Ashnard was standing holding Hoku's sword, and in front of him, Nina was also holding an ordinary metal sword. They stared at each other as if waiting for whoever made the first move. The decisive move became the direction in which this battle would continue. While a light breeze flowed between them as if giving them some peace of mind, Eris just sat on the side looking at them. Despite the serious expression on his face, there was still a glimmer of concern in him.
"Are you ready?" Nina nodded while staring intently at Ashnard. "Then I'll start with what I know first."
"No need," said Nina. "Just attack me."
"Fight me like I'm your greatest enemy. Fight seriously as if this is a battlefield. I'll learn on my own based on my eyesight and experience in this battle."
"Are you sure?" Ashnard showed a slight hesitation toward Nina, which he shouldn't have done.
"I'm sure! I've never been so sure before."