Chapter 262: Outside Of Heimdallr

Giliath demands your power stones let's try to get over 500 this week!


Heimdallr. West Gate.

West Ostia Highway.

"You girls be safe out there alright? Don't venture off the main path. The way to the bus will be to the right. You can't miss it.", A RMP Officer said, seeing a group of four girls wearing St. Astraia's uniforms trying to exit the west gate. A couple of officers stood at the west gate of Heimdallr. Four girls wearing the St. Astraia's uniform could be seen standing next to the officers.

"Yes. While St. Astraia does allow travel outside of Heimdallr with the holidays underway, I would advise caution not to wander off too much. It can get dangerous with monsters roaming about, so be careful okay?", The second RMP Officer said. He looked toward the tallest girl of the bunch, who was the plum-haired girl wearing her glasses. He figured she was the oldest. Seeing the officer say that to her directly, the girl nodded her head.

"We'll be careful, officer. Thank you for the warning.", The plum-haired girl said, only to follow with the etiquette of schoolgirls of St. Astraia, with a curtsy of her black skirt. The other three girls also did a curtsy to the officers and departed from the west gate, officially entering West Osia Highway.

From here was a large highway that connected Heimdallr to the rest of western Erebonia. To the immediate right with the RMP Officer's suggestion was the closest bus stop. Further beyond was the town of Leeves.

Departing from the officers' gazes, the group of four girls wandered offward to the right, acting as if they were walking toward the bus, but decided to venture off to a secluded area that was still safe. As they walked, they began to converse with each other.

"Well, you sure did learn the part quickly, 'Big Sister'", Renne immediately retorted the plum-haired girl.

"Oh shush it Renne. I don't want to cast my magic if I don't need to. Still, these uniforms did rather nicely. Thank you for lending them on short notice, Musse.", Emma retorted back at Renne while looking at the green haired girl of the group, causing her to smile.

"Oh please, it was nothing. I must say though, you two look quite cute in St. Astraia's uniforms, Emma, Fie. Do you have any interest in enrolling?", Musse happily answered, clapping her hands as she looked at Emma and Fie. That was right, to avoid any suspicion going outside of Heimdallr and considering they had a schoolgirl of St. Astraia with them, Renne suggested to the group to disguise themselves as schoolgirls.

Well, one of the four immediately refused, but it was a majority vote.

And well, what is presently seen is the result of said vote. Fie could now be seen wearing a St. Astraia's school uniform, walking around in a strange way, struggling as she did. Every so often, she would reach down to the hem of her skirt, frowning.

"No thanks. Did I really need to wear one of these things though? I'd rather parade around in my panties than wear a skirt like this. It's too stuffy.", Fie said, motioning her hands as if she was still trying to get used to it. Hearing that caused Emma to blink her eyes at Fie.

"Please don't. There will be no parading here.", Emma immediately retorted Fie.

"Can I at least change back into my shorts?", Fie asked, this time showing pleading eyes. Renne couldn't help but giggle seeing Fie react like this.

"Help yourself.", Renne said, tossing Fie's normal outfit back at her. They still had their normal clothes on hand. They had walked quite a ways to obscure themselves from view of the gate, and no longer saw the officers, but they were still distant from the bus. Fie thanked Renne after retrieving her outfit, and quickly dashed toward the nearby trees. After hiding behind one, Fie did quick work, and the three girls soon saw a black school uniform plop onto the grass beside the tree.

Emma only shook her head seeing Fie do this.

"That Fie...", Emma said, letting out a sigh as she slumped her shoulders.

"Hehe, I see no issue. After all, it's not like we are even taking the bus to begin with. Still, color me impressed, Musse. I didn't think you'd decide to venture with us. I thought you'd return to the dorms after we had that breakfast.", Renne said, squinting her eyes at Musse.

"Well, you did say you were going out to hunt monsters. How could I not be interested? I've had my suspicions since our conversation last night, but it's clear you three girls aren't normal. St. Astraia rarely has transfer students during the middle of a term.", Musse responded, letting her eyes curve upward.

"I could say the same to you. I am curious. How far are you willing to go?", Renne decided to ask, causing Musse to stare at her.

"Pardon?", Musse tried to ask, not sure what Renne meant there. She disregarded Musse's question and turned toward Emma instead.

"How much should we tell her, Emma? Moreover, I have a suggestion for you and Fie too, if you're interested in hearing it anyways.", Renne decided to say as she motioned her hand.

"To be honest, I am not sure. But what's this about a suggestion?", Emma asked, showing interest in her eyes.

"I'm interested to hear this too.", Fie's voice suddenly called out before they were greeted with a swift shadow. Fie could now be seen carrying her school uniform, and was now in her usual outfit again.

"That was quick. But to answer your question, I was thinking of changing our location. You see, I've found an interesting hunting spot and was curious if you two would be interested in seeing it. The only question is though, what are we going to do with you?", Renne decided to ask again.

"I'm not really what you mean by that...", Musse answered, revealing a frown on her lips.

"A new hunting ground? I'm game, as long as it'll let me cut loose a bit. I need to move my body after being in that thing.", Fie said, beginning to stretch her legs.

"Hmm. Well, you did say you were interested in seeing how we perform in battle, Musse. But with Renne's new proposal, I'm guessing we're going to be changing locations. Just how far exactly?", Emma also asked Renne.

"I'll get to that. But before I do, I want to hear Musse's response. Or to be more specific, your determination to stick with us. As you've mentioned earlier, it is true we aren't normal. To elaborate on that, all of us have a connection with His Highness, the Crown Prince of Liberl. I'm afraid, however, if I go into it any further, you'd have to join us. But if you don't, I'll have Emma here wipe your memories of us of last night's event. You know too much.", Renne answered, revealing a playful smile.

"I knew it. So all this really does lead back to His Highness...", Musse uttered after hearing Renne say that. "And you're putting me on the spot, huh? It's not like you're giving me much say in this.", Musse continued to say, letting her lips curve up into a smile.

"I'm sorry, but Renne's words hold true. We operate and go where we are needed. The question is, do you want to be with us?", Emma also asked, nodding her head to confirm Renne's words.

"Be there or be square. Your call.", Fie simply said, causing Musse to blink her eyes.

"And if I say no, it'll be as if all of this never happened?", Musse asked.

"Yup.", Renne immediately answered, nodding her head.

"Hehe, I guess you got me beat then. Curiosity killed the cat. It does make me wonder why His Highness is even here as a foreign emissary in Heimdallr, if you exclude the engagement announcement of last night. So I'll bite and stick with you guys. But what's this place about a new hunting ground? Are we not going to hunt the monsters around here?", Musse wondered.

"Nah. We'll get to that. First though, I want all of you to meet someone. You've seen them before, Emma, but this will be new for you Fie. Before that though, can you bend the light around us to hide our presence, Emma? I don't want any tracks.", Renne said, looking at Emma.

"Sure. I can kind of guess where you are going with this. Don't be too shocked, alright?", Emma responded, only to take out her witch's staff. Musse raised her eyes seeing this.

"That...isn't real, is it?", Musse frowned. She knew of orbal staffs that were currently being tested and developed, but the staff Emma pulled out looked far from a typical orbal staff.

"Oh it sure is.", Emma simply answered, ignoring Musse after saying that. She proceeded to activate her mana, letting a bluish glow appear over her body, shocking Musse once more. Renne and Fie were already used to Emma casting spells, but hearing a language escape from Emma's mouth that Musse wasn't used to, she frowned again. At the same time, a white glow surrounded all four girls, but it appeared to do nothing after that. Renne was quick to notice the change though.

"I feel like I just made a big decision somehow...", Musse retorted after seeing Emma cast her magic for the first time. Hearing that, Renne grinned.

"Oh if only you knew, Musse. I think you made the right choice. I'm sure before long, your path will get entwined with His Highness too, just like the rest of us are.'' Renne responded, only to leave Musse in silence with her eyes raised.

"The rest of you...?", Musse tried to utter, but wondered what Renne meant by that.

"Oh ignore Renne's teasing. You want to take us somewhere, don't you, Renne?", Emma asked.

"Yes. There's a large alcove just short of the second section of this highway. There's someone there I want you guys to meet, so let's depart. With Emma's spell casted, nobody should follow us, not even the monsters.", Renne said, causing the group to start walking again.

"Someone even I haven't met huh?", Fie said, placing her hands behind her back as she started to walk nonchalantly.

But sure enough, Musse's expression became surprised again seeing how they were effortly dodging all monsters they came across off the main path. The group didn't fight any, nor attracted unwanted attention. The four girls quickly arrived at the large opening that was quite off from the main highway, which created a large opening. The four girls soon entered the center area of this large opening. Musse just stared at the wide and empty field that was surrounded by trees.

"You aren't trying to play a trick on me now, are you Renne? I was impressed by what Emma did earlier, but there's no one here.", Musse frowned. All she saw was Renne looking up into the sky as she stood in this large opening.

"You're going to call him, aren't you Renne?", Emma asked with interest.

"Oh you know me well already, Emma.", Renne giggled, letting her eyes remain upward, looking at the sky before her. Musse saw Renne lift her hand up into the air and let out a shout.

"Come to me, Pater-Mater!", Renne shouted, leaving Musse behind, confused. As for Fie, she just stared at Renne.

"Pater-Mater?", Fie uttered, showing an interested look.

Yet Renne ignored the three girls behind her. It took a moment, but a shadow soon began to enter the sky. As the shadow grew larger, Musse heard a loud whirring noise reach her ears, which caused her to look up into the sky as well. As the shadow got closer, the ground began a subtle quake around the four. The shadow grew clear, revealing a large humanoid purple doll, spanning tens of feet in height. It soon touched down onto the grass in front of Renne.

Seeing Pater-Mater arrive, Musse's eyes turned blank, not expecting to see such a huge doll-like machine standing before her. She even collapsed onto her knees in shock as Renne effortlessly jumped onto one of Pater-Mater's hands.

"You're kidding me...", Musse uttered in disbelief, seeing Pater-Mater now in front of her. In response, Renne giggled.

"Hehe, this is Pater-Mater, one of my closest companions apart from His Highness. It is true we will be changing locations. I'll allow you girls to ride on Pater-Mater for the moment. Our destination is upward.", Renne said, welcoming the giant doll. As Renne welcomed him, its eyes glowed red, almost acting as if he had responded to her.

"So we are heading back up there then.", Emma said, only to look up into the skies. Almost as if it was a reaction to her saying that, way further up in the skies, she almost saw the sky begin to reflect itself, revealing a rather large object...