Chapter 316: Elie MacDowell

As long as I'm ahead in writing like this, chapters will be posted daily! You readers can expect the normal Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri schedule, but you might also see on occasion chapters posted on Tues/Thurs/Sat!

Giliath still appreciates your power stones, even on days when chapters aren't posted!


"I am really happy you still remember me, Your Highness.", A voice of a girl called out to us. She appeared to be wearing very similar clothing to Kevin, actually. A sheathed sword could be seen at her waist too. She sported very beautiful silvery-blonde hair, and had bright green eyes. Yet seeing this look, my head tilted to the side a bit. I did not expect this person to be dressed in this fashion.

"Is that really you, Elie?", I called out to the girl. She was the same age I was, but she was already well endowed. She would have a fierce competition in that aspect if I were to compare Elie to Emma. But it's just...

I glanced at Elie again. Her entire demeanor had changed, as well as her outfit. She seemed to be wearing a squire's uniform. Only members of the Septian Church would wear this.

"Must be a surprise to see me like this, right, Your Highness? You're not the only one who can keep surprises to themselves.", Elie replied with a smile.

"Oh...", I uttered, trying to relate to Elie's words. The 'me' that she probably remembered is the young kid back at the villa I was raised at. Then, she didn't know I had Auslese blood running through me. I did announce my existence to Liberl after coming back from the caves, I'm sure she probably received the news while she was in Arteria. In the games, she did go to Arteria as a foreign exchange student. I will want to see how long she studied there for. On top of that, she would venture to St. Astraia to study for a term or two as well, we'll see if that happens this time around.

I have a feeling it won't, considering Elie's new attire. She looks just like how a church nun looks now. Elie's appearance was very similar to the partner Kevin will eventually receive, who went by the name Ries Argent. But seeing Elie here in replace of Ries, it might seem that Elie is his partner, at least for now? Or maybe she's on her own here. Most Gralsritter do end up acquiring a squire to mentor, and if Ries is still Kevin's student, then maybe Elie would...

There's no way Elie would be with that guy, right? The man I was referring to was a philanthropist to its finest degree, a guy named Wazy Hemisphere. I don't know if I'll come across him today during my stay in Crossbell, but he's probably lurking about with that "gang" of his, still in disguise in Old Town.

But then again...Wazy was one of the younger cast in the Trailsverse. He was even a year younger than me. He's probably still back in Arteria, studying to become a Squire Knight, and wasn't a full-fledged Dominion yet. Is he even here in Crossbell?

If he isn't, then it'd make sense if Elie was an apprentice to Kevin. I do want to see if Dominions can take on more than one apprentice at a time.

Shaking Wazy's situation aside,  I glanced at Elie again. She has become really beautiful during our time apart, and I couldn't help but smile seeing her again. It was probably because we were in public, but Elie kept a calm demeanor. Welcoming the two, I continued to speak.

"It was probably a shock to you to find out I was a prince, right? There's plenty of surprises to go around at least. I didn't think you'd wind up joining the Septian Church, Elie.", I greeted with a smile. Kevin nodded his head to my word.

"Boy was it a shocker alright. And y'know, the mademoiselle did this for yerself, Yer Highness. Miss Elie didn't want to get left behind, so I extended her a welcomin' hand. Yer lookin' at the Septian Church's newest member to the Gralsritter!", Kevin exclaimed, causing us to raise our eyes.

"You joined the Congregation for the Sacraments? If anything, I'd thought you'd align more towards Divine Worship.", I mused.

Guess that is how things turned out, huh? The best organization under the Congregation for the Sacraments was the Gralsritter. They were the ones who earned the most practical combat experience of the three divisions that made up the Septian Church. Their primary task was retrieving artifacts the Goddess Adios blessed humanity with. The ones that remained anyways, as most have gotten lost or deeply buried throughout time.

And they also dabble in a similar line of work to Bracers should the need arise, they can help fight monsters. So I'm guessing Elie had already started on her path to grow stronger then. Just knowing that made me happy.

Yet as I shared a happy moment from this, Tio's eyes squinted halfway down, revealing her deadpan look as she observed the big-breasted, silver-haired girl before her.

"Suspicious.", Tio retorted. She knew well who Elie was, but she hadn't been formally introduced to her yet.  

"Hehe. That might be the case. A part of this was for you, Your Highness, but also for myself. I was given a window of opportunity to grow stronger. The only condition Grandfather gave me was to not have this cut into my studies to become a politician. He does intend to pass the torch to me one day, and I agreed. My name is Elie MacDowell, and I'm the granddaughter of Crossbell City's current Mayor. It is ever so lovely to meet you two, and it is very nice to meet you again, Your Highness.", Elie remained polite.

"Likewise. So I'm guessing you took this chance then, Elie. Sounds like you've found your path forward.", I replied with a heartfelt smile. I really am happy for her.

"Still suspicious.", Tio retorted again with her dead look. Even Kevin shuddered seeing this expression of hers. I could immediately tell he wasn't used to it haha!

"Is that kid next to ya alright, Yer Highness? Who are these two anyways?", Kevin wondered. Elie giggled seeing Kevin behave like this.

"Hehehe, you must've forgotten about these two, Father Kevin. They were on the sailing boat with His Highness. That moment only lasted for a brief time, so it isn't surprising that you've forgotten about them.", Elie explained. Kevin acted as if a light bulb lit up inside his head.

"Aha! So that was the case. Now I remember. I don't think we ever got yer names. Well I'm Kevin. I'm also with the Gralsritter alongside Miss Elie here.", Kevin said, introducing himself to Tio and Sherryl. 

I glanced at Tio, who still had her dead look. I could only shrug my shoulders with a sigh.

"You'll introduce yourself, right, Tio? It is impolite to behave like this you know.", I retorted Tio's current gesture. Tio just blankly stared back up at me, before her head shifted toward Kevin and Elie again.

"Tio Plato. Engineer and student of the Epstein Foundation. Nine years old.", Tio introduced herself. Kevin just stared at her in shock.

"Now wait just'a moment. Did ya just say yer an engineer at Epstein Foundation!?", Kevin exclaimed in shock.

"Mmm. Tio is not a liar. I currently work there.", Tio nodded in affirmation. "But I'm now on break. I'll be with Naoto for the time being.", Tio explained.

"Now just hold a minute. Just why in Aidios's name are they lettin' someone as young as yerself be workin'!?", Kevin retorted.

"Tio's been helping install the orbal net around this place, as well as a couple other projects. I know far more than you do, weird priest.", Tio simply answered.

"W-weird priest? Do I really look that weird?", Kevin complained, looking back at Elie while he checked over himself.

"No comment.", Elie replied, giggling.

"Don't do that, Tio. She can be a handful sometimes. Sorry about that. And the Epstein Foundation does have Tio's interests at hand. She's not being forced to do anything she doesn't want to do. Let's just leave it at that, alright?", I said, trying to end the topic of Tio's young age. She is a couple years younger than how the original games went, she wouldn't be recruited by Epstein Foundation until she was eleven or twelve, and then join the SSS when she's fourteen.

But Tio is nine years old right now. It would look suspicious to other folks like Kevin if she was found to be working.

So I just wanted to leave it at that. I know the Epstein Foundation has Tio's best interests at heart.

"Well, that's alright, I suppose. Don't push yerself alright?", Kevin asked with a worried look.

"Mmm.", Tio happily nodded, seeing Kevin's concern for her. Elie glanced her eyes back toward us, only to see the small blue-haired girl beside me.

"But just who is Tio to you, Your Highness?", Elie asked, wanting to find out.

"Tio's like family now.", I simply answered.

In response to that, using her spare hand, Tio raised it outward, and did a V sign at Elie, acting as if she had a victory lap over her. "Tio's been to Naoto's home once or twice too. She doesn't have any siblings, so Naoto in a way, I can see him as a brother?", Tio wondered to herself, tilting her head my way.

"A brother...I see...", Elie uttered, going into her own thoughts for a moment.

"Yer home, eh? That would be that fancy castle in Liberl yea?", Kevin asked.

"The very same. It's been a few months since I've been home, but Grandmother knows I've left the country. I will only be gone for another month or so at most.", I explained my situation.

"Well that explains why yer out in this neck of the woods. But why Crossbell City in particular, if I can inquire?", Kevin asked with interest.

"I too would like to know. I wasn't expecting to see you here in Crossbell City, Your Highness.", Elie nodded, also wanting to know why I'm here.

I didn't immediately respond. Instead I looked at Sherryl. I saw Sherryl nod her head, who had stayed quiet during this conversation. Seeing the confident look in Sherryl's eyes, I looked back toward Kevin and Elie.

"Would the name Sky happen to ring any bells?", I decided to ask the two.

"Sky...?", Elie pondered before her eyes darted toward Sherryl in a fervor. "Y-You wouldn't happen to be...", Elie began to ask. Hearing that earned a smile from on Sherryl's lips.

"My name is Sherryl Sky. It is nice to meet you two. It sounds like my big sister Jill has been in your care as of late.", Sherryl replied, introducing herself to the two. Kevin's gaze turned more serious as he observed Sherryl.

"Now that does ring a bell. Sky...", Kevin uttered, before his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Weren't you on the CPD's presumed dead list?", Kevin uttered in a low voice, before he darted his eyes back my way. "Just what in Aidios's name did you do, Yer Highness!?", Kevin exclaimed, still keeping his voice down.

I simply smiled seeing his reaction.

"Heh, I had a feeling you'd react like this, Father Kevin. We have a bit of catching up to do, don't we? We were about to head to the CPD to let Sherryl see her big sister again.", I answered, also keeping my voice down. 

Kevin just stared at me with an incredulous look in his eyes as he shifted his gaze back toward Sherryl, acting as if he had seen a ghost...