Chapter 20 Return Them All

Although Gu Qingyan said something to cooperate with the servant, the look on her face was telling the truth.

Looking at the completely gloomy face of Gu Qingyan, the servant seemed to realize what she had done.

But she still held her chin high and straightened her waist, as if she had done nothing wrong.

With a sneer, Gu Qingyan waved at the butler.

"Take all of them back, except you."

All the servants' faces changed. They didn't expect that they would lose their jobs, because the people around them said inappropriate words.

"Miss, it has nothing to do with us. It's just her own idea. We really don't know."

"Yes, miss. We really thought that you had no plan for this morning, that's why we didn't come out to make breakfast."

"My lady, we dare not do that again. Please don't send us back."

Seeing the people around began to plead anxiously, the servant who had been stubborn swallowed and felt her lips dry.

She opened her mouth but didn't know what to say. With a wave of Gu Qingyan's hand, the noise around Gu Qingyan was suppressed again.

"I know you think I'm too arbitrary. After all, one person said something wrong just now. Not everyone did something wrong, but I have to return all of you. All of you should bear the consequences. It's too cruel."

There was a glimmer of hope raising in some servants' eyes as if they thought Gu Qingyan was about to change her mind. Suddenly, a cold smile appeared on Gu Qingyan's face, and malice could not be hidden in her eyes.

"But I have given you a chance before, haven't I? Did anyone come out when I asked you to cook in the living room? Not to mention someone came out to respond?"

Since Gu Qingyan was willing to release her goodwill, some people were unwilling to accept it. She'd better release her goodwill in the future!

"When I gave you a choice just now, did you make a good choice and think it over and over again? When she said those words, did anyone of you stand out to scold her?"

Looking at the group of flustered servants in front of her, Gu Qingyan stood up. Her height was about 1.7 meters, coupled with her arrogance and unattainable momentum, which made her like a queen sitting on the throne.

"So, all of you get out of here!"

Gu Qingyan had been doing exercises all year round. The most satisfying thing for her after she came to this body was her height, which allowed her to easily look down on others.

When Gu Qingyan saw the clear expressions on the servants' faces who thought they were hidden, she felt much better.

Gu Qingyan was always a vengeful person. She would treat others as they treated her.

"Oh, I almost forget. The two people who went shopping with you today can stay. Then the rest of them can go back!"

Looking at the trembling servants who were responsible for carrying things besides the butler, Gu Qingyan waved her hand, leaving them a way out.

The car arranged by the butler took all the servants away, and at the same time, the butler arranged for the remaining two servants to cook for Gu Qingyan. Then she stood in front of Gu Qingyan again, bowed her head, and admitted her mistake.

"Miss, it's also my fault that I didn't arrange everything for them last night, so..."

Before the butler could finish her words, she was stopped by Gu Qingyan from blaming herself.

"Although they are just servants and they have to obey their master's orders to do things, it's ridiculous to be too rigid and rigid. They are human beings, not a robot. They don't need you to always give orders and then take action."

Butler, who had been a little nervous, was deeply touched by Gu Qingnyan's words.

Just now, the overbearing behavior of Gu Qingyan almost made her think that Gu Qingyan was a tyrant who gave orders and forbade others.

But now it seemed that Gu Qingyan was not as cruel as she thought.

"Help me select a few servants by yourself, and the two servants in the kitchen. There are only seven or eight people in total. Find me a gardener. The garden outside needs to be renovated."

"By the way, you only need to clean the first floor. I'm the only one living on the second floor. I'll ask someone to do the cleaning by myself."

There were some important things in the room on the second floor. In order to prevent others from being frightened when they saw it, Gu Qingyan divided the activity area of others except her on the first floor.

Finally, Gu Qingyan had a hot lunch. After drinking the last mouthful of noodles soup, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Miss, I'm too busy today, so I only made some noodles for you. I'll cook other delicious food for you later."

One of the servants who went shopping with the butler this morning was the cook who was specially assigned by Ou Yangjue. That was why Gu Qingyan had the breakfast in time.

"It doesn't matter. I don't have many requirements for eating. I don't like sweet food and anything else that can be cooked. You can also cook causally."

As a person who had suffered a lot, Gu Qingyan was less picky about food.

"Sir, what's wrong with the servants? Why did they all come back?"

Seeing that Si Cenyue and Ou Yangjue came in in a hurry, as soon as Gu Qingyan was about to let them sit down and had some tea, she heard Ou Yangjue asking anxiously.

"They don't have any rules and they are not good, so I let them go back."

Hearing this explanation, there was a sign of relief in Si Cenyue's eyes.

"Why do you two suddenly come here? Do you two stick together every day?"

Seeing that the two of them were so close to each other, there was a hint of ridicule in Gu Qingyan's eyes.

This expression reminded Ouyang Jue of his promise yesterday. He patted his forehead gently and explained.

"I had a friend who had opened a new bar. The two of us went out for a drink there last night. This morning, before I woke up, I received a call from my family, saying that the servants I selected yesterday had been returned. I was so scared that I immediately asked someone to drive here."

The two of them had a drink last night. Although Si Cenyue didn't drink much, he was still worried about Ou Yangjue, so he asked his driver to drive here.

"These servants must have heard of my reputation before, so they were a little sloppy after coming here yesterday. I was too busy yesterday and didn't make any rules. They made a mess this morning. I just had my breakfast."

After explaining the cause and effect, Gu Qingyan waved her hand, telling them not to continue to worry about this kind of thing, and then took them to the second floor.

"I got some results from my fortunetelling a few days ago. Today I would like to discuss with you which thing we should start to deal with first."

Gu Qingyan put the things she had sorted out in front of Si Cenyue and Ou Yangjue, and stared at their reaction.

"What? How could it be?"