Chapter 71 We Are a Couple. Why Do You Make It So Clear

On the other side, after leaving the milk tea shop, Xena was going to find a place to have a meal.

After all, she hadn't eaten much for the whole day. Her stomach was not good, and now it was so painful that it was rolling over.

Before she could sit down, a black figure flashed in front of her.

She looked back subconsciously and saw Ye Sheng standing there with a long face.


Xena raised her thin lips slightly and said coldly, "I didn't expect you to be so capable!"

After a short pause, Xena said, "There are so many things you don't know waiting for you!"

"Oh..." Ye Sheng looked at Xena up and down with great interest.

Now he found that this woman was getting more and more beyond his imagination. Before long, she would give him a surprise.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to teach the Gu siblings a lesson, but he didn't expect that before he could make a move, Xena would have done it directly for him.