
The light of his house lights up brightly. The door is unlocked, and no windows are broken. Every piece of furniture is also in its place. Ashnard called his mother, but there was no response.

Ashnard didn't know what had happened. Why isn't his mother there? And what exactly was the dream?

Ashnard had searched his entire house, but could not find his mother. His mother couldn't have left without telling him anything, and left the house like this.

Now, Ashnard was alone in his house, sitting on the side of his bed contemplating. Think about what's going on right now. His mind and heart were still processing everything that had happened in this short night.

He was afraid that what he had in mind would come true. Afraid that he was alone now.

Did someone kidnap her?

Ashnard also remembered the incident in front of the king and nobles. He immediately thought that this was the work of nobles who hated his family.