Quirk Apprehension Test

(A-note: There's been a few comments that question some of the mc's choices but they disappeared off to Narnia. What's up with that?)

Since Ochako didn't talk much with Midoriya, the broccoli went and took his seat. Followed by Iida as with the arrival of Deku, Bakugō decided to put his feet down. The others were chatting with each other when the door opened again. Due to the happenings earlier, everyone went silent. Aizawa Shōta walked in and stood at the podium. He didn't say anything as everyone immediately shut up and looked at him. Aizawa nodded to himself before he said

"I'm Aizawa Shōta, your homeroom teacher."

Then, he looked toward Haru's desk and said "Stop using your quirk, Torino."

Everyone looked confused and turned their head toward Haru's chair. Suddenly, like a veil getting blown away by the wind, Haru slowly appeared. Everyone was shocked as not only was he able to hide so well that none of them managed to catch a whiff of him, he was even eating popcorn! Now you might be wondering, where did he get the popcorn? Well, it's a combination of [Silent Image] making a carton of popcorn, [Minor Illusion] for the sound of crunching popcorn, and lastly [Goodberry]. He cast [Goodberry] earlier when he was watching their reactions to the whispers.

He ate one last berry before dusting off his hands. The popcorn suddenly vanished like it wasn't even there to begin with. Haru brought his elbow on top of his desk and rested his chin on his hand. He showed a peace sign with the other and smiled.


Mina shouted as she pointed at Haru.


Haru teasingly smiled and apologized.

Everyone now knew the culprit of the whispers. Well, not everyone as Bakugō, Ochako, Todoroki, and Midoriya don't know about it yet. Momo got out of her shock before the others and smiled at her best friend's antics.


They all turned at Aizawa who was taking out a P.E uniform of U.A.

"Wear these. Immediately. And shove off to the P.E grounds."




On the way to the locker rooms, some of the boys started questioning Haru about his quirk. They weren't really mad that he messed with them, well, Denki was but not much. Haru introduced himself before doing the good ol' "Magic~". Haru even thought that this meme of his is getting redundant. Kirishima then said "Alright, keep your secrets"

with a smile. It made Haru laugh but the others were a bit confused.

Then suddenly, Iida remembered where he saw this guy and why his name sounded familiar.

"You were the guy that kept destroying the robots with a single hit during the Entrance Exam! You were in the 1st place!"

"Nope. That wasn't me. Don't know what you're talking about. That guy had white hair, I have black. Not me."

Haru glanced at him and said. Iida and the others could tell he was messing with them again.

There were two who looked at Haru seriously though. Todoroki and Bakugō. Both of them knew that Haru's threat level was quite high as he could disappear from everyone's sight.

Todoroki's thought process was

'I'll just freeze him before he disappears.'

While Bakugō's was

'I'll blow him to bits before he gets away!'

They all immediately started changing when they arrived at the locker room. Some of the guys were shocked at seeing how ripped Haru's muscles were. Kirishima had a smile on his face and gave Haru a thumbs up.

"That's some manly muscles, Torino-san!"

'They better be. Doing those exercises was a pain in the ass in the beginning. Luckily I got used to it after doing them for so long.'

"Yep. Had to do it because of my grandpa."

Haru responded. Soon, they all went towards the P.E grounds.




When they arrived there, the girls were already waiting together with Aizawa.

"Now that everyone's here, you guys will be doing a Quirk Apprehension Test."

"A Quirk Apprehension Test?!"

Someone... shouted out.

"What about the ceremony?! And the guidance counselor meeting?"

Ochako asked with some sweat falling down her face.

"If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for frilly niceties."

Then Aizawa started with his speech about the school's freedom applying to teachers too.

"Torino, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

Aizawa asked Haru who contemplated for a bit before answering.

"117 meters?"

The others were a bit shocked at how strong he was without using his quirk.

"Try using your quirk this time around."

Aizawa then threw a softball toward Haru and continued as Haru walked inside the circle.

"As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine."

"Are you sure, Aizawa-sensei?"

"Yes I'm sure, now do it."

Haru shrugged his shoulders and threw the ball upwards. The others were looking at the ball curiously. It started to fall but Haru snapped his fingers and a hawk appeared out of thin air. It carried the ball and flew.

The others were gobsmacked while Aizawa didn't even care and was just looking at the growing number of meters.

"I-Is that allowed? He didn't even throw the ball in the first place..."

"Well, that's debatable. I threw the ball upwards."

Haru responded to Hanta.

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of."

Aizawa then showed the still growing number of meters. It already passed 1,000, going to 2.

"This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your "Hero Foundation". You can stop now, Torino."

Haru snapped his fingers again and the numbers stopped at 2,345.

"Awesome! That looks fun!"

Shouted Kirishima.

"2,345 meters?! Unreal!"

Denki too shouted in excitement.

"We can really use our quirks now?! That's the Department of Heroic for you!"

While the whole class started getting excited, there was one who was nervous.

"It looks fun... you say?"

Aizawa asked which prompted everyone to stop, the erasing hero continued

"So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol' time? What happened to becoming heroes?"

Aizawa then lifted his head and looked at the class.

"All right then. In that case, a new rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged "hopeless" AND BE INSTANTLY EXPELLED."

Aizawa combed his hand over his hair.

"Our "Freedom" means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to this...

The Department of Heroics!"

'That speech of his always gave me goosebumps.'

Haru said in his mind as he smiled a little.

Everyone was shocked while a certain Broccoli was scared shitless.

"The one who ranks last... gets expelled?! This is our first day here, but even if it weren't, that's just too unreasonable!"

Ochako complained at Aizawa who responded with

"Natural disasters, massive accidents, ego-mad villains, all kinds of calamities happen when we least expect them. Japan's now positively drenched in ''Unreasonable".

And it's our job as heroes to reverse it all, and restore reason. If you're counting on a friendly chat at the local McDonald's after school, that's too bad. From now on, for the next three years, all you can expect from your life at U.A is one hardship after the next."

Aizawa then smiled? a little and pointed his index finger upwards.

"This is "Plus Ultra''. I expect you to overcome these trials and climb to the top. Now then, that was the demonstration. Time to step up to the plate."




While the others were doing the first trial: The 50-Meter Dash, Haru was standing to the side thinking.

'I see the reason they didn't show everyone in the manga and anime. They only showed the results. What could Kirishima's [Hardening] do in a 50-meter dash? Koji's [Anivoice]? Jiro's [Earphone Jack]? Nothing!'

He was released out of his thoughts when Momo approached him. Haru lifted his fist in her direction and she fist-bumped it as she stood by his side.

"How have you been, Momo-san?"

"I'm doing fine. I miss our talks though."

"Hah? You call me every night to talk."

Momo's face turned red from embarrassment.

"This and that are different. Haaah~ What about you?"

"I missed our talks too, Momo."

She blushed again and hit his arm playfully.

"That's not what I meant..."

"Heh. Not too bad since I have a very cute neighbor."

Haru said to her as he watched the not-so-surprisingly plain races. A bunch of Class 1-A didn't have speed-enhancing quirks.

Momo pouted a bit but she shook her head as soon as it appeared.

"You mean Komori-san, right?"

Haru nodded his head and said

"Yep. Mushroom girl."

Then Momo and Haru were called by Aizawa as it was their turn.


Haru turned towards Aizawa.

"Don't hold back."

Haru grinned and nodded.

'What should I do? Should I run while using [Enhanced Ability - Cat's Grace] and buff myself with other spells? Hmmm... Oh, I know! Hehehe~'

The machine on the side counted down from three and Haru prepared his spells.

He used [Grease] on his path before anything else and [Enhanced Ability - Cat's Grace] so his sense of balance will get boosted.

He raised his hands behind him, palm open, similar to Bakugo.

When the Go was said, he immediately used [Gust of Wind] multiple times coming from his back and palms. He continued to use [Grease] a couple of times in his path.

He zoomed past the finish line and he canceled his [Gust of Wind]s and used [Gust]s in front of him to slow him down. He skidded a few more meters to a stop. He looked behind him and see a Momo running past the finish line. Luckily, he concentrated the wind to narrow down or Momo would've been blasted away.

The others were looking at him in shock as he walked towards the machine and saw his time. 1.04 seconds. He grinned evilly at that.

"You're too fast, Haru-kun..."

Momo complained. She wasn't actually complaining, she was just shocked at his speed that she almost forgot to run.

The next trial was Grip Strength. Just like before, it was lackluster except when it was Mezō's turn. His score was 540.0 kg, more than half a ton. When it was Haru's turn, he cast [Enhanced Ability - Bull's Strength] and [Arms of Hadar], making the tendrils turn to hands to help squeeze the damn thing. His score was 550.0 kg, 10 kg more than Mezō.

Then Standing Long Jump. Haru breezed through that one as he cast [Jump] and jumped over it. The next one was a bit trickier. Repeated Side Steps. He decided to use [Misty Step] a few times and teleported to each side, scoring the highest by a landslide.

Haru also crushed the following three trials, distance run, seated toe-touch, and sit-ups.

Izuku was naturally last and was crestfallen. That is until Aizawa said that the expulsion was just a joke to make the students do their best. Momo still did her thing like canon but Haru decided to tell them a secret as they were walking back to the school to change.

"Do you guys know..."

They all looked or glanced at him.

"That Aizawa-sensei has expelled 154 students..."

They all looked shocked, the most being Midoriya and Momo. Mina then asked

"How do you know that? And how do we know you aren't messing with us."

Haru looked at her, and at everyone.

"Ask the seniors. They'll know."

Then he looked at Midoriya for a few more seconds. The others also caught on. What did Aizawa-sensei see in this guy?

Haru then started patting Momo's head as she was very embarrassed. She said all those things thinking she was right.

"There, there. It's fine Momo. You just didn't know Aizawa-sensei. If it was any other teacher, then your guess would've been right."

She visibly relaxed after that. Momo then took a deep breath and sighed.

"You're right, Haru-kun. I just need to gather intel next time before making conclusions."

Haru smiled and nodded. He turned his head towards the others who were looking at them.


"Are you guys dating?"

Toru asked.

Haru glanced at the blushing Momo and laughed.

"Nope! She wishes though."

Momo's head started releasing steam at his words. She then created a wooden bat and tried to bonk Haru but he dodged all her attempts.


