Chapter 298: Lucy Seiland

I might start dedicating the author corner to show stats/current equipment. Something like this? It won't be every chapter though. Full status windows will take up a full chapter, but this is just an overview: 

Level: 111/250

Current Equip:

 -[Training Staff of the Crimson Roselia] / [Guardian Armor] / [Guardian Boots] -[Sherryl's Adoration] / 2nd slot: N/A

HP: 53,500 EP: 3400/4350 INT: 1575 STR: 2455 DEF: 2500 ATS: 4000 ADF: 1950 AGI: 297 DEX: 165

As always, Giliath demands your power stones!


"Hey there beautiful, did this brat cause you any trouble?", A familiar voice called out to us. 

Sherryl and I saw Lechter approach from the side, and quickly joined us in the VIP line. Despite his stomach being attacked just a moment ago, he now appeared fine and dandy, just like how Lechter was. A playful smile appeared on his lips, and he even slung his arm around my left shoulder, acting all smug.

"B-Beautiful? Me?", The ticket clerk stuttered, not expecting Lechter to say that. It made her cheeks become slightly rosy. 

I won't deny, Lechter is quite a playboy and a handsome man. He was taller than me too, perhaps by half a foot at most. But that made sense. With me turning fourteen this year, Lechter was already seventeen, and would be turning eighteen. He was already four years older than me. And yet, for some god forsaken reason, he somehow found himself enrolling at Jenis Royal Academy, out of all the schools he could pick.

In fact, I do believe it was Lechter's third year in that school already, and he would finish his studies next year. But if it went like the games did, despite becoming the Student Council President, he would drop out, thanks to father's interference. It was approaching Lechter's time to join the Ironbloods.

But with my presence, father found out about Lechter much earlier than what had originally played out, so I see no reason for Lechter to not finish his studies.

If it wasn't for the fact Lechter was brought all the way here to act as my escort and assigned to protect me by my father while I'm here in Erebonia, he probably would still be back at Liberl. It was a shame it wasn't Claire, but I didn't want to intrude on her too much. Unlike other RMP officers, Claire was diligent, working through the holidays. If she was tasked to escort me instead of Lechter, she would probably be dealing with a lot more pressure.

So Lechter had to make do for now, as much as I hate to say it. His skills were good, but he really can be too playful at times, haha!

"Why am I not surprised you're hitting on someone you just met?", A voice called out to us while the ticket clerk. "And why in Aidios's name are you dressed like a pompous fool? Is that thing at your waist real?", The voice continued, which belonged to that of a girl's voice.

"Oh this? It's as real as those pretty violet eyes of yours is--?", Lechter tried to respond, but he was cut off by the sudden stern look of this new figure that joined the line behind us.

"I dare you to finish what you were going to say, Lechter. Come on, say it.", The figure said, revealing to be a rather pretty girl. Her hair color was quite the rarity too, which was a stark contrast to her violet eyes. She was around my height, perhaps a bit taller. She appeared sixteen years old, three years older than me. girl. She was currently wearing a white dress that was covered by a purple vest. It had a cute collar at her neckline, which was held together by a green gem. One could easily mistake a dress like this for being a noble, but it was anything but. This was the uniform girls wore at Jenis Royal Academy, which would make this girl a current student there.

Lechter blinked his eyes not believing who it was that came into our view.

"Is that you, Lucy? The hell are you doing all the way out here in Erebonia?", Lechter retorted, not expecting to see this girl before him. Her hair was long, and a shining blonde color. Regardless of what I said just now, one could easily mistake this girl as a noble thanks to her beautiful appearance.

"I could say the same to you, Lechter. Just what in Aidios's name are you dressed like one of those foolish nobles? If you are even going to attempt to impersonate one, at least be reasonable about it. Your clothes are all wrinkly, and your shirt is even sticking out in a few places.", The girl retorted back, starting to go on and on about Lechter's current appearance. Most of him appeared proper, but some of his clothing was a bit loose as she had just stated.

"Hey man, that's just my style, no matter the time or place. And well, I'd like to call it that I'm on official business. What about you? You did say you were going back up to Remiferia during the holiday, so guess you're returning?", Lechter asked.

"Since when did you get a job? It's not like our school prohibits such a thing...but I didn't think you were the one to suddenly join the working class.", The girl responded. "And you are correct, I am in fact returning from Remiferia. I was on my way to St. Ursula to stay with Auntie for a couple days before our next term starts back up. Ugh, I just had to pick the worst slot to leave the capital.", The girl retorted.

"Haha, Perhaps it's the best slot. Surely you've noticed by now I'm not alone. On guard duty, to be specific.", Lechter said to the girl. She immediately scoffed at Lechter hearing that.

"You, a guard? Now you're just playing me a fool now.", The girl responded. She had quite the tongue, I must admit. Though this girl named Lucy did oftentimes point out Lechter's odd mannerisms. Thanks to that, they end up bickering a lot. I didn't think I'd get to see this girl here, but seeing as she was coming back from Remiferia, it was in a direct line to where she was likely heading next, and that was Crossbell City, just like us.

It was just now that this girl looked my way, and also took a moment to speak to us.

"But now as you mention it, you really aren't alone, Lechter. The boy next to you looks really familiar...", The girl named Lucy said to me. I scratched my cheek hearing that.

"Haha, I might be out of uniform right now since I'm not wearing my robe, but I take it you're one of Lechter's acquaintances. Maybe one of his friends? Either way, Naoto von Auslese, at your service.", I said, formally introducing myself to her.

"At least you're a polite one, unlike Lechter here. It's nice to meet you Naoto...?", Lucy began to say to me. It took her a moment to realize the name I had just dropped on her, and her eyes turned into wide saucers. "Nonono, you didn't just call yourself Auslese, did you!? I really apologize for the behavior I just showed just now!", Lucy quickly responded. She quickly apologized to me, but I shrugged it off.

"And how the hell are you acquainted with Liberl's royal family, Lechter!?", Lucy continued, showing shock in her eyes.

"Oh you know, this and that. None of that matters though, the jig I got is the real deal and I'm here to make sure His Highness is safely escorted to Crossbell City. Don't get your panties in a bunch, Lucy, I'll be back at Jenis before the holidays are over.", Lecther said, causing Lucy to snap out of her stupor.

"An escort...", Lucy responded. "I heard a bit about you, Your Highness. Sounds like you've already met Auntie in Crossbell last year, but I couldn't head there at the time. I don't know how you came across this fool but I do thank you for looking after him. I'm currently the acting Student Council Vice-President at Jenis Royal Academy. I heard from the Dean that you'll be starting next year, so it's good that we could get acquainted now. I'm Lucy Seiland. My family comes from a line of doctors you see.", Lucy said, formally introducing herself to me as part of the Seiland Family.

Her business was a lot more prominent in Remiferia, as it was the medical capital of the entire continent, but one of her closest relatives, her aunt, currently works at St. Ursula in Crossbell City. I don't think I'll have enough time to pay her a visit this time, but we'll see.

Ignoring the ticket clerk's dazed look after hearing me announce my name, others began to murmur, not expecting to see Liberl's crown prince here. But regardless, I nodded my head, and became acquainted with Lucy Seiland. I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of her once next year begins, so it was good to meet her now.


[Insert picture of Lucy Seiland here!]