Chapter 64 Apologize

"Eight... Eight million?"

Xena immediately exclaimed, thinking that she was dreaming, and pinched her arm hard.

She didn't let go of herself until she felt so painful that she was sweating.

Looking at the bruise on her arm, Xena was sure that it was true.

"Is... Is it so easy?"

Xena collapsed on the windowsill like a deflated ball.

She was so anxious that she couldn't even sleep well. It only took him three seconds to solve the problem.

Why was the gap between them so big?

Just as Xena was sighing that the world was unfair, the next second a phone call came in.

Xena sat upright, cleared her throat and carefully pressed the answer button.

"Don't worry, Ye Sheng. I will remember your kindness. As the saying goes, a drop of water's kindness should be returned by a spring. From now on, you are my savior..."

"Shut up!"

Well-brewed emotions, directly interrupted by Ye Sheng, Xena once thought of Ye Sheng for her own solve big trouble, she still smiled and pursed her lips.