



The two of them spent the night together, laying down on Himiko's bed while getting to know each other a bit more. When Haru would mention his "girlfriends", he would cast [Detect Thoughts] on her, revealing her thoughts on the matter.


'How dare they?!'

'Should I kill them?!'

'Haru~ would be sad though... he sounds like he likes their company.'

'What do I do?!?!'

MOVING ON, Haru decided to go back home when he only had 1 hour left before he has to go to school. Himiko was sad and a bit scared of him not coming back but Haru gave her a few pets so she won't get lonely... Then, he promised to come back later as he has a plan for her now that a little bird told him about the base of some people he would like to kill. Before going, Himiko drank? some of his blood, finishing with a kiss on the cheek.



"Are you still sleepy, Haru?"

Kinoko asked with concern as they rode the train.

"Yeah, couldn't get much sleep last night. I'm fine though."

Haru responded and patted her head. Kinoko was still concerned but let it go as he said he was fine.

They reached the gates of the U.A High School in a few minutes. Seeing the reporters, Haru knew that this would be the day when creepy hands guy would break-in. Silently summoning Orion, he told it to bring a bunch of its friends and follow the decaying, man-child later on. Orion was invisible thanks to Haru's spell while it nodded its head. It flew away, telepathically talking to its fellow summons.

Deciding to not deal with this... mess so early in the morning, Haru cast [Invisibility] on himself and Kinoko. She was a bit surprised but was thankful as they pushed through the confused reporters. Before entering though, Haru canceled the spell and walked through the gate, much to the astonishment of the reporters who saw him and Kinoko appearing from thin air.


When Haru was heading to his classroom, he saw an absentminded Jiro walking just a few meters behind him. Using [Detect Thoughts] he learned that she overheard his and Toru's flirting. Hiding a smirk, he stopped walking and stood on the spot, resulting in Jiro bumping into him and falling to the ground.

"Ow! That hurt- Torino-san?!"

"I'm sorry, Jiro-san."

Haru apologized as he reached his hand out to her. Jiro hesitated but still took his hand to stand up. She immediately blushed however as she remembered the events yesterday.

"So... Why were you spacing out in the middle of the hallway, Jiro-san? Hmm, Why are you blushing? Don't tell me you were thinking of something naughty~"

Flinching at his words, she retorted.

"Tse! I'm not a pervert like you and-"

Immediately stopping herself, she looked at Haru who was walking beside her. He had a teasing smile on his face that made her mad and embarrassed.

"Ehhhh~ I didn't know you were an eavesdropper, Jiro-san?"

"I-I'm not! I-I just overheard you guys!"

"Sure, sure~ Whatever helps you sleep at night."

She blushed at his words. Jiro couldn't sleep immediately last night as she was thinking of their perverted conversation. Decided to stop teasing her, Haru talked about other things, making Jiro a bit more comfortable.

When they reached class, a few of their classmates were already there. They entered while talking to each other which made a certain black-haired girl squint her eyes for a second before returning to normal. An invisible girl also did the same but shook her head a few seconds after.

They separated and walked to their chairs while saying good morning to everyone.

Mina immediately went to Jiro and asked

"Hey, hey! What was that?!"

Jiro looked at her in confusion.

"What was what? Did I miss anything?"

"You?! Ugh... You and Haru-kun! You guys looked like you were flirting!"

Blushing at her words that were technically true, Jiro began to wave both her hands in a dismissing manner.

"What?! No, no, no, no! We were just talking about random things!"

Haru who was listening to them saw Mina and Jiro both glance at him. Smirking, he sent a wink to Jiro causing the girl to blush. Seeing that, Mina started pestering Jiro more.

"Hmmm... So you're harem plan is already starting, Haru-kun?"

"I don't know what you're talking about~"

He said back to Momo beside him. She gave him a side glance before she continued reading the book in her hand.

Todoroki heard them and raised an eyebrow at Haru who shrugged and said

"I don't know what she's talking about."

The half-hot half-cold user nodded and asked

"Do you have more of those berries?"

A bit surprised, Haru nodded and reached into his bag while casting [Goodberry]. Using [Mage Hand], Haru gave the 10 berries to Todoroki who said thank you.

'Hmmm... Weird. Shouldn't he be a bit more, I don't know, cold? Maybe it's because the berries taste so good.'

Haru was correct. Todoroki is still very cold towards everyone but the berries taste so good that he remembered them while eating dinner last night.

Seeing Momo eyeing the berries, Haru decided to give her some. She happily thank her best friend. Momo ate them like a rich girl, being all fancy. More of their classmates started arriving, including Bakugo, who was shockingly quiet. He just looked menacingly at Haru and tsked.

'Hoh? Interesting. He mellowed out fast.'

Haru thought in his mind.

Homeroom soon started with Aizawa saying a few things before reprimanding Bakugo.

"Hope you're rested from yesterday's battle trial."

The "not dry-eyed anymore" teacher said as he plop down a stack of papers on his desk before continuing.

"I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation."

Then he looked at Bakugo.

"Bakugo. Stop acting like a 7-year-old. You're wasting your own talent."

The Great Explosion Murder looked down with a pissed-off expression.

"Tch! I know..."

"And you. Are you always planning to destroy your arm, Midoriya?"

Aizawa looked at the broccoli behind the dandelion and asked.

"If you keep going "I can't adjust my quirk so I have no choice" you'll never get far. I've said it before. Don't make me say it a third time. Once you've cleared that hurdle, you'll be more flexible, so I need to see some sweat out of you Midoriya."


Answered the vegetable.

Aizawa looked at his students with a serious expression, causing them to get tense. However, the teacher saw a student in the back with an expression not befitting for said student. Looking closely at him, Aizawa can see that not a single muscle on the student's face is moving, his eyes were just staring at the board. With a tick mark on his forehead, Aizawa took a piece of chalk and flicked it towards the student. Unsurprisingly, for Aizawa at least, the image of the student dissipated revealing a sleeping Haru.

Suddenly, a small lizard climbed up to Aizawa's desk with a piece of paper in its mouth, which it promptly dropped once Aizawa has seen it. Disappearing into a puff, the erasing hero/teacher glanced at the sleeping Haru while reading what was on the paper.

{Aizawa-sensei, I apologize in advance. You see, last night, I managed to further strengthen my quirk, resulting in me sleeping right now. Please allow me to sleep some more as I don't have any plans to become class president.

PS. I'm cashing in that favor.}

Aizawa's eyes twitched a few times before he sighed and ignored Haru. After this, he doesn't owe the kid anymore. He was however a bit suspicious of how he knew that they were picking a Class President today.

Sighing again, Aizawa started to talk again, much to the astonishment of the other not-so-perceptive students who didn't catch Aizawa's expression earlier.

"Now, let's get on with the homeroom notices, I'm sorry to have to spring this on you all but,"

The students got tensed again.

'What now?! Another Pop Test?!?'

They thought before Aizawa said

"We need to pick a Class President"


They shouted at the same time except for a few. Chaos started as they started nominating themselves.

A few moments later, Iida started his bit about deciding it by voting. Aizawa agreed as he joined Haru in the dreamworld inside his sleeping bag. After a few minutes, the voting was done. Haru got 2 votes with Momo getting 3.

"HAH?!!? who voted for this... gigolo?!?!"

Shouted Bakugo as he pointed at the sleeping Haru.

'Hehehe~' Giggled Momo while a certain Auburn brown hair girl whistled while looking at the ceiling.

When homeroom was done, Aizawa ordered Momo to wake Haru up before the next teacher arrives. Haru was so shocked seeing he was the Vice-President and started to look at everyone with suspicion.

"Who?! Once I learn who voted for me, I'll smack you both in the face. Don't matter if you're one or both of you are girls, I believe in gender equality like an idol of mine..."

Once again, a certain auburn brown-haired girl started whistling while Momo shrugged.

Haru glanced at Momo with an accusing look. He also saw Ochako whistling as she looked at the ceiling. Confirming that it was them, he sent two [Mage Hand]s and slapped their backs, not their asses, but backs. It caused Ochako to yelp but when she was asked by Tsu if anything was wrong, she acted as if nothing happened. Momo returned it though, well, she tried but couldn't hit Haru.


It was now lunchtime, everyone was in Lunch Rush's Cafeteria eating and chatting with each other. Haru was sitting with Momo, Toru, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo. The same people he ate with yesterday. Deku's table was right next to them so they heard about Iida's rich family and brother. Bakugo looked like he wanted to say something when the alarms blared off. A loud sound of a siren sounded on all of campus.


Haru sighed while the others showed a serious and somewhat scared expression.

Iida shouted to one of the students running asking what does security level 3 mean. Once the dude explained, everyone stood up and was about to follow before they saw Haru still eating as if nothing happened.

"Oy, playboy! What the hell are you doing?!?"

Shouted the dandelion at the playboy.

"Uhh... Eating? Don't worry about it!"

Replied Haru as he gave Bakugo a look that said "are you blind?"


"What do you mean?"

Todoroki asked as he looked at the panicking students rushing out to the hallway while Bakugo was being held back by Kirishima.


Haru started counting down, confusing them.

"Haru-kun? What are you-"


Then, the sound of Iida shouting as he floated reached them from the hallway telling everyone to calm down as it was only the press. Haru winked at Momo who was about to ask him what he was counting down for before she was cut off. Haru looked at Kinoko's seat and saw that she listened to him when he sent her a [Message] that everything was fine. It seemed that some of her friends and classmates listened to her and stayed.

With that, everybody calmed down and ate while Haru received a telepathic message from Orion telling him that a spider of his hid in Shigaraki's back as he decayed the gates of U.A, essentially finding their base of operations.

Deciding to let his "friends" know about the destroyed gate for fun, Haru showed them a picture of the gates using [Minor Illusion].

"The gates were... melted? Looks like some dude has balls of steel attacking U.A"

The two girls at the table gasped while Kirishima was wide-eyed, Todoroki squinted his eyes while Bakugo glared at the illusion.

"How do you have... never mind."

Haru was going to respond "Magic" but Toru stopped her question as she guessed his answer.

"Tch! Fucking Idiots!"

Bakugo cursed whoever eroded the gates.

"Damn! Weren't the villains scared of All Might?! It was all over the news so they should know he works here."

Kirishima said as he looked at the others.

Todoroki was silent together with Momo.

"I dunno. They probably had a plan of some sort. It's not our problem right now. The teachers and Pro Heroes will deal with it... probably."


