Chapter 2 Scars

Jack nodded and walked over to open the curtain of the window so that the night view outside could be seen.

Outside the hotel suite, Xena was walking down the fire passage on the eighth floor, supporting her tired and sore body.

Her shoulders were trembling. She was afraid that she would be caught again, so she could only take the stairs to ensure her safety.

Every step she took, she felt so painful between her legs that she kept crying.

Xena couldn't imagine that her good intentions caused her to lose her virginity!

What was more ridiculous was that she didn't even know what that person looked like!

Damn it!

Xena took a deep breath and cursed the masked man in her mind for eighteen generations.

If it weren't for her brother's sensitive identity, she should have called the police just now!

Xena looked down at her discomfiture, with a touch of sadness in her eyes.

If her brother saw her like this, that bastard would be killed by her brother!

However, her brother had done so much for her. Xena didn't want to implicate him anymore!

Seeing the door was in sight, Xena shrugged her tired shoulder, pushed the door, and walked out.

It was still drizzling outside, and the cold wind made Xena wrap herself tightly subconsciously.


The sound of something heavy falling on the ground was heard all of a sudden. Less than a meter away from Xena, blood splashed all over the ground.

Even Xena's elk mask was splashed with terrifying blood.

Looking at the face so similar to her lying in a pool of blood, Xena was shocked.


How could this be? Why should this be?

She was so crazy that she wanted to rush up, but her two legs were too soft to support her tired body.

She was in a coma.

At the moment of falling into a coma, Xena saw the curtain of a French window slowly closing on the eighth floor of the hotel.

It was so far away that she vaguely saw a man in a suit...

When Xena woke up, she found herself lying on the hospital bed.

She didn't have time to check her condition. She quickly lifted the quilt and was about to rush out of the ward to ask the doctor about her brother's recent situation.

He fell from such a high floor, he must be in a very critical condition!

Before Xena ran out of the ward, her stepmother, Ke Xinlan, and her father, Xu Nianyuan walked in with a frown.

"Auntie, Dad, my brother..."

Before Xena could finish his words, Ke Xinlan shook her head carelessly. "Your brother is seriously injured. We have transferred him to a foreign hospital for treatment!"

"Then I'll fly over to take care of him!" Tears streamed down Xena's face and she hurried out of the room.

"Clap!" A loud slap was heard, followed by a roar of Xu Nianyuan, "Your brother is not going to die! Stay in Jing City and don't go anywhere. You have something else to do!"

Five fingerprints instantly appeared on Xena's face, but she didn't cry. Instead, she covered her face stubbornly and said, "Dad, my brother fell from such a high upstairs, and I didn't even see his face. Tell me, he won't die! Is he your biological son or not?"

"Cut the crap. I have my plans for your brother. If you dare to step out of the Jing City, I promise you will never see your brother again!"

After saying that, he went out directly.

Looking at Xena from head to toe with disdain, Ke Xinlan said in a strange tone, "TSK, TSK, TSK, TSK. Your body is black and blue. Have you been raped?"

Xena's face turned pale and Ke Xinlan walked out of the hospital in high heels.

By the time Xena walked out of the hospital, Xu Nianyuan had already driven away.

She had already been used to his indifference. She took a taxi back to the Xu family in the villa district.

Before she entered the room, she heard Qian's voice, which was eight degrees higher, "No, I don't want to marry that cripple! Let Xena marry him!"

"Hush, hush, my good girl," said Xu Nianyuan, who was comforting Qian gently in a tone that she had never heard of before. "He mentioned the eldest daughter of the Xu family, and you are two months older than she. This..."

"What?" Ke Xinlan's voice sounded full of disdain, "Qian is your child, right? Who knows whose bastard Xena is? You don't think for your own daughter, are you out of your mind? The third child of the Ye family is lame. Do you want to destroy Qian's happiness all her life?"

Xena, who was standing outside the door, seemed to be struck by a bolt from the blue. Her legs went limp and she leaned against the door.

What were they talking about just now?

What did she mean by saying that Qian was his own child?