we've been saying, Dorothy?", Nial asked, shaking his head seeing Dorothy behave like this.

"Oh, Nial-senpai? Are we going to go inside this place?", Dorothy asked, showing sparkles in her eyes, finally realizing what was going on.

"Hah...", Nial said, letting out a sigh as he saw Dorothy was finally getting on track with the ongoing conversation. He then looked back at Claire, and apologized. "I do apologize for this dimwit's behavior, she's a good girl, but somewhat of an airhead.", Nial said as he sighed. Claire couldn't help but laugh again after hearing that.

"Haha, that is alright with me. As long as you two are reporters who've received our invitation, I do not mind taking you inside the palace. There is an area sectioned off for the reporters specifically, so I will guide you along to that area. Some nobles can be a bit precarious, so it might not be best to look at them in the eyes directly, and keep your head lowered, especially since you two are foreigners.", Claire said, turning more serious as she explained the situation a bit.

"Got it. We are very professional at what we do, I promise we'll not cause any harm. Though it might be a bit pretentious, may I ask what all the fuss is about tonight? Perhaps a sneak peak?", Nial asked Claire as the three of them began to walk toward Valflame Palace while the RMP escorted them.

"Well, it's nothing super important really, since it's going to be known everywhere soon. The Chancellor's going to be declaring the Crown Princess's engagement tonight.", Claire said, revealing a smile as the group found themselves now standing in front of Valflame Palace, waiting to enter. The moment Claire answered that, Nial's eyes turned wide in surprise as Dorothy blinked at her.

"P-Pardon? Did I hear that right?", Nial tried to ask as shock streaked across his eyes.


A bit of an experimental chapter, I might toss Japanese words here and there, depending on the character. I feel doing this suits Dorothy better.

[Insert picture of Dorothy here]

[Insert picture of Nial here]

As always Giliath demands your power stones! Let's try to get over 500!