Eris's Struggle

As the saying goes, out of darkness comes light. And out of light comes darkness. That's how Ashnard felt. Ashnard got some shocking news after spending the whole night having fun celebrating Liliya's birthday.

In the morning, a bird appeared without Ashnard knowing. The bird sat still on his drawer lamp as if waiting for him to wake up. At the bird's feet was a scroll of letters and Ashnard immediately knew where this letter had come from.

The world seemed to give Ashnard a new hope and then instantly destroyed it again. Torn it to pieces like the paper Ashnard was holding.

Ashnard felt that his efforts to patiently wait were futile. By no means important to him, especially his mother.

However, not only Ashnard have a bad day, but Eris had one too. Perhaps, the worst and most hated experience in his life.