Bad Day

The light and the crowd woke Ashnard from his slumber. Outside, there were already many students active this morning.

"Where are you going?" Ashnard, who was still half conscious asked Reinhard--standing in front of the door in his neat uniform.

"It's already morning. Get up. Don't be lazy like him." Reinhard threw a book at Gerlon's still sleeping stomach.

Laziness took hold of the Ashnard's body leaning against the window, looking out. He feels like he doesn't want to go out today.

The flapping and chirping of a bird shot from above. Turn sharply towards the window. Ashnard jumped to the side as the bird flew in and landed on Gerlon's stomach as well. Still, nothing could wake Gerlon.

The bird's little claws gripped a scroll. The bird seemed to recognize Ashnard. Immediately jumped into his lap like a pet that submits to its master.