Chapter 12 Keep an Eye on Your Woman

When Xena who had changed her clothes, came downstairs, he saw her in a daze for two seconds, "Humph, you seduce men at any time!"

Xena was stunned, she didn't know what was wrong with him again.

But Ye Sheng hooked his finger at her, "Cover your bare back with a shawl. Don't pretend to be hungry!"

Such accusation made Xena at a loss, the suit was given to her by him!

When Xena put on the shawl, he still looked at her with dissatisfaction.

This woman knew how to use her good appearance to attract attention.

He suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have agreed to go back to her house with her.

Lest this goblin go around setting fires and stirring up restless eyes!

After Xena put on her shawl, she looked at him and asked, "Mr. Ye, can we go now?"

With a snort, he shook the wheelchair and left first.

Xena caught up with him, got into the car and sat on the right side of him.

The driver drove the car away. On the way, Ye Sheng's face darkened, making the atmosphere in the car very serious.

Since he didn't say anything, Xena didn't want to embarrass herself, she lowered her head and kept silent.

In such a depressing atmosphere, the lengthened luxury car galloped all the way and soon stopped in front of the door of the Xu family.

As soon as the car stopped, the reporters who had been waiting here swarmed up and took photos.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you have been hiding on a lonely island since the fire last time. How are you doing now?"

"Mr. Ye, is the marriage between you and the Xu family to fulfill your promise? Even if Xu Nianyuan once bullied you in business?"

"Mr. Ye, please allow us to interview the bride. You must have a good time these two days, right?"

Facing the cameras shining outside, he suddenly held Xena's hand and said, "Smile to me."

Xena knew that he didn't want others to know what was going on between them, he wanted to pretend that they had a good time.

But the illusion was fake after all, they were like strangers. What could they do to show their love?

It seemed that he had seen through her mind, he held her hand tighter and said, "Be closer. Don't pull a long face. Remember that you are my wife!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the luxury car's automatic door opened, and reporters flocked in.

"Miss Xu, could you please describe your marriage life with Mr. Ye? It must be very sweet, right?"

"Miss Xu's neck is covered with bruises. I think the couple must be glued to each other."

"Yes, girls are always shy. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Don't bother my wife anymore."

With a doting smile on his face, he put his arm around Xena's waist, which made the reporters take more pictures of him.

People who didn't know the truth would think that he loved Xena very much.

Only the insider, Xena felt sad. This was the value of her appearance today, which proved that the Xu family and the Gu family had reconciled and established a commercial marriage.

"All right, all right. Let my young master and young mistress in first."

"Yes, there will be a red packet to thank you later. Please follow me here!"

Jack and Jim asked the reporters to leave the luxury car, it was not until then that Xu Nianyuan and Ke Xinlan had the chance to come over, they smiled politely at Xena and said, "Xena, it's so nice of you to come home."

Xena only felt goose bumps on her back, but the reporters hadn't gone far, she knew that she couldn't spoil the plan.

With the help of the driver, she pushed Ye Sheng into the Xu family's house. The reporters in the distance took another picture of the scene.

After entering the door and completely blocking the reporters from the small newspapers, Ke Xinlan resumed her usual aggressiveness, "Xena, don't you think you are too arrogant? We have been waiting for you here for a full hour!"

Xena explained in a hurry, "We got stuck in a traffic jam and left the house early in the morning."

"A traffic jam. That's not the reason. If you wanted to, you should have arrived already!" Ke Xinlan looked at Xena and the boy in the wheelchair impolitely, "You should have gone out early since you know you can't move."

Ye Sheng's face darkened. He looked up at Xu Nianyuan and said, "We have finished what we should do. Xu Nianyuan, keep an eye on your woman. Don't let her challenge my patience!"

Although Ke Xinlan didn't know how deep she was, Xu Nianyuan didn't dare to offend Ye Sheng. He quickly bent down and nodded, "Okay, Mr. Ye. Don't lower yourself to the same level as her!"

Although Ke Xinlan was unruly, she was not stupid.

Seeing that Xu Nianyuan was so careful with Ye Sheng, she knew that she couldn't afford to offend him, she quickly smiled and apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye. I said something wrong just now. Please don't take it to heart."

Without saying a word, Ye Sheng looked up at Xena and asked, "When will we go back?"

"I..." Just as Xena was thinking about whether she should leave now, a familiar voice came from behind, "Oh, who are you? It's the young mistress from the Gu family."

Before Xena turned around, she knew it was Xu Qianqian who said that.

Only Xu Qianqian could speak in a tone as vitriolic as Ke Xinlan.

Xena turned around crossly, only to see a flash of greed in Xu Qianqian's eyes when she saw him.

To be honest, Ye Sheng did have outstanding facial features, if he wasn't sitting in a wheelchair now, he would have attracted many girls.

Obviously, Xu Qianqian had been bewitched by his facial features.

She walked over like an anthomaniac and flattered, "Mr. Ye, you're so handsome, if your legs weren't hurt, I would definitely marry you without hesitation!"

The look on Ye Sheng's face darkened again, and a disdainful sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, "So, is this the reason why you tampered with the date of birth and let Xena marry you instead?"

Ke Xinlan and Xu Qianqian didn't expect that their trick had been exposed by Ye Sheng, their faces turned pale in an instant.

He snorted coldly, but felt lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, he married Xena, although she was impure, it was better than facing the shallow and rude Xu Qianqian!

"Qianqian, what are you talking about?" Xu Nianyuan gave her a stern look, indicating her not to talk nonsense.

Ke Xinlan immediately apologized, "Mr. Ye, our Qianqian is not a scheming woman, she was straightforward. Please don't take it to heart."

"Humph!" Ye Sheng turned his head coldly and looked at Xu Nianyuan rudely, "Mr. Xu, your family is so weird."

Xu Nianyuan's face turned red, but he didn't dare to retort. He could only nod with a giggle.

"Mr. Ye, it's all our fault. Xena is spoiled by us, if she does anything wrong, please forgive her." However, Ke Xinlan began to discredit Xena, "She was liked by her male classmates at school and was often asked out to play."