Chapter 283: Guess Who's Back?

As always, Goliath demands your power stones!


Valflame Palace.

Later that evening.

With the sun settling beyond the horizon, the temperature in the air began to rapidly drop. More snowfall started to pelt the sidewalks, letting the snow accumulate. Horns were honking in the distance of the never-ending traffic. In fact, traffic even seemed more heavy with people likely wanting to depart from the capital after having celebrated the new years, or heading home to their families.

Claire successfully brought Naoto's group back inside the palace. A few figures soon emerged from the lower levels of the palace, reaching the main entrance hall. The floors were literally sparkling with a perfect reflection of the roof. One could easily see the hanging chandeliers on it. A couple maids could be seen actively cleaning.

This front hall wasn't just the only reception room in the palace, this palace was so large it had a couple reception rooms, meant for greeting different types of guests depending on the occasion. Directly connected to the front hall was the long throne room. Two thrones could be seen on the opposite end, currently unoccupied. Unless on official business, Emperor Eugent and Empress Priscilla rarely sat on their thrones.

It was just last night that Naoto made his way to another portion of the palace, Esmelas Garden, where he took Princess Alfin's hand in her first non-official dance. Nobles took dances very seriously. It allowed one to find potential partners in marriage, or form connections between them. Having the two dance last night was a hidden signal to all the nobles in Erebonia that Princess Alfin couldn't be so easily touched. And it was made official thanks to Chancellor Osborne's declaration.

All of the nobles who secretly held Naoto in contempt or displayed scorn in their eyes could only tuck a tail between their legs and start to try and form a connection with him. Thankfully with the talk Naoto needed with Emperor Eugent after the celebration, he was able to dodge those nobles. He knew that he would need to confront them one day or another, but now wasn't the time. He and Angelica were planning to overthrow the current system of the Great Houses, and those who won't manage to keep up with that storm could easily get swept away. 

Naoto, Princess Alfin, Prince Cedric, Roselia, Aurelia, and Sherryl, who could now be seen sleeping peacefully on Naoto's back, were standing in the main hall. They could easily see their reflections if they looked downward.

"Welcome back to Valflame Palace, Your Highnesses. Dinner will be held later in the main banquet hall should you desire it. This is where my escort services end for the evening. I will be retreating to my private quarters.", Claire said, giving us a bow.

"I do still feel guilty having to put you through all of this Claire, even though you are meant to support Chancellor Osborne. Aren't most of the Railway Military Police celebrating the new year with their families? With the Chancellor now departed from Heimdallr, I'm sure he doesn't have anything he needs you to do. Why don't you take a few days off?", Princess Alfin suggested.

"I am grateful for your concern about my wellbeing, Your Highness. His Excellency gave me an order to watch over you three so where you go during his absence, I will be there to support you from the sidelines. Plus it will not sit well with me if I take a few days off. I took it upon myself to continue working while the other officers could enjoy that time. My body would get restless if it isn't moving.", Claire said, trying to deny Princess Alfin's suggestion. Prince Cedric, despite showing a tired look in his eyes, raised his eyebrows at the icy, blue-haired woman.

"Chancellor Osborne is no longer in Heimdallr?", Prince Cedric asked in doubt.

"That's correct, Your Highness. He departed very early in the morning after breakfast, and I saw him off. He will not be back for quite some time, I'm afraid. With His Excellency's absence, someone needs to look after the paperwork that piles up in his room.", Claire responded, clearing Prince Cedric's doubt, but his eyes remained surprised. He then turned toward me.

"Let me guess, this has to do with you.", Prince Cedric asked as he glanced his eyes my way.

"Haha, there are many regions that surround Heimdallr, Your Highness. To make sure this plan goes smoothly, no doubt the Chancellor will visit neighboring regions so they don't get affected.", I responded, only responding with the half-truth. Prince Cedric didn't need to know about the existence of AI KeA or the Black Workshop yet. I do plan to show my Enigma II in a bit to Princess Alfin once we've retreated ourselves, but we haven't gotten there yet.

"It really is a lot to wrap my head around about this matter. I need some time to ponder it. Perhaps it might be best to speak with Father directly. He should know more information than what you have provided, considering he accepted your proposal. I just didn't think it would result in Heimdallr getting completely vacated...Just what on Aidios do you want to do?", Prince Cedric continued to ask.

"No need to worry about such matters for now, young prince. For Naoto here still has to do the hardest part, which is mastering the incantation. Before that process begins, I need to get in touch with that foolish granddaughter of mine to see how their progress is going.", Roselia said, nodding her head, informing Prince Cedric didn't need to worry about the Infernal Castle any longer. She was likely referring to Vita and her assisting Crow durimg the Azure Trials. Have they completed it by now?

Also, I think I know where Roselia's intent currently is when she said that to Prince Cedric. The rise of the Infernal Castle was set to happen, and it was only a matter of time. Why bother explaining the rest of it now when it will be visible for all of Heimdallr to see in the next month?

I smiled while I thought that to myself. I saw Claire nod her head too in response to our words.

"No doubt will it get busy in the coming month. Coming from being an officer myself, I would suggest you get all your current affairs in order. If you have anything you want to complete, now would be the time to do so.", Claire suggested, causing me to nod my head.

"That's the plan. Since you weren't there during it Claire, Lord Matteus is going to be creating a training program for me, which is set to start on the 8th. I'm sure it will go on for at least a couple weeks, and it's possible we may or may not leave the city. Should that be the case, I do hope you prioritize Alfin's and His Highness's safety over mine.", I said with a serious tone.

"Big Brother...", Princess Alfin uttered. A light blush appeared on her cheeks.

"True. It's not like you can be in two places at once. You were given an order by the Chancellor to watch over us. If His Highness leaves Heimdallr, that would put us in quite a pickle.", Prince Cedric said, wondering what would happen if I left Heimdallr.

"Moreover, I'm already planning to head to Crossbell City tomorrow. I'm guessing you must have thought about this already, Claire.", I said to her.

"You would be correct, Your Highness. I will remain inside the city. I have already taken the necessary precautions to ensure your safety, Your Highness. You are free to leave the city as you wish. I have also arranged your flight itinerary. As for who will be joining you, he should have arrived here not too long ago.", Claire said in response. Her work demeanor returned in her eyes, and she was acting as if she was actually an on-duty officer.

"Yo, Your Highness. You haven't missed me, have you?", A voice called out to us. We all saw from another corridor, a sole figure approached us. A long, thin hilt could be seen held at his waist. He was wearing a rather flashy purple tuxedo and black pants. A pale purple cravat rested inside his neck, which had a fancy-designed turquoise brooch. I could recognize his scarlet hair any day.

"I had a feeling it was you, Lechter. Did you have fun trying to find that village I told you to find?", I replied, seeing a scarlet-haired boy enter our view. I really haven't seen him since the events of Nemeth Island. It's been quite some time since I've last seen Lechter.

"You really told him to find it?", Roselia retorted me, raising her eyebrows as she said that.

"You really were relentless then, Your Highness. You could have at least given me something to work on. I searched that whole damn forest and came out with nothing. Are you sure it's there?", Lechter retorted back, causing me to laugh.

"Who is this, Big Brother?", Princess Alfin asked as she blinked her eyes at Lechter. He was seventeen this year, and would be turning eighteen years old next year. He was about four and a half years older than I was. He was just a teen when he was with me at Nemeth Island.

Seven years ago, the Hundred Days War struck Liberl. Lechter's father was one of the masterminds that twisted that tragedy, but Lechter himself was unaware at the time. Even then, Giliath saw Lechter's talents, and recruited him into the Intelligence Division. I'm sure by then, the Ironbloods were already born.

Rufus was the first, Claire was the second, and Lechter the third. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened.

And just like any day, Lechter still had that lazy look in his eyes. He had that unique air about him. Even if he didn't care about something going on, he had a special ability that if something was going to happen, it would. The so-called gut instinct. Out of everyone, I knew to trust Lechter's gut if he ever mentioned so.

I took a moment to walk up to Lechter, as did he. He reached his hand out for a shake, and I responded.

"This is Lechter, Alfin. He too serves Chancellor Osborne. It's really nice to see you again.", I said, welcoming Lechter.

"Haha, I could say the same thing to you, Your Highness. Man you really aren't the brat I used to know. Look at you. You even got yourself a pretty little princess here as a partner. Trouble really does follow you in one way or another. Sounds like you're heading to Crossbell City in the morning, yeah?", Lechter said, gripping my hand and giving me a firm handshake.

This guy really was quite spunky and playful at heart. If I had to compare this guy to another, it'd likely be Prince Olivert's other persona, Olivier.