Most-Awaited Person

King Horace Varence of Aritish had five children; three sons with his first wife and when the wife passed away, he remarried and had a son and a daughter with his second wife who also died a few years ago.

The first wife of the King was the Princess of the powerful Emerido Empire while the second wife was just a commoner. It must be why even after the passing of the first wife, 24-year-old Owine Varence managed to retain his position as the Crown Prince. His stance on the throne and all was not known as he never talked about it, but one thing was for sure.

His uncle, the current Emperor of Emerido was backing him to become the next King of Aritish and due to this fact, he had many allies in the royal court of Aritish.

The Crown Prince was always calm and patient though he tend to be a bit playful at times. He was powerful but he was still a good person. Even the servants who had worked in the palace for years said that they had never once seen him raising his voice at anyone!

Owine Varence was that kind of person.

At 22, Second Prince Alanus Varence was well-known for his cold and aloof nature. He was never really open to anyone else apart from his family. However, even when it comes to his family, he always made sure to draw a clear line. However, he was the most capable among the Princes when it comes to military skills and other similar things.

He was the General of the Aritish Army who was known for being a perfectionist in his job. Though the Crown Prince was the Commander, all military affairs were handled by the Second Prince which always surprised many.

20-year-old Third Prince Saerus Varence was the total opposite of his second brother. He was always playful and he didn't really have an interest in politics or military affairs. It seemed like the only thing he cared about was living a carefree life.

Soon to turn 16, Princess Isabella was the daughter of the second wife and the half-sister of the three Princes. However, maybe because she was the only girl and also the youngest, she was doted on by all her brothers. She was a gentle and kind-hearted girl who deeply cared for the kingdom and the people.

Fourth Prince Rayan Varence was the son of the second wife and the only full sibling of Princess Isabella. With his three older brothers who were all considered powerful and more capable than him, he grew up with a sense of insecurity. This only grew worse when his mother passed away a few years ago.

Now, he was 17 but he still felt like an outsider both in the royal family and the royal court. His father never practiced favoritism among him and his brothers but... he was well aware of how the officials viewed him. After all, almost everyone was on his eldest brother's side while they considered him as a threat.

He was a powerless Prince with no ally compared to his half-brothers and this always got to his mind, making him struggle to keep all these feelings hidden.

This was why Rayan Varence looked forward to meeting the only daughter of the prestigious Camer family. If he can win over her and make use of her father's influence, he will finally be able to have a firm position in the royal family and royal court.

Sitting on a chair inside the huge hall where his father's 50th birthday celebration was currently held, the Fourth Prince felt quite the pressure. The one whom he was waiting for haven't arrived yet, making his mind run wild.

Will everything go well? He will succeed, right?

He should. After all, this was the day he looked forward to.

Many guests had arrived now and Rayan Varence was sure that he wasn't the only one awaiting the arrival of General Eloria Camer. He looked up at the platform where his father sat and noticed how much the old man looked forward to the arrival of the mysterious General too.

This was already proof of the Camer family's influence. Well, everyone knew that General Eloria contributed to a lot of it since she joined the Camer Army three years ago. Back then, the news shocked the whole kingdom.

Maybe because everyone assumed that the only daughter of the Camer family will grow up to be a beautiful and elegant lady and even become a royal by marrying one of the Princes one day. Yet she picked a sword instead and no one saw it coming.

Finally, the most awaited person of the night arrived as the arrival of General Eloria Camer was announced.

The Fourth Prince noticed how almost every eye was now on the huge door, hoping to catch a glimpse of the infamous General who was coined as the most powerful General of their kingdom.

Soon enough, a young woman dressed in a formal General uniform appeared at the door with one young man trailing behind. Putting aside the beauty of the female General that took everyone by surprise, Rayan Varence didn't fail to notice how the girl who was just a few months older than his younger sister, carried herself with such confidence.

Eloria Camer held her head high and approached the platform where the King sat. The way she walked and maintained her composure despite all eyes on her... she didn't even look like someone who was just 16.

In fact, everyone was surprised. After all those training, wars, and years in a camp; they assumed that the only daughter of the influential Camer family would already lose her beauty but... the one they saw right now was far too beautiful to be a warrior!

Her shining dark blonde hair, her captivating pair of blue eyes, and fair skin... was she really the same warrior who brought many honors for their Aritish?

It was more than hard to believe it!

With all the eyes still on her, Eloria Camer halted before the platform and got down on one knee before the King while her right-hand man, Vicus did the same.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I apologize for taking too long to finally greet you. May you live a long life and rule with grace and wisdom like you did until now."

She didn't sound that enthusiastic and instead, her voice was rather calm. Nevertheless, almost everyone was too distracted to take note of it. Almost.

King Horace was more than quick to rise from his throne and walked down the platform. Then he helped General Eloria to rise. Holding her hand, the powerful King beamed with pride when he finally took a clear view of his celebrated subject.

If any other kings were in his place, they will surely feel sour, recalling how Eloria was the same General who always ignored their summons!

Nevertheless, Horace Varence was different. He was always known for his kindness and wisdom just like Eloria said in her greetings.

"It's my pleasure to finally meet you, General Eloria," the King finally spoke up in his usual calm voice that was very similar to the Crown Prince's. Then he briefly glanced at Commander Deric who was already in the hall and added, "You are just like your father."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Eloria formally replied while slightly lowering her head at the same time. After a few more chats which she found quite boring, Eloria Camer was finally able to occupy the seat reserved for her and when she glanced around for a split second, she noticed Rayan Varence staring at her the whole time.

She finally got to see that face she despised the most and she hated how his face reminded her of that day along with those two words once again!

'Withered Flower.'

With the anger building inside her, will she be able to keep her cool?