Chapter 258: Confront

Giliath demands your power stones, let's try to get over 500!


Leica District. 10:30AM.

Several figures stepped out of a rather fancy white orbal car with a beautiful silver haired woman leading the group.

Excluding a certain someone who seemed to be placed here outside of her time, this silver-haired beauty was by far the oldest of the group. But she did not pay much attention to her current age. She might be developing that mature look in her eyes, but her beauty was known far and wide, and equally a terrifying factor, as few dared to approach her.

After all, despite the age difference being more than a decade, there was a rumor starting to sprout up saying that this beauty is currently engaged to an unknown party. As to who that was, most from the outside didn't know, so when they saw her step out the car first, they were stunned to see her. But for those that did, it was to none other than the violet haired boy who exited out not too far after she did.

The onlookers could only remain stunned, especially after seeing the twins of the Imperial Family step out after, along with a couple others. They just looked on with blank looks in their eyes.

As for the silver-haired beauty, she had gone on a journey of self-improvement since her graduation thereafter.

And now, she found herself returning to her roots. For alongside Naoto, the tall, imposing man who could now be seen before them, the Thunder God, was none other than the Master of this silver-haired beauty.

Some moments have passed while walking down the side street, causing the onlookers to mostly disperse after their momentary stupor. On top of that, the certain group of girls who were seated outside at the popular cafe paid for their check, and began to head toward the opposite direction to where the museum and tram station was.

With it being more calm now, the first action Aurelia took caused surprise to streak across the group's eyes as we were now in front of the tall-imposing man. Aurelia took to one knee, showing an air of politeness yet remained firm as she knelt down.

"Disciple Aurelia greets her Master.", Aurelia said, greeting Matteus Vander. We were still behind her, but just being a few feet apart in distance, he definitely was a towering figure. He was just built differently, unlike other people. The pressure alone he was currently releasing was proof of that. Sherryl remained quiet and even grabbed a hold of my robe. This was probably a first for her to feel the pressure of one of Zemuria's top combatants, and a swordsman no less.

"So you've finally remembered this place exists, Aurelia. And here I thought you forgot about this place. Or could it be that my dojo was but a stepping stone for you?", Matteus uttered seeing the person he had once called his disciple, his gaze remained nonchalant as he looked down at her.

"I do apologize for my period of absence, Master. I have been on a journey of self-enlightenment and only came out of it recently. I do have a person I would like you to meet as well.", Aurelia said, bringing more interest in my eyes. I half-expected who she was referring to, but Aurelia signaled her hand, pointing to the small blonde-haired girl with endlessly-long hair. A discontent look appeared in the girl's eyes, but she walked forward regardless.

"I see no point in this flaunter, but if you must, I'll play along for now. 'Twas a time where I trained this brat. She is no different from the likes of you, though. A mere decade in passing, but 'tis good to see you again. You seem a bit more appealing in my eyes now.", Roselia said, revealing a playful grin, playing the Thunder God for a fiddle, disregarding who he was.

From his eyes, I bet he wasn't expected to see Master ever again, much less in a situation like this.

"You were that kid who was brazen enough to sit on the roof of His Highness's vehicle during transit to His Majesty's inauguration.", Matteus simply said, ignoring the smirk she was currently wearing over her lips.

"Oh please. I am hardly a kid, I've lived far much longer than you have on this land. You might be even more of a brat than my student here. It isn't like just anyone can walk up and become my apprentice like that.", Roselia retorted, squinting her eyes, staring right at the Thunder God. I could almost hear a visible clap of thunder strike right then and there, feeling a growing tension in the air. Seeing the two behave like this, I quickly approached Roselia's side, and motioned my hands a bit.

"Now, now. Master. It is true to say Aurelia studied under the Thunder God's tutelage for a period of time, much like she did with you. We've come with an agenda today, so try not to break out of it, okay?", I replied, trying to calm Roselia down. Hearing that, she looked my way, and shrugged her shoulders.

"Me being here serves naught a purpose, merely for amusement to check on how far my current disciple has improved. You can have it your way, Naoto.", Roselia simply responded back, shrugging her shoulders as she did.

"Thank you. I do apologize on Master's behalf, mister Thunder God. I believe it has been quite some time since we have last seen each other.", I said, seeing a more calm Roselia now. I approached Aurelia as she stood back up, ending her greeting. As she did, the Thunder God's gaze landed directly on mine, creating a rather imposing pressure.

"So it has. Back then your identity was shrouded in mystery, but you have done well in coming here, Your Highness. You spectacularly passed Aurier's test, so I've no reason to hold you from stepping inside these doors. I am a bit surprised to see who has accompanied you though, minus my student here.", Matteus Vander said, welcoming me which gave me another surprise. He was the type to remain serious and aloof but, seeing as I passed his wife's test back in Parm, I guess word has reached him here already, or Mueller already contacted him upon arriving here in Heimdallr. That too was a possibility.

"...", A silent gaze watched on from further behind, who stood beside Prince Cedric watching the few of us converse like this. I could feel a concerned gaze from behind and figured it was from Kurt, but after observing the Thunder God in front of me, it was clear his gaze had not once met with Kurt's.

Perhaps he was even harder on him now than he was during Class VII's training in the later games.

Either way, with the Thunder God landing his gaze on us like this, Princess Alfin didn't back down and approached Aurelia and I, doing a curtsy of the skirt she was currently wearing for the day.

"I do apologize for intruding in on your dojo like this, Sir Vander. I have taken liberty in bringing Brother with me in hopes we can observe a bit. We won't be intruding for long.", Princess Alfin said in a respectful tone. After all, the Vanders were the active bodyguards of the Arnor family. where an Arnor went, a Vander would follow.

Unfortunately, Matteus's second son, Kurt, wasn't active on his part yet, considering he was still a young boy. Right now, it was just Mueller, who was presently overseeing Prince Olivert back in Valflame Palace, who likely was digging into stacks of work papers right now as our group conversed here.

"It is always a welcome for Erebonia's Treasure to pay a visit to my dojo. Both Your Highnesses are welcome here anytime.", Matteus Vander responded with a single nod of his head, all the while the couple of students that remained in the back behind him watched on with growing interest in their eyes.

"Thank you.", Princess Alfin responded, doing another curtsy with her skirt, before returning where Prince Cedric was. I guess she decided to keep her distance from me, seeing where Aurelia's position currently lay. Though it wasn't wrong to say that she wanted to watch what was going to happen beyond these doors. But before we could do anything, I saw the Thunder God actually start approaching us, but proceeded beyond where Aurelia and I were currently standing. Aurelia watched on, seeing where her teacher was walking to.

Unexpectedly, he approached the small lilac-haired girl, who seemed to be no older than Princess Alfin further behind us. Seeing the Thunder God approach Sherryl all of a sudden, her body tensed up a bit, but her gaze remained strong. Even my eyes raised up a bit. He was quite call and Sherryl was still a tiny girl. It was rather comical seeing the difference in their two sizes, much less how much difference his overall bulk was compared to Sherryl's.

"Such a strong force of vitality. Tell me, do you have any interest in learning the way of the sword, young one?", Matteus suddenly asked us, causing a wave of surprise to reach across our eyes. Sherryl was equally surprised, but the one who was probably the most surprised from hearing this was Kurt. His eyes almost popped out.

"Father...", Kurt uttered, seeing the scene play out before him.

"...", Prince Cedric tried to utter a word, but only raised his eyes. He just witnessed one of the strongest beings on the continent suddenly extend their hand out in an attempt to study under their wing. Of course that would reach big news no matter where it went.

It took a moment or two for Sherryl to recover. to my surprise again, Sherryl shook her head, denying the Thunder God.

"I am sorry mister Thunder God, but I've already found my place. Learning how to use a sword would only be a waste of time for me.", Sherryl said, rejecting the Thunder God.

He simply gazed on the tiny girl before him again, before turning his body around. Sherryl saw his imposing back, making his stature appear much longer than he did a moment ago.

"It would seem I was too late, it seems. A steadfast will like yours at a young age isn't easy to achieve, and I will not deter that. As for the rest of you, please come in and let us go over our agenda.", Matteus Vander responded, only to cause his figure to vanish shortly after, taking steps back inside the dojo, leaving us behind.

I had a look at Sherryl again, and she sensed my gaze. Her eyes locked with mine, and a smile formed on her lips. That was all I needed to know. her eyes saying learning the Vander-Style wasn't needed, at least for her. I had my own mission to learn the Vander-style, at least one form under it, which is what I plan to show off in my fight against Sherryl.

Still, we all took this time to settle down and seeing the Thunder God welcome us inside, we headed all in. Except for one person, which was Prince Cedric, who was now seen in the last position of our group, still standing still. His eyes landed on the lilac-haired girl.

'Did this kid just reject an invitation from the strongest swordsman in Erebonia?', Prince Cedric uttered to himself, letting his thoughts appear to be in turmoil after that exchange.