The sword expanded, then shrunk back effortlessly as if it wasn't made of solid objects. The rocks and walls rumbled, but it didn't interest the others.
They were actually interested in how the sword was in Ashnard's hands.
"What the hell is that?"
"Oh, this? It's Hoku," Ashnard said, showing his gray sword with rough edges.
"I didn't know that sword could lengthen and enlarge," said Liliya not believing what she saw.
"Well, I didn't notice it right away either."
"So you held back that time too," growled Reinhard irritably while clenching his fists.
Instantly, Egon took the opportunity to block the entrance of the gap while they were busy with Ashnard's sword.
Ashnard noticed Egon trying to make the stones re-unite with his earth element. "What are you hiding?"
Egon stopped his intention, the raised boulders fell and scattered. He then turned. "You shouldn't have found this."