More Change

Eloria Camer wished she could tell her father everything. She always wished for it.

For her, her father was always the most important person in her life. Even when she was a spoiled daughter in her previous life, her love for her father was still unconditional.

How could she not exchange the love while knowing just how much she meant to her father?

Commander Deric Camer was the most capable warrior of Aritish and also the best friend of King Horace Varence. As such, it was normal for him to dedicate most of his time to the kingdom and the King. Eloria knew many warriors who did just that while neglecting their family, their own blood.

Nevertheless, her father was always different. In her opinion, Deric Camer was a father before he was a warrior and a subject. Her father's love for her was so deep that in her past life, he even ended up helping Rayan Varence to claim the throne just because she loved the man. Because her father only wanted her happiness.

As far as Eloria could remember, her father was always that kind of person. Someone who will go to any length for her.

However, this case was different.

Will her father believe in her if she was to tell the truth? She doubted that. Before this miracle happened to her, she too won't believe it if someone told her that they were brought back to life and to the past.

Even if her father happened to believe in her, she knew that it will only hurt him. That's the last thing she wanted.

"Please don't say that, Father." Eloria finally spoke up after more than a minute of silence. Approaching her father who was still rooted in his place, she slowly bend her knees beside him and held onto his hand. "I know it's not easy for you but please... trust in me and give me more time."

All the while, General Eloria looked up at her father who was still keeping his mouth shut.

The General felt like the silence was killing her.

She might be strong, tough, and powerful now but... she still felt weak in front of her father. She knew that this will always remain the same.

"Father -"

"Alright," Duke Camer muttered, rendering Eloria silent. He then narrowed his eyes at Eloria who was still on the floor and said, "Listen to me carefully, Eloria. You should start preparing to take over the Camer Army."

He noticed the surprisement and confusion on his daughter's face but he turned a blind eye to it and continued, "I never want you to walk down this road but now that you choose it, you should walk until the end. You reveal yourself tonight and there is no turning back anymore."

"I know," Eloria promptly said in a low yet sincere voice. "But Father, why do you -"

"His Majesty needs me in the court but I was never able to satisfy him as I was always away to protect our Aritish. Now that you are capable enough to succeed me, he wants me to finally fulfill his wish," Deric Camer explained as he knew what his daughter was about to ask him. "You know I can't defy him."

Before Eloria could say anything, he helped her rise to her feet. "I know that this day will come sooner or later since you've already proven yourself to the whole kingdom. As the Deputy Commander and my successor, you have to bear the responsibility and prepare yourself to take over my place as the Commander."

Eloria Camer realized again that many things changed, compared to her previous life. And when she thought about it, the reason was always the same.

Her decision to follow in her father's footsteps and to become a blazing fire rather than living as a beautiful yet useless flower that will soon wither away.

What more change will her decision bring? She hated uncertainty and it was the exact thing that she was feeling right now.

Eloria Camer watched as her father turned around to leave the tent. Though she couldn't bring herself to say any more words, what her father said still occupied her mind. Then all of a sudden, her father halted right before he stepped out of the tent. Eloria darted her eyes to him.

Without turning around to face his daughter again, Duke Camer spoke up. "I don't know your reason but... I believe that the people don't deserve to suffer no matter what. Don't forget that protecting them at all costs is the duty you must carry out with your life. That's the responsibility that came with the path you chose three years ago." He made a brief pause and added, "If you make such a decision again, I will be very disappointed in you, Eloria."

With that said, Duke Camer walked out of the tent, leaving Eloria in a complicated situation.

For a while, Eloria had her gaze on the floor with her father's words being played in her mind continuously. She then recalled the many times in the past three years when she ignored whatever tragedy she witnessed in her previous life. She could stop many of those if she wished to, but... she never intend to do it.

After all, she didn't care for Aritish and the people inside. She only risked her life and fought to gain more power and influence. For her, only her family and the Camer Army mattered. Nothing else.

With many different things crossing her mind, Eloria felt suffocated.

It seemed like her path will only be getting harder now that the time she waited had come. The time when Rayan Varence would appear in her life again.

The pain and suffocation brought by having to bear everything herself... whenever this resurfaced, she would go to someone who never failed in providing her some relief though the person didn't know anything about the miracle that happened to her. Losing no time, Eloria picked a red cloak and wore it before she stormed out of the camp, riding her horse.

The General only had to ride for half an hour to reach her destination but when she was there, not much hour was left for the sun to rise. She was well aware of this but she still entered the mansion where the guards on duty bowed to greet her.

Aside from the guards on duty, everyone seemed to be asleep as it was still so early for anyone to rise. However, she still made her way to a certain chamber and knocked on the door when she arrived there. Though there were guards near the door, none of them attempted to stop her.

Maybe they were used to this.

Eloria was taken by surprise when the door was opened at just her second knocking.

Was he still up? At this hour?

The one who opened the door was a young man who might be a bit older than Eloria and when he saw the latter, there was a hint of concern beneath his pleasant smile. "Eloria, what's the matter?"