Chapter 229: A Chat

Giliath demands your power stones! Let's try to get over 500!


Meanwhile, as the door was firmly locked with Princess Alfin looking on in shock, only to see Erebonia's one and only Blood and Iron Chancellor hugging a thirteen year old violet haired boy with a gentle look in his eyes, and likewise, the Emperor of Erebonia observing on as if he had a revelation of the bond the two shared...

Outside the door, Claire could be seen standing at her post, silently guarding the room behind her. Not even the maids remained behind. The corridor was completely silent, but this time, Claire was not alone. As the silence passed on, Claire couldn't help feel a hidden pressure, but also an air of mystery wafting around in the corridor. Her eyes were greeted by a plum haired girl, who seemed to be no younger than twelve girls old. Her eyes were clear and unclouded behind the glasses she was currently wearing.

She's met this girl a couple times on occasion, each time being in the presence of Liberl's Crown Prince. Wherever he went, Claire found this girl walking right in his shadows, as if she was a marionette dancing to the prince's tune. But that didn't seem to restrict the girl's freedom. No Claire found it quickly that this girl before her had all the freedom in the world to do whatever

she pleased.

Claire was at a loss over this conundrum that was playing out in her thoughts right now. She felt contracted during this air of silence. And on top of everything, this girl before her knew how to operate this insane custom-built orbal rifle. Just one shot of it back at North Ambria caused several soldiers to fall unconscious after toppling them down from that large rocky crag. In Claire's eyes, she could assume this orbal rifle rivaled that of other S-Class Weapons, ones that were classified as restricted information inside her network. Not many of them existed, but each one was quite powerful, each wielded by a different person.

And of course, the gun that was currently equipped on this girl's back was added to that list. Along with that air of mystery Claire was feeling, she felt a hidden pressure of danger. If it wasn't for that gun and her current appearance decked out in Zephyr armor with parts of her skin being exposed, she would just be a regular girl in her eyes. And likewise for Emma, she could feel that Claire was observing her. In response, Emma only smiled, and turned her head toward Claire.

"Is something the matter, Miss Icy Maiden?", Emma smiled as she spoke that to Claire, causing Claire's thoughts to get interrupted. Hearing that, Claire could only let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Emma. Was it that obvious?", Claire said, cracking part of her lips into a smile. Seeing Claire ask this caused Emma to laugh.

"Haha, you just seemed to be in deep thought. I was just curious about what you were thinking about. After all, you have me standing beside you, guarding the Chancellor's private room. Just my presence here should be causing alarms to go off in your head, right?", Emma asked, causing Claire to look at Emma.

"That would be the least of it. Just seeing you like this makes no sense from my perspective. You should be attending a school with other girls at your age, and yet you underwent combat training, and are an excellent sharpshooter, much like myself. You've experienced the life of the battlefield. It's the same for that younger white haired girl who came along with you, isn't it? Fie was her name.", Claire asked as a serious look appeared in her eyes. Emma nodded her head, confirming Claire's doubt.

"That's right. Though Fie has much more exposure to the battlefield than I do. After all, she's the only daughter of the Jaeger King, the top ranked Jaeger in all of Erebonia presently.", Emma answered, causing Claire to come to a sudden pause.

"The only daughter of the Jaeger King... That's a rather frightening title to have. No wonder her moves seemed too abnormal back in North Ambria. Are you fine in telling me this though? Aren't Jaegers bound by some code or something?", Claire asked.

"Only when a contract is active, to which neither of us currently have one right now, so I don't mind telling you a little about Fie. I say she's the Jaeger King's daughter, but she's adopted. Boss found her as an orphan before I joined the group for a while.", Emma said. "Don't get me wrong though, me joining them was only temporary. I currently have my place where I belong now. And that is at Naoto's side.", Emma continued to explain as she kept her smile on her face. Hearing her words caused Claire to go into her thoughts again.

"An adoptive daughter, huh? You would think someone like the Jaeger King wouldn't accept such a responsibility of rearing a child in such a dangerous place, but that isn't the craziest thing I've seen or heard. It's nice to see her on your side though. But where does that place you now if you're no longer working with Zephyr?", Claire wondered, since Emma was currently seen here instead of with Fie presently. She knew she was guarding Prince Naoto, but she didn't know the reasoning behind it. Emma nodded her head at the look of interest in Claire's eyes.

"I don't mind answering the doubt you currently have now, Claire. After all, most things will get revealed in two months' time. I am not sure how much information your network currently possesses, but it is likely the vermillion capital of Erebonia is about to undergo a drastic change.", Emma began to explain. Yet the moment Emma said that, Claire frowned.

"A change is going to strike Heimdallr? Perhaps that is what is being conversed behind this door then...", Claire wondered.

"I can only assume as such, since the Chancellor requested both Naoto and the presence of the royal family. I am not sure if it is a bad change though, but it will likely be a change that will cause an evacuation order to reach most of Heimdallr, to be on the safe side at least.", Emma responded, causing Claire's eyes to turn serious.

"A change is going to take place that requires a widespread evacuation!?", Claire exclaimed in shock.

"Yes. Naoto should be bringing it up soon, hopefully with His Majesty and the Chancellor. We determined now was a good time to carry it out since Naoto is currently in training here. Two months should be plenty of time to carry out such a large-scale evacuation. It is much better than waiting till the day to do it. If we did it like that, it would cause widespread panic, no less.", Emma answered. But hearing Emma's answer only caused Claire's eyes to earn more doubt. She was beginning to compare the information Emma just gave to her network to try and paint the bigger picture at hand.

It took a moment, but some records started to surface inside her mind. Records that have been sealed away and restricted, which contained information from over two whole centuries ago. She had access to this information being part of the Intelligence Division. Otherwise, she wouldn't have a clue as to what Emma was trying to allude to here.

"...You aren't referring to what I think you are referring to, are you, Emma?", Claire paused for a moment before she asked that.

All Claire saw from there was Emma shifting her body, causing Emma to face toward Claire. Seeing Emma now standing in front of Claire now threw her off guard, especially since Emma gave a formal bow to Claire, as if she was introducing herself to Claire for the first time.

"Heehee, oh you needn't show so much doubt like that, Claire. But it is finally nice to meet you like this. You can call me Emma Millstein, daughter of a fallen wandering witch. Home to the illusory Hexen Clan, and also one of its proud members, being a witch myself. I am currently in service as both a guide, and as a partner to Liberl's prince, His Highness Naoto.", Emma said in a formal tone, throwing Claire off guard.

Claire only observed Emma in silence, not expecting to hear such words being spoken out of her mouth as Emma introduced herself as a witch to Claire...