Music Box Epiloge:

- Larson was in his home waiting for the results of the analysis of the sustance that he found in the ball pit, when he received a call, "¿I am talking to detective Everette Larson?" a woman voice said, "Yes, you are" Larson said, "I am from Silver Diamond S.A. and…" the woman stop before finishing what she was saying, "Hello Mr. Larson, i am the director of Silver Diamond and i call because i am interested in a colaboration on your investigation of the Stitchwraith" a man voice was talking now, in contrast to the woman from before that sound serius and formal the man sound more casual and energetic, Larson wasn,t sure how to answer that but he didn,t had time to even try to, because the man began to speak again, "I have information that could interest you, no only about the Stitchwraith but also about Freddy,s in general, i would like to tell you more but i don,t think that the phone is good way to have this conversation, i would like to meet you in person, i will send you a invitation with the day and hour, of course is your decision to assist", Larson was procesing all that the man was telling when it began to talk again, "One last thing Mr. Larson that ball pit isn,t going to give you asnwers, only more questions", his voice had change in to a very diferent tone, it sound like the voice of some one telling a horror storie, "Sorry i most go, i hope that you consider my offer, goodbye" now the man sound just like before and then he finished the call.

Larson was turning on his computer when he hear a strange sound, just for a second, Larson feel a bit weird but like the sound it only was for a second he look around but he didn,t found anything, he just let it be and began to search information of this man, his full name is Wallter Argentum Adamas, those last names sound fake Larson thought ,he is the director and creator of Silver Diamond, Silver Diamond is a corporation that has buy other multiple business from, videogames and food to medicine and robotic, but there were two that caugth Larson atention, Afton Robotics and Freddy,s Fazbear Pizza, aparently after the last pizzeria that was open was burn just five days after it was open they had no more options that sell, a investigation was open and Wallter was the principal suspect but it was discovered that he didn,t had anything to do with the fire and that he was planing to buy it way before but some one ask to Wallter to give him one last week and he acepted, it was on this week that the pizzeria was open and set on fire by this person, three bodys were found, two dead persons, a man call Mike Schmidt and the other a really particular person Henry Emily the creator of the franchise , also a survivor was found but nobody was able to identificate it, this man was transported to the Heracles Hospital but later the man died, there was no more information about it just that he died, now Larson decided that he was going to acept the invitation and after hear what Wallter know he would think on what to do.

Larson reach the bulding that he was told to go it was the most tall of the area by far, it was very distintive, all the buildings around were of soft colors but this one was of a intense black color combined with of small traces of white in some parts, the door was big enougth to fit a truck and it had golden details, Larson entered the buildint, the principal hall was absurdly big and empty, "You most be Mr. Larson, please follow me" a man in a business suit said, Larson folow him, they reach a big elevator, it was made of glass and it had golden deteils like the ones in the door, Larson saw that there were multiple other elevators equal to this one but with silver details insted, they were forming a long line of elevators on the wall, they get inside, the man put his finger on some type of scaner and then push the button on the top, the elvator began to work, in the way up Larson saw glimses of some other floors, most of them were just ofices, but he also saw some that were painted totally white and look very out of place, in these the people were wearing lavoratory coats, Larson couldn,t see other types of floor because the elevator began to go more fast every moment.

"This your floor, Mr. Wallter is waiting for you on his ofice in the end of the hall, is the only door on this floor you can,t miss it", Larson get out of the elevator and began to walk, he saw how the elevator began to go down, he also saw that this floor didn,t had entries foor the other elevators, only the elevator that he taked could reach this floor.

This floor was like the entry hall, it was unecesarilly big and empty, he saw two persons a woman and a man, both in business suits, they were on a table that was made of the same material that the entire building, Larson then realized that also the chairs were made of it, he couldn,t tell what was the material, while the table, the floor and walls look sturdy, the chair look more plastic and soft, it looks confortable to sit on one of these chairs but there was no doub that it was made of the same material but it act in a diferent way, "Mr. Wallter is waiting for you" the woman said, he reconiced the voice, is the same that talk to him on the phone, the woman has red hair that forms two long pony tail and her eyes were of a green color, "Don,t worry Mr. Larson, the boss has take the entire day off just to talk to you" the man said, he has grey hair but he looks young and blue eyes.

Larson look at the door, it was big, made of the same thing that everything else in here and it has the same golden details that are everywere but now Larson noticed that this detailes represent plant, vines and flowers, he also think that the door didn,t need to be so big, it make sense that the entry was so big because a lot of people use it but only one elevator reach this floor so it was unnecessary, but when Larson opened the door he began to think if the door was big enougth, the room was pretty big but he could perfectly see the man that he asumed was Wallter Argentum, the man was very tall, enougth to make a basketball player feel small, "Mr. Larson please take seat", Larson recongniced the voice of the man confirming who he was, his apearance was like his voice powerful and extravagant , he was wearing a business suit like the other normal employees but with diferent color, insted of being black with a white button-up shirt, it was grey with a red button-up shirt and a white tie, he has black gloves and and shoes, the gloves have silver detailes and the shoes golden that like the others represent plants, he has blond hair but not the usual one but one that looks like a white-yellow, like his hair has lost color, he was extremely pale, like the sun never touch his skin and his eyes have a grey color that looks pretty when the ligth doesn,t shine at them because when the ligth hit his eyes they look so white that they mix with the rest of the pupile and it was very unsettling, they didn,t look human.

Both sat down, one on each side of a table, in one side of the table there was a computer, in the other side there was a mountain of folders and something else wrapped in a red veil, behind Wallter was no wall but a giant glass instead, he look back at the door some type of knigth armors were standing next to it like if he try to escape they will attack him with they swords, maybe they were, Larson look around, the room was full of things covered by white blankets, Larson then noticed something, the thing wrapped in the red veil was wrapp with a lot of care, he turn to see Walter, he was holding some type of tablet, he took off his gloves and placed his finger on it and then show to Larson the screen without saying a word, in the screan he saw the Stitchwraith without his cloak, Larson try to identificate the place but like the man wanted to avoid that he recognize the place he retrieved the tablet, "I'll get to the point, you can,t find the Stitchwraith but it trust you, i can find it but it doesn,t trust me, so let,s work together and resolve this easy and without making to much noise, tell them that we want to help, we set free these poor souls and we go home and live happily ever after", Larson had to much to process, Wallter took one of the folders and grabb a photo, in the photo were two mans smiling and behind them Larson saw a sing that said Fredbear,s Family Diner, Wallter point at one of the mans, "Henry Emily, i know that you have search info about me and that you know that this man set fire to the last Freddy,s Pizza not long ago, he wanted to free this world from…" he stop to look in to other folder and grabb a bunch of other photos, "Free this world from the monsters that his friend created" Wallter said pointing at the second man of the first photo, Larson look at the other four photos, a bunch of metal wires with a bear head, a yellow rabbit mising a arm, a clown with red hair and green eyes, a black bear with a star on his chest, "But he left loose ends, now that he is gone i am finishing cleanig what these two mans left behind, but Jake and Andrew are being troublesome and they have proved that they cannot be neutralized without brute force, unless you help me", he point a other three photos two with kids and one of the Stitchwrait, it was the same photo in wich Larson saw the Stitchwrait for the first time, how did he get all of this, Larson thought, "Jake and Andrew, they are the Stitchwraith, most of it at least, they are trying to do the same that me, find and neutralize the dangerus remains of William Afton work, but they can be dangerus to and to make things worst they don,t know how dangerus they can really be", "First ¿How do you know that i search informat…" before Larson finish talking Wallter did something to the tablet, Larson hear the same sound that he hear the other day on his house, he look at the tablet, it was showing him rigth now, he turn around and saw some type of drone, he hear the sound again and the drone was gone, "Is a little something that good old Henry made and i have done some work on it he saw Wallter with a small disc on his hand, "It makes the brain think that something that is there isn,t or to make it see something that isn,t really there", "¿Why is so dangerus the Stitchwraith?, "Sorry but i will only tell you that if you accept my offer", "Why the Stitchwraith doesn,t trust you?", Larson feel something on his neck after he finish his question, he look bihind to see the drone with a long siringe that contains a luminescent red liquid, Wallter rise from his chair and walk to the side of the table, he grabb the red veil and reveal what was behind, a metalic burned rabbit head, his mouth permanently open as if was screaming, his teeth melted and form a river of metal that fall from one side of his mouth making it look like it was drooling, from the empty eye sockets melt metal form something that look like tears, "William Afton has left this world, forever this time, he literally exploded, but his dead has made to me the most big revelation of the human soul, William, Elizabeth,Charlie and a lot of other souls are now free but something was left in this world, something like a normal soul but very diferent, with a unlimited potential and is the last piece to create true perfection, to create the perfect vessel for eternal life, i concluded that neither organic or mechanic will be enough, but something between them but the human soul wasn,t capable of handle it" Wallter push a button under the melted rabbit head that was next to a golden plate that said "memoriae creator", the floor opened revealing stairs, "Follow me Mr. Larson", Larson body act by himself.

As they were going down Wallter began to talk "Over time i have developed a mania, when i see something unfinished or that hasn,t reach his full potential i need to do something about it, humans are beautiful but ephemeral, they can feel love and joy but also pain and sadness" Larson saw some type of skeletal structure made of that weird material, they have wires attach and are hanging from the ceiling, they look exactly like a human skeleton, some were big and others small, as Larson walk agais his will, he saw capsules with a orange liquied and what it looks like babies inside of them, they look like normal babies except by one part, they have the spine out of the skin and the spine is not made of bone is made of the that black material, they reach a big cristal table, in the middle there was a brain with some type of mechanical parts attach to the botton of it, "Mr. Afton wanted  to live in a mechanical body beliving that it was perfect and i agreed for long time, i looked at a human and saw only imperfection a unfinish work but with time i saw machines in the same way, Mr. Henry indirectly teach me the true, that a illusion is always just that, a illusion, it doesn,t mather how much you try, the perfect body to live a eternal life most have the best things about both worlds, a body that allows to enjoy the life but without worring about the dead, feel the warmth of hug but not the pain of fire burnig your skin, that can feel the cool breeze of the summer but not the freezing cool of a blizzard, that can breath, sleep and eat but doesn,t need it to keep living", Wallter introduced a code on a panel on the wall and a door that said subject 1 opened.

"Elizabeth left Eleanor, Charlie left the Puppet , Willian left Springtrap and it goes on for a long time", Wallter get in to a computer an began to do something on it, "This remain entities are not like the "remnant" that William discovered but instead they are a much more advanced version of the "spark" that Henry discoverd and he didn,t even know that he did, poor William he belived for so much time that Henry was hiding the secret to eternal life from him, but i am geting out of the point, my apologies, i decided to name this entities "anima", they are like a blank canvas, they don,t have memories of the original soul and unlike the normal soul they are easy to alter by a lot of ways, in this case i decided to use a digital program created by me to do it, i can make memories, change their personality, turn them on something completely diferente to the original or in to a exact copy", Wallter moved to the side to let Larson see the computer, "Mr. Larson i would like to Introduce you to the new being created by using the "anima" left by the man bihind all of the horror of Freddy,s, meet the replacement of the human soul and soon of all human race", as Wallter finished his monologue the screen of the computer turn purple, "Come on sir is rude to don,t say hello" Wallter said with a playful tone, then in the purple background a figure appeared, Larson try to figure out what the thing on the screen was and the more he look at it the more difficult to understand what this is, the computer began to make noises, the noises turn into gibberish and then in words and the words in to a sentence and then the room was silent again, but Larson could feel how the air had become heavy, "Let me out".