Chapter 239: Under Ordis

Happy holidays!

Giliath is on vacation, but he still demands your power stones!


S1200. January 1st.

Shortly after midnight.

Erebonia, Port City Ordis.

Somewhere in the vast underground aqueduct sewers system. A sole construct could be seen, appearing to be a large door. The center of the door, which had the symbol of the Cayenne Family embedded in it, could now be seen split, parting ways. That signaled that this construct was now open. Each wall that made up the door was now reeled into each side of the walls.

This door belonged to none other than the entrance to the Azure Trials. These behaved similarly to Primal Grounds, sealed areas that housed artifacts that were created by the Goddess Aidios herself to help promote mankind's growth. Those artifacts have been lost over the ages, but those that remained became one focus of the Septian Church to collect them, to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands. That was the primary focus of the Gralsritter.

Yet those special places were created by the Goddess. There was one key difference to these doors, to which existed seven throughout Erebonia. These trials were sealed grounds, created by humans, and not the Goddess Aidios. They served one purpose, and one purpose only, to seal away seven fragments that were split of a greater power. These fragments could then be challenged by trial goers, should their strength hold strong and have a bond formed with a witch.

The Azure Trials laid beneath Ordis, the Port City of Water, sealing away Ordine, the Azure Knight.

The Ashen Trials laid beneath Thors Military Academy deep within the Old Schoolhouse, sealing away Valimar, the Ashen Knight.

The Vermillion Trials laid far, far beneath Heimdallr, beneath Valflame Palace, letting its entrance remain above ground. This trial ground sealed away Testa-Rossa, the Vermillion Knight. Out of the known trials, this one was sealed away by a forbidden incantation, which would give rise to the Infernal Castle.

The Palatinate Trials were buried deep within the city of death, Hamel. Its location remained vague and unclear throughout the games, and even its trial-goers. It was eventually said that Black Alberich orchestrated who would become the pilot of the Palatinate Knight, but its trial grounds remained hidden from view.

The Argent Trials were sealed away near Legram, beyond its lake. A long-standing castle stood abandoned yet maintained by the Arseid Family. Rean and his group would eventually come across a Nosferatu here, but aside from that, the sealed door where the trials awaited was also within Lohengrin Castle.

The Auric Trials were held within the vast beautiful marshlands of Lake Elm in Crossbell. This was one key condition to trigger the Great Twilight, since it wouldn't make an appearance until Crossbell became annexed after the events of Azure was over. This would be the last set of trials as well to complete this ritual.

The Ebon Trials were one that remained a mystery, creating doubt as to whether these trials existed at all. After all Ishmelga's consciousness roamed throughout Erebonia for centuries, trying to find the perfect Awakener, since his soul was tied to it. He became crazed with Emperor Dreichels soul and wouldn't be able to maintain his obsession until Giliath rose as his Awakener. As to whether the trial grounds rested for Giliath to awaken as the Ebon Awakener, it was a complete mystery.

Presently, two of these trials have been completed. The Argent Trials and the Ebon Trials. Five great fragments remained to be obtained by their destined persons.

Yet by now, it would seem a third trial was now underway, as the doors that once sealed the Azure Trials could now be seen wide open.

Further inside the construct laid a rather complex maze. It was very easy to get lost in here, and many branches of this stone-embedded maze lead nowhere, easily blocking one's way forward. It wasn't just mazes either, each pathway was littered with monsters of varying degree.

Another word for this place was called Dungeon in popular fantasy novels. Clear monsters, get the loot, earn experience to dive deeper to claim the prize. These sealed areas were placed where spirit veins were extremely active, and the amount of monsters that would appear were far more frequent than above ground, where one would occasionally appear on a highway.

What was even more surprising was that in these seven different trials, the structuring of this so-called Dungeon remained mostly the same, but posing different element factors and gimmicks.

A total of four figures could currently be seen slowly walking toward a singular large and empty room, void of any monsters roaming about. This would be considered a rare safe zone inside this endless dungeon. A single door further beyond this large room could currently be seen. If one had a close look, a single character, I , could be seen on the door, which was currently sealed shut.

As far as who the figures went, going from left to right, the first figure appeared to be a girl. She had just recently turned seventeen, and sported long bright and orange hair. Everything about her appeared beautiful in one form or another, whether it was the alluring minidress that split off at each side, with most of it being cerise in color. At her waist was a sword that seemed capable of detaching in parts, a sword often seen in the Septian Church, which was the Templar sword. The only disgraceful thing this girl found part of herself was the eyepatch she had covered over one of her eyes, making it appear she was blind in one of her two eyes.

To the left of this alluring girl was a rather bulky fellow, sporting short buzz cut hair which was light blue in color. His muscles appeared quite packed, almost like a bodybuilder's. Yet those weren't only for show, they were real. The girl to the left of this adult man used to belong to the Septian Church, while this is still active in a medium-sized Jaeger Corp named Arnagarmr. They didn't really have a base of operations like the Red Constellation or Zephyr did, but they mostly operated out of western Zemuria. They have clashed with higher ranked Jaeger corps on several occasions, and this adult man was a Captain of this Jaeger squad.

To the left of these two figures stood a messy gray haired boy appearing fifteen years of age. He would eventually get held back a year or two to eventually arrive in Angelica's class in Thors Military Academy, being one year senior to Rean Schwarzer. He was of course none other than Crow Armbrust. He was actually two years older than Naoto. Crow was currently wearing his long leather brown jacket with a black headband covering his gray hair, which was his appearance that he showed when he founded the Imperial Liberation Front. In Thors Military Academy, he would equip dual orbal pistols, but here, he had a double blade saber that attached together, appearing as one large weapon like a Glaive, but it was double-bladed.

And to the right of these three people stood a breathtaking beautiful woman, sporting a one piece azure dress that split down one side of her legs, revealing her pearly white skin. She appeared as if she had come straight out of a novel. Her sandstone colored hair waved downward and was crystal clear. This was, of course, Vita Clotilde. She currently had a large blue folded fan at her waist. Unlike Emma, Naoto or Roselia, Vita practiced wandless magic. Wands help concentrate the flow of mana to ensure the accuracy of spells, but Roselia viewed Vita as a prodigy when it came in terms of magic casting alone, far outstripping Emma's capabilities. Roselia's only regret was that Vita did what she wanted to do to her own benefit. Roselia wanted Vita to eventually take the reins of the Hexen Clan, but eventually started training Emma in hopes of achieving so.

Vita rebelled against Roselia going as far as joining Ouroboros, and even became an Anguis. Yet Roselia couldn't come to retort her actions, considering that she saw Vita find her role in the outside world, acting as a guide to let someone become an Awakener. In terms of Vita, she, along with the other Anguis, had left the Faceless in charge of the Gospel Plan, so she in turn took the reins of the infant Phantasmal Blaze Plan that would eventually bear fruit in Cold Steel 3.

At least to begin with, Vita could now be seen alongside Crow on the first floor of the Azure Trials. Apart from the single door in the distance stood a very large elevator which currently appeared offline. Further inside the elevator had a pedestal with unique carvings placed on top of it, signaling their current position. There appeared to be seven floors, and the first one could currently be seen highlighted blue, with a character I.

Yet the four seemed to have stopped in place as they approached the large elevator.

"So this is the entrance to the Azure Trials huh? Doesn't seem too exciting to me.", Crow said, shrugging his shoulders as he looked toward Vita.

"Oh please. You for one should know the challenge hasn't even begun yet. Do I need to spell it out for you?", Vita retorted with a light scoff.

"Yeesh. Since when did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?", Crow retorted back, seeing Vita have a slightly annoyed look in her eyes. "Was that grandmother of yours really that much of a bitch back then?", Crow decided to ask. After all, the three of them just finished watching Vita contact the other side, which was of course where Naoto currently was.

"The less you know, the better. But it is true that you are not the only piece in play here, Crow. Once you go beyond that first door, there is no turning back. You'll begin to be part of something greater at play.", Vita said in a more serious tone as she looked at Crow.

"As long as it can be used for what I want to accomplish, I don't give a shit if I'm to be a pawn or whatever. That Chancellor bastard is going down for what he did to Jurai.", Crow responded, pounding his fists together. Hearing the two exchange these words, the orange haired girl let out a laugh.

"Haha, you're an eager one, aren't you, Crow? We've found ourselves in similar positions, to say the least. I'd no idea such a place like this existed within Ordis's aqueducts.", The orange haired girl said with growing interest. She's seen the Septian Church constructs before, but this place was a first for her.

"That's right, Crow. Are ya sure this place is gonna give what we need to take that bastard down? Our organization isn't official yet, but if this place lets us grow more powerful, then I'm all for it.", The man said, unsure himself.

"Oho, that'd be the least of our worries once we clear this place out. You said it yourself right, Vita?", Crow said putting a smug grin on his face.

"Hmph. Since when did I allow you to address me like that? We're working acquaintances at best here. But if you want the answer, yes. Clearing this trial will give you power beyond your wildest dreams. I am surprised you called for backup though.", Vita said, musing to herself as she observed the orange haired girl and the light blue haired man.

"Well, you said it was possible. Scarlet and Vulcan are here for added insurance if you catch my drift. I do have one suggestion for you though, witch.", Crow suddenly said, causing Vita to look at him.

"Oh? You know it's not every day you get to talk to a renowned figure like me. Pray tell, what advice could you possibly have to give?", Vita retorted with a playful tone.

"Don't keep your panties in a bunch all the time. You'll grow bald like this.", Crow said, shrugging his shoulders as he urged the woman named Scarlet and the man named Vulcan onward, quickly leaving Vita behind as they made their way to the first floor.

It took a moment for Vita to register what Crow had just said. By the time she blinked again, they were already across the large vacant room.

"H-Hey!", Vita retorted back. Yet at the same time, she started to walk toward the three, who quickly arrived in front of the door to start the Azure Trials. As she observed Crow's back, she soon started to feel a hint of longing in her eyes, recalling a certain boy in her mind. 'Naoto...', Vita uttered silently to herself, feeling a sense of familiarity as she watched onward. His image became ever so clearer after Vita found it pleasant to chat with him, even if it wasn't the best of moments. She kept that view only to herself, so Crow and the others didn't see what had happened while Vita projected her image earlier. Still, that sense of longing only started to grow more once she started to take each step inside this place...


[Insert picture of Scarlet here]

[Insert picture of Vulcan here]