Chapter 290: Second Genesis

As always, Giliath demands your power stones!


"So this Elie person has the potential, huh...", Princess Alfin began to utter, murmuring to herself in a soft voice.

"Pardon?", I asked, turning a deaf ear as to what Princess Alfin just spoke next to me.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a little pillow talk, that's all. I didn't think I'd get to hear the childhood friend card so soon. Musse's definitely going to want to hear this...", Princess Alfin responded with a light blush over her cheeks as she clapped her hands together, going off in her own little world. Thankfully it was mostly Lechter and I in front of the camera tnat's currently being displayed at IBC's basement floor, so she wasn't directly on it after we introduced her to the engineers in the room.

"Hahaha, you can save that talk for later, Alfin.", I replied with a playful smile. I then shifted my head back toward the laptop.

Several moments passed while Tio and I conversed. Engineers came and went, but Tio and Jona remained behind, making sure the Orbal Network's coding was in tip-top shape while maintaining the quality of our ongoing call. Before I knew it, Professor Schmidt took the helm, and took over Tio's seat, seating himself right in the middle of the large room. Tio took a spot next to him, stil seated on the elevated floor. After I brought up the topic of the Second Genesis to Professor Schmidt, he dropped a name I wasn't expecting to hear this early on.

Agnès Claudel.

I didn't think I would come across another Daybreak character like this...

Since I was brought into Zemuria, I have only personally come across one Daybreak character, and it was the protagonist of the series, Van Arkride. It definitely was a surprise back during the caves to come across someone like Van, but it looks like he had a connection to the DG Cult, much like how Sherryl, Ennea, Tio and Renne did. I didn't know how his exact circumstances played out, but I was able to get the gist of it when he explained his story to us during that time.

Van was orphaned at a very young age. Despite becoming an orphan, he quickly made friends with the daughter of one of the leading companies found not only in Calvard, but all across Zemuria, which was a famous confectionery. It was because of this confectionary business that Van eventually became a connoisseur of sweets, the Quincy Company. The daughter's father was the CEO of that company. She went by the name Elaine Auclair. Two very, very different backgrounds. Even with that gigantic status wall present, the two had become friends. It wasn't just them either, there was a third person at the time when the two became friends. He went by the name René Kincaid, a year older than Van. Not to confuse his name with Renne by any means, haha!

While not being able to exchange phone calls across countries yet unless one was on official business, I hadn't met Elaine nor René in person yet. I've been sending letters to Van with Sieg's help. But it sounds like René is a pretty cool guy, and has been keeping Van in check. I recently came to learn that Van successfully entered Aramis's Student Council, which is making him even busier no doubt. That was the main problem why I think Van won't be able to come over here to Erebonia, but it still won't hurt to send him an invitation, just like how I invited Tio here.

It would be great if I could round up the old crew again. I know I have my new party currently being formed, if I was able to add the strength of my old crew, our power would skyrocket.

Moreso, Elaine was no slouch either. I don't know if she had taken on official Bracer business yet, I would need to confirm with Sara of that matter later. If I remember, Elaine would eventually outstrip Sara's title, in becoming the youngest A-Rank Bracer.

There was also the matter of Sara liking me...Boy I'll have to jump that hurdle soon. 

But like I said, I've become buddies with Van, and would likely become buddies with Elaine and René, should I find a chance to head to Calvard.

Agnès, on the other hand, was an entirely different matter. For Professor Schmidt to drop Claudel's name like that...I could only take a guess that it was in relation to Agnès. She was another leading character of the Daybreak games. One whose background was a lot more sensitive than Van's from the get-go. I only knew so much, unfortunately, since I didn't get a chance to play Daybreak. What I did know was that Agnès was tasked to find what was called, the Oct-Geneses.

There wasn't a lot of information about these orbal devices, but they were said to be prototype orbments created by Professor Epstein himself.

Seeing the atmosphere turn heavy hearing Professor Schmidt mention Agnès's name, to which he confirmed my doubt, I took a moment to activate my Inventory off-screen. Princess Alfin became surprised as I reached my hand into what appeared to be a small black hole. Lechter had seen me use Inventory before and whispered something into her ear, causing Princess Alfin to nod her head while staying silent.

I took out a device that I assumed had little purpose before now. It somehow found my way not too long after the little pixie who called herself KeA made her home out of my Enigma II. This device was definitely an orbment device of sorts, and I immediately saw a glint of light streak across Professor Schmidt's eyes the moment I showed this device on screen. It appeared to be very reminiscent of a Fourth Generation combat orbment shown during the first chapter of Sky, but it had a weird symbol in its center, mostly painted red.

"So the Second Genesis did wind up in your possession after all, Naoto. I had my suspicion it would.", Professor Schmidt said, seeing the antique-like orbment now in my hands.

"You're saying as if you knew this would happen.", I responded back, seeing the seriousness in Professor Schmidt's eyes.

Taking a moment, Professor Schmidt reached inside his pocket, and took out a cigarette, and a rather old-fashioned lighter that opened up with a flick of his thumb. A small flame came out of it, and the smell of cigarette smoke began to waft around the basement floor.

"I didn't know you smoked, Professor.", Tio said, looking at the lighter in Professor Schmidt's hands.

"I think this is violating the health regulations we currently have in place. And Tio is here too, you shouldn't be smoking like this in front of her, Professor.", Roberts said with a worried look in his eyes. 

"Oh can it, Roberts. I only do this during times of reminiscence. I didn't think I would find one of my teacher's possessions like this, but it looks like it found a new owner.", Professor Schmidt retorted Roberts. Roberts shrugged his shoulders, letting out a sigh.

"A new owner...?", I asked in doubt.

"Yes. Everything my teacher did, regardless of how crazy it turned out to be, all had a reason for it. He made that device in hopes to observe the state of the world, but I thought they had been lost. Just you mentioning the name again caused me to start digging around my old teacher's notes. It's not like that device wound up in your hands randomly, Naoto.", Professor Schmidt began to say.

"That's why I'm getting that weird, tugging feeling then...It's like I'm being drawn to it?", I wondered. Ever since I pulled out the Second Genesis, unlike before, I felt a strange connection start forming.

"That's how they were essentially designed, yes. These devices would remain lost until they find their rightful owner. It would seem the Second Genesis has identified you.", Professor Schmidt declared.

"There are orbments out there that can identify their owners? Does that mean no one else but this guy can use it now?", Jona exclaimed in surprise.

"That would seem to be the case. I didn't know such orbments were out there, either.", Tio also responded, nodding her head.

"Which is why I'll leave the Second Genesis in your care for now, Naoto. Be sure not to lose it. It will definitely heighten your combat capabilities. It's not like it's just some rusty orbment collecting dust.", Professor Schmidt said to me, causing me to nod my head.

"Understood, Professor. I will be extra sure to take care of this Second Genesis. I may not know what its effects are yet, but I will be sure to test it out thoroughly before making any rash decisions.", I responded seriously.

So that's how these devices worked, eh? According to Professor Schmidt, the Oct-Geneses would remain lost until they find their rightful owners. That truly did mean the Second Genesis belonged to me...

I don't know how it came into my possession, but whoever it was, I will have to thank them. With that said, however, just possessing one of the devices that would drive the Daybreak story to its peak, I couldn't help but worry about what was to come. Agnès would eventually come across Van once his own business opens up, and task him with finding all eight Oct-Geneses.

And that meant Agnès would eventually come knocking at my doorstep, whether I liked it or not. That did pose a question. Now I ain't no hero or anything. If something was destined to belong to me, then I will of course, keep it. It's not like I would hand over the Second Genesis to her willingly. So I wonder, should I try acting like the villian this time, following in my father's footsteps? Not like becoming anything evil or anything of that line.

Van was with us during the caves, and ever since we parted ways, I knew he underwent training with that travelling priest. Priest Barkhorn if I recall correctly? He studied martial arts under him for a period of time, the Kunlun style of martial arts, which was a prominent style of the east.

As I thought that for a moment, I soon heard a notification sound off inside my mind, almost acting as if it had reacted to me. Hearing this sudden notification caused my current thoughts to get distracted, and I decided to have a look at it. Sure enough, it issued a new Quest to me.

[Ding! Gamer Naoto has shown interest in wanting to find out how strong one of Gamer Naoto's friends, Van Arkride, has gotten. Gamer Naoto parted ways with Van after spending time inside the DG Cult, and since then, he had not encountered Van in person. Seek Van out, and test his newfound strength.]

[Ding! A new quest, [Van's Determination], has been created for Gamer Naoto.]

[Van's Determination]

In hopes to recruit Van to Gamer Naoto's side to participate in the incoming, Gamer Naoto has to seek Van out to test his strength that he has trained over the last couple of years. Locate Van in Calvard, and challenge him to a duel.


 -Test Van's current strength and challenge him to a duel.


 -Van's Favorability Meter unlocked.

 -5 Levels.

 -1 SR Lost Quartz (Random)

 -Choice of 1 UR Quartz Selection Box or 1 Master Quartz Selection Box

 -Title: [Friend of the Spriggan]

 -Combination Craft: Helldive

 -Key to Instance Dungeon: Altair Lodge (2 person)

Time Limit: One Month

That quest has quite a list of rewards, doesn't it? Guess I'll be heading to Calvard after all, heh. I silently gripped onto the Second Genesis still within my grasp with anticipation in my eyes of what was to come.


So from what I could find out, the Second Genesis has the power to play with one's life force, to a certain extent. It could, in theory, resurrect those who had recently passed, but the chances of twisting their soul after death into unrecognizable monsters is quite high.

In simple terms, creating Undead.

The Second Genesis also was the main device that created most known healing arts shown throughout the games.

If you want you suggest an ability, let me know!

These abilities could reach absurd-levels of ideas.

You know, for example, forcing Naoto and Princess Alfin to turn 5 years and 8 years older respectively, and perform a lemon scene?
