Chapter 54 See You After Work

"I'm full."

After eating a bowl of noodles, Xena threw down her chopsticks and was about to run away, she was afraid that she would be silly if she stayed with these guys for a long time.


"Who let you go?"

As soon as he took a step forward, a gloomy voice came.

Xena felt like her legs were filled with lead and she couldn't lift them at all.

"Well... It's late now. I haven't solved the company's affairs yet. I have to go back as soon as possible!"

"I'll be off duty in an hour!"

Ye Sheng looked up at his watch and stared at Xena like an idiot.

"According to the company rules, you can't be late or leave early. You have to go back even if you only have an hour!"

Xena said seriously, as if she was a young struggling woman.


"You guys talk first. I'm leaving!"

"Remember to wear a mask when you go out. Shame on you!"

Ye Sheng's cold words echoed in Xena's ears, accompanied by Song Haoran's wild laughter.