When Penelope heard the news, she did not waste more time and pulled Yuriel with her. Knowing that he's a wizard, she asked him if he can use teleportation magic so they can arrive at the Royal Palace as soon as possible. Since this is an emergency, Yuriel did not try to tease her and waste more time. He gives Penelope and Luka an instruction to hold him on his shoulders as he moves them to the Royal Palace.

When he snaps his fingers, the three of them are already in front of the Royal Palace. Ignoring the surprised looks on the guards who see them, Penelope quickly runs inside and finds King Galia and Prince Astria. When she reached the king's office, Penelope opens the door without knocking first and asked about her father's situation. The king jumps on his seat when she opens the door but he quickly recovers and keeps his calm.

"Lady Penelope, I can see that you're already here—"

"Where is my dad?" Penelope cuts him off.