Devil in Disguise

Once the fight was over, Haru and Momo started to go back with Jiro and Denki to the viewing room. Momo dragged the short-circuited Denki with the tape around him, pulling him with them as he had thumbs-ups in both of his hands.


When they got back, the others were looking at them with wide eyes. Even the previously distraught Bakugo was in shock. All Might had sweat rolling down the sides of his cheeks as he looked at the two of them.

"W-Well, you guys did amazingly!! The MVP of this match is Young Haru! C-Can anyone tell me why?"

All Might looked at the other students. Iida raised his hand, All Might immediately pointed at him and said "Young Iida?"

"It's because of him that the heroes got separated and while they could have incapacitated Kaminari-kun together with Jiro-san, they chose to toy with them for a bit. They were very into their roles as villains!"

All Might stared at Iida and shrugged.

"You are correct, Young Iida. Now onto the last trial!"

Team E (Heroes) vs Team F (Villains)

Winner: Team F

The fight was a bit anti-climatic. With Sato tanking Aoyama's one-second beams and Koda's use of birds, they restrained the two. Mina did put up a good fight but was ultimately beaten by a punch of the sugar-strengthen Sato.


After the trial of battle, All Might told them to go back to their classroom as they still had class while he went to the Recovery Girl's Nurse's Office to check up on his disciple.

"How did you do it, Torino-chan-ribbit."

A frog girl asked as she looked at Haru.

"Ehhh~ I can't just tell everybody about my secrets, Asui-san."

Haru responded with a cheeky smile.

"You can call me Tsu. Also, it's not like you have to tell everyone."

"Then, Tsu it is. You can call me Haru or whatever you feel like, Tsu."

Haru said to her with a smile, he continued

"I don't mind telling you, Tsu. Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

Tsu nodded her head in confirmation while the others that also wanted to know groaned.

Haru looked at Tsu as they walked back and suddenly, Tsu hears Haru's voice inside her mind which made her flinch.

" 'I'm talking inside your mind right now, Tsu-chan!' "

Tsu blushed a little hearing him call her such an endearing name. Luckily, it was in her mind.

" 'As you know, my quirk is known as [Magic]. What I did back there were illusions. You guys couldn't see anything but in their minds, they would see some... things. If you wanna know what type of things, you can go ask Momo-san as I told her about it.' "

Tsu nodded her head and said

"I see-ribbit. Thank you, Haru-chan."

(A-Note: The spell that Haru used on them was [Phantasmal Force]. It inserts an illusion inside the target's mind. They would think the illusion is real and, well, not an illusion.)

The others just looked at her in confusion.

She walked toward Momo and started questioning her about what their enemies saw and Jiro's eyes suddenly widen.

"Wait-wait-wait! Hold on, don't tell me, you guys didn't see Kaminari stuck inside a fleshly wall earlier?!"

"A-Ano... To us, you were only looking and were talking to a wall, Jiro-san."

Ochako answered her. They all looked toward the culprit and saw that he was eating berries.

Haru heard them but acted like he didn't. He looked at them with confusion, question marks were literally appearing above his head.

"What? You guys want berries?"

He offered them berries but the others just looked at him weirdly. Bakugo Tsked very loudly while Todoroki didn't say anything.

Ochako, however, knew how great those berries tasted so she accepted some. This caused the others to shrug and decide to taste it. Even the previously shaken Jiro ate some. Seeing everyone praise how delicious it was, Todoroki got curious so he also asked for some. Haru didn't say anything and just gave him a few. The Half-Hot, Half-Cold student gave him thanks and also said

"It was delicious."

Bakugo didn't want any but was forced to eat some by Kirishima. Bakugo thought that it was delicious but wasn't going to say that out loud and just glared at Kirishima who laughed it off. Momo, Tsu, Ochako, Jiro, and especially Toru would sometimes peek at Haru's muscles as his robe was still in the possession of Toru, who was talking with Momo and Tsu. Toru stared at them while Jiro and Ochako took glances then would blush.

Haru could understand Ochako but Jiro? Didn't he just show her a disturbing scene earlier? He hit her a bunch of times too with his staff. Then, like a message from the gods,

'Masaka?! Don't tell me she's a Masochist?!'

Deciding to find out, Haru used [Detect Thoughts] on her to read just her surface thoughts.

'The things he showed me were scary!'

'How did he even do that?'

'His arms look so strong a-and b-big!'

'It felt good being in his arms... Why did I even ask to be brought down in the first place?'

'The way he tied me earlier... Isn't that what dad did to mom?'

'Oh gods, she is! A catch!'

Haru thought and was shocked but it didn't show on his face.


They walked out of Ground Beta and went to change their clothes. After that, classes resumed. It didn't take long though and it was time to go home. The others either prepared to go home or were already on the way out of school when Deku came back. Everyone showed concern for his wounds but he said that it was fine and it was only because his physical strength was a bit sapped. Then he finally asked where Bakugo was. After knowing that he just left, the broccoli ran to find him.

Haru thought that this would be a good time to "guess" that Midoriya got his quirk from All Might so he followed the vegetable out but not before saying goodbye to the others.

When he arrived, he saw All Might hiding behind the bushes so he silently walked over, using [Pass Without Trace], and sat beside the number one pro hero of japan.

The two rivals? talk hasn't started yet so,

"All Might? What are you peeking at?"

Haru whispered beside All Might.

"Hmmm... I think Young Midoriya and Young Bakugo are going to talk about something...

Hold on, Haru?!- Hmphhh"

All Might blocked his own mouth before he could shout.

All Might was about to say some excuse but Deku started his speech. The two shouted? at each other, mostly Bakugo, and Deku revealed that he got his quirk from someone.

Haru gave All Might a long stare that the number one hero of japan felt and sweated due to it. When Bakugo started shouting about beating Deku, Haru patted All Might's big back a few times.

"Well, that's my cue. Good luck, Toshinori-oji."

He stood up and walked away, leaving behind All Might who soon came out of the bushes.




Haru saw two people waiting for him outside the gates of U.A. It was Kinoko and Kodai?

"Are you coming to the station with us, Kodai-san?"

She only responded with a nod, her stoic, neutral face not changing. Kinoko started to happily explain her day in detail while Haru listened and would sometimes pat her head.

Unfortunately, or not, the same thing happened again today. Kinoko managed to take a seat while the two got into the same position. Like yesterday, Haru and Kodai just looked at each other's eyes without saying anything. The two were even closer compared to yesterday, the bodies practically touching each other. Haru saw a small blush on Kodai's face and he found it very cute. He teased her when it was time for them to go and he received a small, weak punch on the shoulder.




(Haru POV)

After eating the meal Kinoko gave me for dinner, I went out again using the same spells as yesterday but before I went out, I cast [Alarm] around and in front of my apartment so I would know if someone was looking for me and or came in.

Even though I spent a lot of time summoning familiars, they still haven't found the people I'm looking for so, I spent the night on top of a roof not too far from my apartment and not too high in the sky either as I summoned a bunch of land-based familiars. Cats, toads, lizards, rats, and spiders. I didn't summon poisonous snakes and weasels as I'm in the middle of a city.

As I was summoning more spies, Orion telepathically told me that a friend of his found one of the people I'm looking for. I flew for 30 minutes before I saw her in an alley.

She was stabbing someone with a knife, a girl that looked the same age as her.

I used [Invisibility] and [Pass Without Trace] as I watched her.

It seemed that the girl she was twisting her knife into was previously her best friend. Well, going on to this girl's track record, she tells that to the people she'll kill. I don't know if it was instinct or something else as she started to look around with a small frown.

"I know you're there~ I can feel you looking you know?"

I shivered but not due to fear. That smile. That damn smile. I turned my invisibility off but used [Alter Self] first. I made my horns a bit longer, truly resembling Roygun Belphegor's, my hair became a bit longer and jet black, my skin turned paler, the nails on my fingers sharpened, my fangs grew a bit longer, and a tail sprouted from my lower back, right where the tailbone was. Lastly, I changed the coloring of my eyes, my sclera that was previously white turned fiery orange, my iris disappeared and turned into the same color, and my pupil into black slits, like a snake's.

Both girls saw me and had different reactions. The girl that had a knife going through her stomach had a look that said "Please, save me!". I didn't need to use [Detect Thoughts] to know. While the girl who stabbed the other one...

'Oh my god... He's so handsome!'

'Oh no~ he's hot too...'

'Is he here to help my best friend or for some other reason?'

'He looks like a demon? Devil? What was it again?'

'Should I ask him to be my boyfriend?'

Huh... Checks out. I walked towards them but I guessed the stabby girl thought that I was going to attack her so she bent down and took another knife from her socks. She lowered her body and tried to stab me.




(3rd POV)

The light-dirty-blonde-haired girl ran forward and stabbed the young man in the stomach. The young man didn't show any reaction to it. The girl tried to move back, twist the knife, and headbutt the guy, but her body couldn't move. The young man let out a "tchu, tchu, tchu" As he pulled the knife out, his wounds visibly healed at astonishing speed. With the knife in his hand, the young man looked at it as his blood dripped from it.

He... licked his own blood off the knife while staring into the eyes of the girl in front of him.

In a somewhat deep, manly, and pleasing voice, the young man spoke.

"If you wanted a taste, you could've just asked, my dear~"

The young man then showed his neck to her, causing her eyes to go wide. With his arms spread out openly, he called out to her.


The hold on her disappeared as she quickly ran to him and bit his neck. As blood started to come out due to her long fangs, she started licking the blood off. Her face showed ecstasy, a full-on blush on her cheeks.

He carried her as she practically threw herself and wrapped her arms and legs around him.

The other girl that was dying due to blood loss looked at them in horror. Suddenly, she met the young man's eyes. Fear showed in hers as the young man's tail elongated. It stabbed through her heart in a split second, killing her instantly.

The young man started to levitate in the sky as he carried the still greedy blood-licking girl in his arms. Suddenly, they vanished into thin air, like they weren't even there to begin with.

(A-Note: As you can see, the MC has a screw loose. Why do you think he was able to do what he did in the first chapter? I didn't say he was a good guy.)