Chapter 336: Level Up!

As always, Giliath demands your power stones!


'Sheesh. 200 ATS at Level 1 and 400 EP already. Tio really is something, isn't she?', I continued to muse. Moreover, it wasn't just 200 ATS, but 220 with the Mind II Quartz equipped! Those weapon effects were pretty nasty too, and it was definitely geared toward Tio.

With that observation out of the way, the nearest spider to the left still had some distance, and it couldn't immediately lunge at Tio with a jump. These spiders are known for closing in from long distances quickly, and can jump around, covering battle maps with ease. Thankfully Arts casting didn't require too much time. AT Delay didn't exist here. Only another moment passed and Tio finished casting her Art.

"Aqua Bleed!", Tio exclaimed, readying her staff. She took aim, and targeted the spider that was closest to her, the left Mottled Killer. The blue glow disappeared from Tio's body, and it converged at the tip of her staff. Streams of water started gushing out of it, curving outward and to the left. Whoosh!

A large jet stream of water streaked across the mine tunnel, aiming to the left. The attack was dead-on, and it managed to find the target. The spider couldn't even react in time before its body got blasted with a fierce stream of water. Bang!

Once it struck the Mottled Killer's body, a dull thud reached our ears. Just like how we could see name tags above our heads, we could see name tags above the two Mottled Killers. It displayed their level and the remaining health points they had. Lechter's gaze shifted from the screen that had the monster info on it to the spider on the left, as did I. We saw a dark red number appear above the spider's head.

Tio scored a critical hit!


It was as if time had slowed down the moment that dark red damage number appeared over the spider's head. It's body simply went poof. It didn't slump downward or anything. It completely vanished from sight. Tio's attack almost did ten times the amount of damage the Mottled Killer's health had, which greatly shocked me. Granted, almost half of that was due to the critical hit, but that isn't a number you should see this early on, especially since Tio is still Level 1.

I can only account it being the meddling of the Epstein Foundation. They tweaked her Researcher Staff to be much more powerful than what it was in the beginning of Zero. And on top of that, it became a Growth weapon, so there is no need for Tio to search for another weapon. As long as Tio levels up, her weapon will grow with her. That was the beauty of having growth weapons.

'Still, that was an insane amount of damage...', I uttered to myself in shock. Tio was definitely busted early on, and this confirms it. Moreover, in Zero, her staff weapons only boosted her Strength stat. She would have done so much more damage if her staff provided ATS over STR. On top of that, monsters had low ADF early on, which only made Tio even stronger.

So perhaps seeing such a high damage count was within expectations?

"Look alive kiddo, the other one is approaching!", Lechter warned Tio.

The other Mottled Killer on the right became momentarily dazed seeing the second one suddenly die and go poof in one hit. I was expecting a corpse, but this might be the Instance Dungeon's meddling? If it really is taking after the games, monsters would drop items at random, as well as certain amounts of Sepith to use at Orbal Shops. We might get to see that here. 

But seeing nothing drop when the Mottled Killer was killed, it might take some luck to see some item drops.

"Yes!", Tio exclaimed. As the remaining Mottled Killer regained its composure, Tio backed away, creating some distance between her and the spider monster.

"Arts activate...", Tio uttered.

"Shasha!", The Mottled Killer displayed visible anger in its eyes, seeing the gap between it and Tio. It tried to use its six legs to close the distance again, but Tio only needed another moment to cast an Art again.

"Aqua Bleed!", Tio exclaimed. She raised her staff high up, and just like before, the tip converged a deep blue glow after the orbal energy surrounding her body vanished. The orbal energy converted into a fierce jet stream of water, appearing more menacing the second time. Whooosh!

Tio's accuracy was perfect, and the spider couldn't dodge it in time. Looks like Tio's reactions were excellent, so she could land two blows back-to-back. Once the water jet pummeled the spider, a damage number appeared above its head. It wasn't dark red this time, so it wasn't a critical hit. Still, it was enough to take out the Mottled Spider. 220 ATS was nothing to scoff at!



The second spider behaved the same way the first one did, and vanished into thin air, not even leaving behind a dead body. I've hunted monsters before and you would see dead monsters after fighting them. But here in the Instance Dungeon, I guess it won't work like that.

Seeing the two threats gone, Tio regained her composure, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Good work Tio. Your Arts casting was exceptional.", I happily said to Tio, approaching her side.

"No kidding. You might just be a kid, but you're not to be underestimated. I don't recall seeing a lot of folks being able to kill monsters in one blow this early on.", Lechter also said with a nod.

"Mmm. That is within expectation. I will have to deliver my thanks to the Foundation later. This staff performed splendidly.", Tio nodded, accepting my hand again with a head pat. I ruffled her hair.

It was then we heard more notifications sound off inside our minds. On top of that, a blue screen suddenly appeared before Tio.

[Ding! The battle has ended. Now calculating Battle Evaluation and Experience...]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully fought a higher leveled foe! Additional experience will be rewarded to the Party.]

'Isn't that the Tactical Bonus function in the games?', I mused, not expecting to see such a feature here. This only applied to the games, but it's a nice touch. That'll boost our experience even higher. Thinking that, the blue screen before Tio continued to change. Tio remained silent and remained observant. I'm sure this was all new to her, so she must be taking everything in.

[Ding! The following bonuses have been applied: Unscathed (+20%), Overkill x1 (+10%), Swift and Sure (+5%)]

[Ding! Due to the difference in level, an additional 10% EXP has been obtained per level.]

[Ding! Bonus Experience gain has finished calculating. Battle has rewarded Party with 600 Experience Points. Bonus experience gain has increased base experience gain by 75%.]

[Ding! Party Member Tio Plato has received 1050 Experience Points.]

[Ding! Due to Gamer Naoto's equipped Title, Tio's obtained experience points have doubled.]

[Ding! Awarded experience points have been adjusted. Tio Plato has received 2100 Experience.]

[Ding! Tio has obtained 100/100 experience. Your level has risen to Level 2!]

[Ding! Tio has obtained 200/200 experience. Your level has risen to Level 3!]

[Ding! Tio has obtained 300/300 experience. Your level has risen to Level 4!]

[Ding! Tio has obtained 400/400 experience. Your level has risen to Level 5!]

[Ding! Tio has obtained 500/500 experience. Your level has risen to Level 6!]

[Ding! Tio has obtained 600/600 experience. Your level has risen to Level 7!]

[Tio Plato's Current Level: 7. 0/700.]

[Ding! Tio's status parameters have increased.]

[Ding! Tio's Weapon: Researcher has obtained 2100 experience. Current Level: 7. 0/700. Researcher's battle parameters have increased!]

[Ding! Due to Gamer Naoto's equipped Title, Gamer Naoto has received 2100 experience points.]

[Naoto's Current Level: 111. 2,100/1,146,900)]

[Naoto's Radiant Starlight's Current Level: 111. 2,100/1,146,900]

[Ding! Due to the difference in levels, Party Member Lechter has obtained one experience point.]

[Lechter's Current level: 100. 1/496,900]

"Oi, I think this ability of yours broke, Young Master. Why did I receive just one measly point of experience while you received what the kiddo received!?", Lechter retorted.

"Hahaha, no it's working as intended, Lechter. I have something that bypasses the diminishing return effect. The monsters found here are much weaker than the monsters roaming outside and your status. You would have to defeat half a million of these monsters to level up a single time.", I explained with a playful smirk.

"Now that's cheating.", Lechter retorted again. "Are you saying you can just leech off of this?", Lechter decided to ask.

"Calling it leeching off is one way to spin it, but I have a preferred term. Riding a bus~", I teased back.

I mean sure, like I mentioned previously, it may put a sour taste in my mouth just leeching this earned experience off of others, but what's the use if I don't make use of my Gamer System? It has graciously provided me with such an ability, so I have to make use of it, right?

It's especially going to be domininate once more girls enter the party, or when someone has an insanely low level like Tio. Whatever Tio earns from here on, it will be given to me. In response, I can't grow too arrogant just because I'm getting something for free. Nor do I ever have plans on being arrogant.

"And you can rest assured, Lechter. Even if I'm getting something out of this for free, I won't let it get to my head. I'll have to prove myself in the coming month too once we're back in Erebonia.", I said, trying to calm Lechter down. Lechter saw the seriousness in my eyes, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, as long as something like this doesn't go past your head, Young Master.", Lechter nodded.

"Anyways, our main focus is Tio. You had a splendid first battle. Do you feel any stronger?", I decided to ask.

"Mmm. Fighting two at once did prove a bit of a challenge, but I tried to recall what I did back at the shooting ranges at the foundation. Just a practical application. I just didn't think I would kill two spiders in one shot.", Tio nodded. "Is that because of your ability's interference, Naoto?", Tio asked, wondering.

"Perhaps a part of it. My ability allows one to grow stronger, sure. The primary function allows one to display their talents, though. It wouldn't be hard to say you're strong to begin with, Tio.", I said.

"I'm strong to begin with...?", Tio uttered.

"Even without Young Master's ability medding with what you can do kiddo, you definitely showed those monsters. You should be proud!", Lechter also said, trying to encourage Tio. I gave him the side-eye glance.

"Even you know how to encourage someone, Lechter? You sack of lazybones.", I retorted.

"Hey! I can be serious when I want to be. It just doesn't happen. Most of the time.", Lechter retorted back at me.

"Haha! Well, it is without a doubt you've grown stronger, even just from a single battle Tio. You saw those flurry of notifications, didn't you?", I said, retracting my hand and ending my head pat.

"I did. It said I reached Level 7. It's still a long way to go from where you are currently at, Naoto.", Tio nodded.

"It is. Just think of the command, 'Status Screen', and the ability should trigger to display your information again. Considering there's no more immediate threat, I wanted to see Tio's newfound strength. It might just be six levels, but considering where her stats were already, it could be an explosive growth.

"Status Screen?", Tio tried to say, basing off of what I had just said to her.

Sure enough, Tio's gaze was immediately drawn toward a blue screen appearing before her eyes. Just like the first go around, it was her own status window this time. It showed her entire self in the center of the screen. An orbal staff occupied her weapon slot now. She did have her outfit on, but it wasn't registered as actual armor yet. That also made her two accessory slots and boots slot blank as well.

Tio's eyes wandered right to where it displayed her current status. It definitely improved!


Just in case any of you wanted to see some calculations, I have modified the battle formula again to my liking.

I will probably create a Vol 0 chapter for this, where I add my formulas to it. That way you all can reference back to it when you see damage and experience numbers appear!

Here is one of the damage calculation examples:

Tio's First Aqua Bleed Calculation:

Attack Power = (220 + 25% (ATS Buff25%, from Staff's effect)) x Skill Power (100% from Aqua Bleed)

Final Attack Power = 275

Base Damage = 2.5 x 275 - 1.25 x 20 (Enemy ADF)

Base Damage = 687.5 - 25

Final Base Damage = 662.5

Modified Damage = (662.5 x 225% Element DMG) + (200% Crit Hit)

Modified Damage = 1491 + 200%

Final Modified Damage = 4,472

Final Damage = (4472 + (-298)) to (4472 + 298)

Final Damage = Random number between 4174 to 4770

Final Damage = Random number chosen: 4568

(And yes I used a random number chooser)